Try More Weights for a Smaller Size

Many people shy away from weight training when they want to slim down. They’re usually afraid of getting large, bulky muscles. But the truth is, weight lifting will actually make your body leaner.

The confusion may come from the fact that lean muscle actually does weigh more than fat, and when most people start a diet or exercise program, they’re looking to see the number on the scale go down. However, the benefit to gaining muscle is that it burns more calories than fat, which is why it’s such a great workout for slimming down.

Another benefit is that you can target specific problem areas, such as your legs, core, chest and back, or shoulders and arms.

Working out 3-4 times per week is plenty for a basic weight training program, but always be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any diet or exercise program.

Here are a few examples to get you started:

For each exercise, try doing 3 to 6 sets of 6 to 8 reps using 5-pound to 10-pound weights.

Front Squat
Stand with feet slightly apart (but not wider than hips) and a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand. Bend elbows so the dumbbells are at your shoulders. First, bend at the knees but keep your back straight, and lower yourself as if sitting on a bench (hips should be slightly below your knees). Next, keeping the dumbbells on your shoulder, return to a standing position.

Plank and Rotate
Lie on the floor in a plank position with a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand. Your feet should be apart, but only slightly wider than your hips. First, grasp the dumbbell and raise your left hand toward the ceiling, twisting your torso and rotating your pelvis as you raise your arm. Next, lower your arm back to the starting position. Repeat these steps with your right arm to complete 1 set.

Chest and Back
Floor Press (chest)
Lie on your back with a dumbbell in each hand, and place both feet flat on the floor. Your arms should be bent with the dumbbells near your shoulders and your elbows resting on the floor. First, straighten your arms, pushing the dumbbells toward the ceiling. Next, bring your arms back down, returning to the starting position.

Bent Over Row (back)
Stand with feet slightly apart and two dumbbells on the floor just in front of your feet. First, bend at the waist (keeping your back flat) and grasp the dumbbells (one in each hand). Next, with your upper body remaining bent forward, lift the dumbbells upward until the upper arm is just beyond horizontal, and then lower them to the starting position.

Shoulders and Arms
Shoulder Press (shoulders)
Stand with your elbows bent and holding dumbbells at your shoulders. First, keeping your elbows tucked in and your shoulders relaxed, push weights upward, straightening your arms overhead. Next, lower your arms back to the starting position.

Incline Biceps Curls (arms)
Sit on a bench or sturdy chair with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms at your sides (keep palms facing inward). First, bend arms at the elbow, curling both dumbbells upward until they reach your bicep. Next, slowly return to the starting position.

Give it a try
If you’re ready to slim down for the summer months, it’s time to give weight training a try. Just remember to check with your doctor first, and always warm up before your workout and be sure to stay hydrated.

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Fitness Habits To Feel More Like 20 When You’re 60

Whether you’re in your twenties yourself or you are raising kids, it’s important to instill good fitness habits at this age as they will greatly improve chances of being healthy and fit later on in life. This sounds logical, but it is also based on research, where early twenty somethings were studied, and the ones who practiced good fitness habits were healthier later on in life. It doesn’t require that you go to the gym seven days a week, it just requires that you create a lifestyle that incorporates a few habits suggested by accredited fitness experts.


Both before and after you lift, run, jog, swim or do aerobics, you should stretch for three to five minutes. Stretch slowly, and breathe through the stretches.

Incorporate Weights Into Your Workout

This will give you strength, relieve stress and protect you from getting diabetes.

Don’t Plateau

This often happens with runners. You have to switch it up. Run some days, walk, jog or power walk other days, and hike swim or go to the gym in between.

Drink More Water

Caffeinated beverages don’t count. A fun strategy is to try having a glass of water every time you visit one of your social sites except you might end up drinking too much water. The goal is eight tall glasses of water a day.

Learn Proper Form

If you don’t, then you won’t get the full benefit of your workout, and you could injure yourself.

Rotate Running Shoes

Here it goes. You have just been handed a ticket to shop for and own multiple pairs of shoes. Why? Because it’s actual beneficial to your feet, ankles, and legs to rotate between your running shoes as long as they are all high quality shoes created for running. This is based on studies, where those who rotated shoes experienced less injuries related to running. So go out and shop for shoes that go with your running outfits or track suits.

