
Berries are tiny, tasty, and tantalizingly colorful – and they’re also powerful allies for your health, protecting everything from your head to your heart. Berries are loaded with fiber, which helps you feel full and helps you eat less. Many berries are full of antioxidants, protecting your body against inflammation and free radicals, molecules that can damage cells and organs.

Here are 8 benefits of eating berries:

  • Berries can also keep you mentally sharp. A study showed that women who had the highest berry intake postponed cognitive decline by about two and a half years.
  • People who eat at least two servings of berries a week have a 25% less chance of developing Parkinson’s disease than their peers.
  • Berries can boost heart health. Reducing the risk of having a heart attack.
  • With their high fiber and liquid content, berries give us a sense of fullness – helping with weight control.
  • Berries can help fight high blood pressure.
  • Flavonoid-packed berries, such as blueberries and raspberries help fight cancer.
  • Berries’ antioxidants might be allies in the fight against the effects of age on the brain that might be behind changes leading to the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s.
  • Cranberries are the usually the best berry to help with urinary tract health.

Probably the most common berry choices in your fridge are strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. They are all excellent choices in added benefit to your health.

Strawberries – contain more vitamin C in a one-cup serving than one orange and are also high in folic acid.

Blueberries – contain 20 types of anthocyanin – antioxidants that give berries their blue-violet and red colors. Other berries contain only three or four types.

Blackberries, Raspberries and Boysenberries – each contains 8 grams of fiber in one cup – one third the daily recommended amount (25 grams).

Cranberries – not only combat urinary tract infections by preventing Escherichia coli bacteria from sticking to cells in the urinary tract, but they also are a natural probiotic, supporting healthy bacteria that grow in the gastrointestinal tract and aiding in digestion.

Berries are low in calories, high in fiber, and they contain vitamins and minerals your body needs to function normally. Add berries into your meals and snacks to get 5-6 servings a day – not only are they delicious, they are full of healthy benefits.

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Meatless Mondays – Is It Worth a Try?

You may have started to hear a new trend out there called Meatless Monday. There may be some validation to this new initiative. In 2003 Meatless Monday was restarted as a public health awareness program, and by 2009 has been gaining popularity with celebrities campaigning and supporting it. Meatless Monday is part of the Healthy Monday initiative. Healthy Monday encourages people to make healthier decisions at the start of every week.

It was started to be beneficial for the health of the planet, as well as the health of humans. It is about healthy, sustainable eating. It’s about reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It’s about doing what we can to slow down global warming and build a better future and planet. But on the other side of the coin, technology has become so much better in making food production greener. The beef industry’s carbon footprint has dropped 16% from 1977 to 2007. Its may not be that bad on the environment after all.

Eating too much meat is not good for our health. Reducing meat consumption (especially red, grilled and processed meats) can drastically reduce incidences of various cancers such as colon and prostate cancer. But, meat does have its many benefits as well. Meat contains very high amounts of protein, good for replenishing the body, upping the immune system, and building bones and lean muscle mass. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A and Iron. Meatless Monday is maybe a day to help you think about healthier eating.

There are many arguments that state going meatless is good for the environment and good for your health. But there are many arguments that state the opposite that eating meat is sustainable and offers many things that are good for your health. Be careful what you read, there are always two sides to the story. Make the decision for yourself, but do the research. On the bright side, eating more vegetables is never a bad thing.

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Healthy Picnic

When you think of picnics you think of delicious food, family, friends, outdoor activities. It’s a great way to get outside to enjoy the weather and get some exercise.Many conventional picnic foods really pack a punch when it comes to calories, fat, salt and sugar. But you don’t have to ditch the picnic all together. Instead, try streamlining your picnic basket with some healthier food alternatives.

Dessert at a picnic usually is sweets. But try the natural sweetness of fruit salad as a healthy twist. A combination of sweet fruits topped with coconut pieces or served with a fruit dip satisfies the sugar craving.

When it comes to drinks, opt for bottled water or juices. Sugar free flavor packets can be mixed into bottled water for a fruity drink if you don’t want to drink juice. If picnickers will be active, water offers better hydration than soda drinks.

A picnic doesn’t have to equate to a departure from a healthy eating regimen. Nutritious menu items can be managed even on the grill. Pre-planning can keep the menu more nutritious but just as delicious, not to mention simple and stress-free.

Try these top 10 Healthy Picnic Foods:

  1. Edamame
  2. Hummus and Pita
  3. Grilled Burgers
  4. Roast Chicken
  5. Whole Grain Sandwiches
  6. Tossed Salads
  7. Veggie Packed Pasta Salads
  8. Grilled Vegetables
  9. Angel Food Cake with Strawberries
  10. Fruit Kabobs

Picnics are also a great opportunity for physical activity. Add some healthy food options and you’re bound to have a great day.