Eat Post Workout

This is important to insure you have energy to function and that your muscles can fully benefit from the workout you just gave them. Your snack should include healthy sources of carbs and protein, such as a banana and a glass of milk or a handful of raisins and peanuts in their skins or a glass of low-fat chocolate milk.

Try all of The Exercise and Dance Classes Your Gym Offers

This will do one or two things. For one, you won’t get bored. If you have ever gone to a certain fitness class for a while, and it got to a point where half way through the class you just weren’t looking forward to the next thirty minutes, then rotating classes will keep you engaged and on your toes. Also, after checking out all of the different classes, you may just find a couple that you get hooked on, and these can ensure you stay in shape for the rest of your life.

Make Fitness a Part of Your Life

Look at fitting your fitness routine in just like making sure you eat a balanced meal. In fact, if you go out once or twice a week for dinner or lunch, set it up so that you workout, shower and get dressed up for your dine out. On other days, you can set it up so that you meet with friends to do something physically exerting such as hiking, working out at the gym or going swimming. However, and this really should have its own paragraph, one of the most important fitness habits is that you don’t wait for others to exercise, always plan to exercise by yourself, and if your friends join you, then consider it as an added bonus.

Protect Your Posture

Maintain your posture through a few yoga poses while stretching or a pilates routine a few days a week.

Have Rest Days

On these days, you can do something totally different like walking when you spent the day before doing aerobics or weight training. Swimming is another thing you can do on a day when you don’t go to the gym or go hiking.

Listen to Your Body

Always pay attention to new exercises and activities you start and stop and what your daily diet consists of. This will make it easier to pinpoint changes in how you feel or why you have gained or lost weight.

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Sitting disease

SItting DiseaseTim Cook, the CEO at Apple, reportedly said yesterday at a conference that “a lot of doctors believe sitting is the new cancer.” And people still wonder why standing desks were innovated? Here is the reason why; Tim Cook, CEO at Apple, reportedly announced at a conference that several doctors believe sitting is like the new cancer. Not only is sitting the new disease, but is also related to the increased cancer risks.

Sitting disease is on the rise and is associated with myriads of health issues regardless of whether you workout or not. Another ensuing research revealed that the inactive lifestyle can distraught an individual’s mental health, breathing, and also increase risk of cancer. However, are these assumptions about sitting disease true or false?

Marc Hamilton, Ph.D. professor at the Inactivity Physiology Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, who has decades of experience in conducting researches of the effects of inactivity on the body, claims that he has conducted over 1,000 studies on the sitting disease since the year 2004. Mr. Hamilton compares the sitting cancer to smoking habits. He says that people used to smoke without knowing its health risks.

According to Marc’s research, sitting too much does not compare to very minimal exercise. He believes that every hour of the day is very significant to human physiology; therefore you can not only depend on the few hours you exercise. Marc’s most recent research indicates that the most inactive people have two times probability of contracting diseases such as diabetes, compared to the most active people throughout the day. The risk is even higher than people who consume a lot of sugar.

The bottom line is, Tim Cook and the rest are simply trying to make people realize the danger they put themselves in when they spend the better part of their day just seated- be it at home or in the office, and it is high time people start dealing with this issue. Exercise is great, but for some reasons such as enhances blood flow, builds muscle, slows aging and great health in general. Light activity on the other hand is different from exercise, but it too has its benefits, which exercising cannot cater for.

Same case scenario; you can’t miss working out simply because you are eating healthy, or indulge in unhealthy eating simply because you work out. The good thing is that the problem has been discovered, and the next thing after establishing the problem factor is finding a way to solve it or manage it. Just like before when people used to smoke and weren’t aware of the dangers they were exposing themselves to. Now that people know what smoking can do to one’s health, those who still do are fully aware of the health problems they may likely incur as a result of smoking.

With the same mind set, we now know what the sitting cancer can do to oneself. So what do you do about it in order to avoid incurring diabetes or mental issues? The answer is simple; Stay active

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Stressed and gaining weight? How to avoid gaining weight from stress

Stress has been known to make people add weight through several ways. One of the ways is cortisol which is a stress hormone. When one is under stress, a fight response is triggered in the body causing a release of various hormones.

Our bodies react to stress as if we are harmed and we need to fight for our bodies. The body hereby experiences a burst of energy, shifts in metabolism, and blood flow changes amongst other changes during stress. If one remains in a prolonged state of chronic stress, the body general health is at risk. Excessive weight gain is one of those risks.

However, one can avoid weight gain through avoiding these habits:-

  1. Watch out for signs of stress e.g. anxiety and muscle tension. Research has shown that constantly thinking about a stressful event occurring in the future can cause one to eat more by increasing the levels of a hunger hormone called ghrelin. Therefore, people tend to eat more during these moments. People are advised to focus more on what they are doing at present rather than thinking about what happened long ago or what is going to happen in future. By understanding that one is getting stressed, one can be able to react accordingly.
  2. Emotional eating. Increased levels of hormone cortisol in the blood raises the crave for unhealthy food. The excessive nervous energy will cause one to eat more than they normally would. Many times people scour in the kitchen for a snack or munching on junk food due to stress but not really hunger. Social eating is a form of emotional eating whereby stressed people especially women tend to eat a nice meal in a group. Crying on friends shoulders over a couple of hot fudge sundaes, a plate of fried appetizers or a bowl of chips are all social forms of emotional eating.
  3. Avoid fast foods. Research has shown that stressed people are too busy to make healthy dinners at home and often opt to get fast foods in the nearest restaurant.
  4. Forgetting to eat. Amid an endless to-do list, people may be too busy to eat and this slows down the metabolism which makes one to eat much more in future. Low blood sugar level due to failure to eat makes work more difficult and stressful.
  5. Not getting enough sleep. Economising sleep causes weight gain by promoting unhealthy body metabolism. Acquiring enough sleep not only helps to deal with stress the next day, but also prevents the body from storing too much fat and boosting one’s self control.
  6. Poor food choice should be avoided. Under stressful state, one is likely to buy more fries at a supermarket according to Harvard research. People should make good shopping list before going shopping in order to make informed choices.
  7. Excessive caffeine has been blamed by researchers for causing weight gain and insulin complications. Coffee drinks are normally filled with sugar and creams which have quant some calories. Less than 5 cups of coffee are recommended per day to maintain weight.
  8. Reducing a workout time is likely to cause weight gain through increased anxiety and stress. A sweat session will burn calories needed to maintain steady weight despite stress.

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Low Carb Diet May Be the Way to Go

In the recent past, the principle of low carb diet has been trending in the area of weight loss. However, there has been a lot of conflicting information on nutrition and weight loss making it difficult for the average person to understand how it works and how to apply it.

In respect to that, we shall clear the air on the same by looking at some of the facts backed by pure science on how the human body actually metabolizes food.

The low carb approach

This approach has fetched high popularity due to several reasons. People have finally realized that the low fat/high carb approach that has been promoted for years doesn’t work very well. In fact, it not only leaves us fatter but it has been blamed for several illnesses and health complications.

Most Americans for instance are known of eating too much carbs and are deficient in the healthy dietary fats. With the new low carb approach, many of them are now cutting carbs and avoiding them completely. This is disastrous health wise.

In the past, people have tried the low carb approach and noticed significant weight loss. Scientifically, dieting on low carbs will reduce weight but not body fat. To explain this further, it’s vital to know that the human body holds 2.4gms of water for every gram of carbohydrates consumed. Lowering carb intake thereby means holding less water in the body but the fat content remains relatively high. As much as we go low carbs, the component should not be avoided completely.

Extremely low carb diets have been blamed for several health complications. A low carb diet depletes the muscles of glycogen leaving one with sluggishness after an active workout. The brain uses carbs for energy and thus the brain will not function properly with low carb diet.
French and Canadian researchers have found that consuming carbohydrate does not inhibit fat burning for individuals not exercising.

However, another researcher called Jeff Volek, a professor of nutrition argues that a low carb diet enhances the body’s ability to burn fat for fuel instead of glycogen-a byproduct of carbohydrate stored in the liver and muscles. According to professor Volek:-

  1. One should not be afraid in eating food such as chicken skin, marbled meat, butter, cream and saturated fat. All these are used as fuel but they are not stored as fat in the body. They don’t accumulate in the blood vessels.
  2. Scheduling of sweat days – these are the days in which the workout should help in burning out fat. Lifting heavyweights for around an hour helps to burn out fat in the body.
  3. Fighting soreness with omega 3-s. Research shows that taking a gram of fish oil every day may improve heart health, ease inflammation and relieve delayed muscle soreness after an exercise. Glucosamine and chon-droitin relieve achy joints if taken daily.
  4. Mastering of a low carb meal improves the body fitness. This is a mixture of mushrooms, sausage, cream, cheddar and brown meat in relative quantities.

Carbs are fine if consumed in small to moderate amounts and on days you do exercise, carbs are stored in the muscles and not as fat.

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Nutritious Foods That Will Make You Physically Fit

When it comes to being healthy, we all think about exercise. It helps in reducing weight loss, maintenance and prevents many diseases as well as increases the metabolism.

Healthy eating is often overlooked. To increase the fitness level, eating healthy will improve your fitness. Healthy eating and exercise work hand in hand.

Despite the many foods that have been taken to be physically fit in the recent past, there are certain foods that are indeed “super” and provide more nutrients than others. People who are not getting good results from gym workouts need to shake up their diets and think about the missing ingredients to register an improvement. Research has proved that the foods below makes one strong, revamps the metabolism and burns fat. Stocking up on these ingredients is thus quite essential.

Oatmeal. Research has shown that a daily consumption of a bowl of oatmeal lowers blood cholesterol because of its fibre content. Food and drug administration said that the food with a lot of oat bran reduces the risk of heart disease in combination with a low fat diet. This meal is recommended for athletes and weight trainers due to its high concentration in carbohydrates and water soluble fibre which stabilises blood glucose levels.

Raisins. These are good fruits for gaining weight in a healthy way. They contain glucose, fructose and a lot of potential energy. Athletes and bodybuilders who want to add on weight without accumulating unhealthy amount of cholesterol. They boost the diet further because they also have vitamins, amino acids and minerals. They also facilitates efficient consumption of other proteins and vitamins

Bananas. This fruit is known to reduce cancer tumour growth, prevent diarrhoea and heart health. They also boost the mood of athletes during training sessions.

Ginger. Its powder consists of essential nutrients that treat nausea caused by morning sickness, and chemotherapy. It has been known to reduce muscle pain by 20% and thus bodybuilders and athletes should take it.

Tart cherries. By sipping a juice, the cherries are loaded with vital nutrients. They provide a lot of calories and are good for heart health.

Turmeric. It is the main spice in the curry with a warm and bitter taste. They are known to reduce joint pains during training and workouts.

Eggs. Their yolk is rich in amino acids which restarts muscle repair. They have a lot of vitamins and calories that provide energy.

Whey protein. As a mixture of globular proteins, the liquid is a dietary supplement that improves muscle growth and movements in the body.

Salmon. Its meat is nutritious because it enhances muscle growth and strength

Pistachios. They have wholesome nutrition properties as they are good sources of protein, fats and minerals. They reduce post-workout hunger for athletes.

Beets. They provide fibre, vitamins, minerals and small fat amount that boost the cardiovascular health. For this reason, they reduce fatigue during workouts.

Soya beans. They consist of the highest amount of protein content amongst other plant products. It has 8 different amino acids and provides good fibre content for digestion. The beans have calcium which strengthens bones and joints.

By consuming the above foods in correct amounts, athletes and gym goers have no reason to fail in the achievement of their fitness goals.

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Are you ignoring ground workouts?

Nowadays, the average gym junkie never works out on the floor. Foam roaming is the furthest they will go to the ground. With all the fancy and sophisticated machines around, you may be wondering what the point is. However, experts in fitness field have argued that doing groundwork at the gym comes with a lot of benefits. Here are a few reasons why you should start to incorporate bodyweight exercises into your workouts.

Training on the floor reduces fall-related injuries.

This advantage is most overlooked. Every year, a large number of people die from falls. By doing groundwork, you reduce your chances of being seriously injured from a fall because you improve your ability to break the fall.

Gets the heart pumping.

Going down and getting up from the floor gets your heart pumping. You can also increase your pulse by adding a set of bird dogs. A combination of push-ups and kettle bell swings do improve the heart beat rate.

It keeps you youthful.

Research has shown that people with difficulties in lowering their bodies to the floor and rising back up are far more likely to die within the next 6 years than those who are able to do so comfortably. The ability to stand up with ease and without pain from the floor surface is a good indication of how physical fit one is. Physical strength, flexibility and coordination for all ages are good tests for physical fitness according to researchers.

Increase flexibility.

By working out using just the ground and your bodyweight, you naturally use a full range of motion. This ensures that your joints are moving freely, leading to improved postured and again reducing the risk of getting injured.

Keep thing fun and fresh

It’s really easy to get stuck doing the same workout routine of bench presses, squats, sit ups, lat pulls over and over again. That’s why groundwork can be extremely refreshing. Not only are there variations of exercises you can do, it gives your body a new challenge, working out different muscles that may be ignored. Moreover, it can help break the common gym plateau – and stops you from becoming bored.

Increase athleticism

Due to the use of compound movement’s i.e numerous joints and muscles are engaged in each move, bodyweight exercises can give you amazing results. For instance, doing compound exercises such as lunges and push-ups have been proven to increase performance and strength. Furthermore research shows that improved core strength gained through bodyweight exercises also increases your strength throughout the entire body

So next time you go to the gym, think twice about skipping groundwork. Give it a try and you see the fantastic results that come with doing groundwork!

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Essentials in Maximizing Your Pump

Many body building exercises are extremely fun and feel awesome when done in the gym. Many of the guys doing pec flys, curls and triceps kickbacks in the gym do not know the advantages that are attached to them. Their bodies acquire lots of mobility, stability and balance through these practices.

There are functional exercises which are designed to deliver that necessary imbalance in the body, making one more mobile and stable. Examples of these exercises are bear crawls and split squats which improve fitness. Gym goers generally find trainer recommended exercises tedious and boring as they don’t seem to pump their muscles as fast as they expect.

A fitness researcher came up with hybrid exercises that one needs to do in order to stay healthy and truly fit. As one gets a pump through these exercises, they feel awesome at the same time.

The following will improve the body fitness and muscle pumping:-

  1. Carbing up improves the muscle fitness. Carbohydrates should be taken before workouts because muscles need glycogen to provide a good pump. Glycogen provides energy during a workout and makes look big and full. Muscles will be flat despite extensive workouts without carbing up.
  2. Muscle contractions. Holding up the squeeze on the muscles forcefully during exercises are beneficial at the peak of each repetition. A repetition of 10-12 per set will show a good pump on the muscles.
  3. Superset training is a stack of repetitive exercise without a rest in between. It increases the blood flow to the working muscles. 3-4 supersets should provide lightning results.
  4. Drop set is a training exercise evoking almighty pumps. It enables more blood to flow into the muscle cells making them swell.
  5. A good motivation with music during a workout by increasing efforts. Bobbing the head to the right tempo and playlist will motivate the body to work harder.
  6. Shortening the rest period enables more blood to shoot into the muscle tissue, creating a general swollenness.
    There are several exercises that will increase the muscle pump. These are the kneeling triceps press down, flex arm hang leg lift, dumbbell pullover and Inverted row with hip thrust.
    However, there are several other ways to effectively pump up ones muscles.

Lastly, one should properly hydrate their muscles during work outs by taking 2-3 cups of water in the process. Curbing up is essential for muscle fullness as the tissues need energy provided by glycogen during the work outs. Superset training also ensures intense muscle pumps as it increases the level of blood flow.
If well followed and practiced you are guaranteed to achieve good results with bodybuilding and fitness.

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Re-start your Resolutions Today!

It is common for people to make New Year’s resolutions year in, year out. But the hard part is seeing those resolutions through. Hitting the gym or eating right is usually number two or three on the list right after quitting a bad habit or looking for a better career.

As the clock counts down to the New Year, each individual’s heart is filled with enthusiasm of starting a fresh and fulfilling the list that’s meant to impact their lives one way or another. But shortly after into the year, the days begin to turn into weeks, weeks into months and before you know it, another new year is fast approaching; the list is long forgotten.

You soon realize that nothing ever changes in your life. The great thing is that it is never too late to re-start those resolutions, no matter what time of year it is. So don’t thing about cancelling that gym membership or abandoning your diet plan just yet. They say that our worst enemy is ourselves. We agree to defeat even before the war has begun and become the first to beat on ourselves when something goes wrong.

Exercising and maintaining a diet plan has never been easy and the results don’t just occur overnight. Therefore, before you go so hard on yourself, first add ‘never give up no-matter what!’ to your list. Exercising and maintaining a healthy diet requires a lot of commitment, time and persistence from self.
Before you think of backing out, here are some pointers that will help you keep on track to achieving your resolutions.

1.Staying positive
Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial to obtaining the results you want. Telling yourself that ‘I am going to make it’ and believing exactly that is a great motivator to remaining focused on your regime. But don’t go rewarding yourself with a big slice of cake the moment you notice you’ve lost 2 pounds. Instead, keep at it to reap more fruit.

Designate a specified time for your gym sessions and also make a food timetable so that you ensure your diet is balanced or so that no food group is omitted in your diet.

3.Great company
Surround yourself with people who have the same aspirations as you. You’ll be able to motivate each other and also make sure you don’t miss any gym workout.

It is vital to remain fit and healthy for an extended healthy life. And once you start following through on your exercises and diet, the rest will fall in line. Picture this, when you’re healthy, you feel more confident and great about yourself, meaning that you are able to work more efficiently in your workplace hence more productivity, more income. It is like killing two birds with one stone.

No-one expects you to be an expert with the first try. Therefore, you need to start slow and start small. If it’s sit-ups and squats, start with 10-15 counts, then progress to 20-30 with time. The reason why most people give up the moment they’ve just begun is because they commence at a higher level than they should.

The more you exercise and diet, the easier it becomes with time and before you know it, it becomes a part of you. So if losing weight or becoming healthy is part of your resolution and has been for a while now, it is never too late to jump start on it. Start today!

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Healthy protein-rich meals you can prepare at home fast

We are constantly bombarded with information on health and eating clean. Nearly every article and book you read nowadays talks about healthy eating and healthy living. With the increase in obesity cases due to unhealthy lifestyles, most people are at risk of contracting chronic health diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and various other diseases related to poor health diets.

However, this doesn’t stop the majority from eating junk food.

The most common excuse people come up with for not eating healthy or exercising is because they have no time to prepare a healthy meal at home. We all live busy lives. We have jobs, children to pick up from school, laundry to wash, grass to be cut etc.

So the quickest option is to order take-out or buy processed foods (that we know is bad for our bodies) from supermarkets that don’t take much time to prepare, right?

Wrong! There are other that doesn’t take time a long time to prepare. For instance Quinoa; it is a seed that can be substituted for grain-based meals such as oatmeal, pasta, and rice. Quinoa contains a lot of carbs and protein.

The good thing about lean meat proteins such as boneless, skinless chicken breasts and ground turkey is that they can be purchased in bulk and can be used for used in a variety of recipes. You can also have it all cooked and store it in the freezer thereby eliminating the temptation to order Chinese. Lean ground turkey is low in fat and has high protein. You can choose to have turkey tacos prepared with cumin and onion then top it up with avocado.

Here are some examples of easy to prepare protein meals that take a short while to prepare (30 minutes max), which you can prepare yourself at home.

  1. Chicken, peppers and brown rice
    This dish is full of flavours and comes with the omission of dough, salt and fat. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare or less. The ingredients needed for this meal are chicken breasts, olive oil, garlic, brown rice, red bell pepper, yellow onions, low-sodium chicken broth, corn starch, mild curry powder, salt, and pepper.

  2. Quinoa and yogurt parfait
    This can make for a great breakfast meal, desert or snack during the day. The ingredients for this dish include quinoa, apple (Fuji or Cortland), ripe Anjou or Bartlett pear, Greek yogurt, Stevia in the raw and cinnamon.

  3. Florentine omelet sandwich
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; therefore you shouldn’t skip it simply because you don’t have time to prepare it. This meal takes about 5 minutes to cook and it also provides the energy one requires to kick-start the day. All that’s needed to prepare this dish are eggs, olive oil, frozen spinach, cottage cheese, salt, pepper, and toasted whole wheat bread.

You should never make up excuses especially when it comes to your own personal health. Eating healthily increases your life expectancy. And the way to ensure this is by preparing meals at home instead.
No more excuses for fast food takeaway!

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