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Good Morning

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. But it is true. In order to get the day off right, you need to kick start your body with energy. Studies have suggested that breakfast is perhaps the single most important meal of the day as everything else that follows builds on it. You’ve just gone approximately 8 hours without a meal. Breakfast provides the body with the energy to get going in the mornings. With the right ingredients, breakfast can help you achieve your health needs for the day. Yet, it is always the meal that is overlooked and ignored due to the morning rush to get out the door and to work or school.

Having a balanced breakfast that consists of 500 calories is a must. This will ensure that your body is satisfied enough to start your day and replenish what is lost during sleep. It should also include sufficient protein to nourish and build your muscles. Carbohydrates must also be enough to provide you energy to get you to lunch.

Having a cereal as part of your breakfast is a beneficial choice. The cereals available today are a lot healthier than those years ago. They contain added whole grains, calcium and vitamin D. They are intentionally made to have reduced sugar as well as lower amounts of calories. Electing to eat a good cereal in the morning allows you to consume less fat, less cholesterol and more fiber. As a result, improving your nutrient content in your body.

A high protein breakfast is also important for giving you energy and helping with weight loss. Extra protein at breakfast will help you feel fuller, longer preventing mindless snacking before lunch. This is because high protein foods take you longer to digest. The stomach empties more slowly and you will feel fuller longer and get hungrier later. Eating protein at breakfast will also reduce food cravings.

Here are some good breakfast ideas for a rushed morning:

  • Peanut butter and a banana
  • Almond butter and an apple
  • Low sugar protein bar
  • Protein smoothie with fruit and yogurt
  • Hardboiled egg and an orange
  • Greek yogurt, no sugar added
  • Turkey bacon and a pear

Breakfast can be seen to be related to your mood for the day. In studies, it was shown that breakfast eaters were more sociable, more alert, happier, better memory and cognitive function when comparison to those who remain hungry in the mornings. Studies of children who ate breakfast daily showed that these kids performed better at school, had better grades and had less tardiness and absenteeism from school.

If you begin your day with a nourishing and satisfying breakfast, you will be less likely to eat between meals and, in particular, to be drawn to high calorie, high sugar foods for energy. Breakfast is not only for those aiming to lose weight, it is vital for good health in general. In fact, eating breakfast is critical in preventing heart disease, avoiding obesity, and staving off diabetes.

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Calorie Cutter

Cutting your calorie intake daily will help you lose the extra weight you may be carrying around. In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories in a day through your activities than you consumed that day. If you’ve tried to accomplish this, you know it can be difficult. Dramatic changes to your diet may seem unreasonable, undoable and unfathomable. Simple every day choices, that really don’t change the menu too much can seem almost effortless but can make a big enough difference. Cutting 50 calories a day can equal a ½ a pound a month. Or try 100 calories a day to lose a full pound each month. That may not seem like much, but when you add exercise to that, it can make a huge difference in weight loss.

Here are 10 simple ways to cut calories:

  1. Invest in some good quality cooking utensils to help reduce the amount of fat needed in cooking. Try heavy non-stick frying pans and heavy baking tray.
  2. Throw away any high fat items and replace them with healthier low calorie options.
  3. Use cooking oil spray instead of pouring oil in the pan when frying or browning foods.
  4. Skip the butter. Use low calorie peanut butter or jam on toast or a light mayonnaise on your sandwiches instead.
  5. Grill, steam, bake or poach. Eliminate the frying as much as possible.
  6. Add natural seasonings to your foods. Try herbs, spices, citrus juices, vinegar and low calories sauces like Worcester and Soy.
  7. Make sure you have plenty of variety in your diet so that you don’t become bored and give into unhealthy cravings.
  8. Don’t shop when you’re hungry. If you feel hungry when you shop, you are more likely to give into temptation and buy something that is high in fat and calories to satisfy your immediate cravings.
  9. Eat smaller portions of high-fat foods (meats, cheeses) and larger portions of vegetables, salad, fruit and very low-fat protein foods (yogurt, skim milk).
  10. Stop drinking soda and juice. Choose water instead. Water is a great to help you feel full longer and helps curb your cravings.

Remember that slow and steady is the way to lose weight and keep it off. Using these simple calorie cutting ideas does not require you to drastically change your lifestyle. With healthy substitutions and cutting out a few things from our diet, we can make some big changes on our waist line. Talk to your dietician or personal trainer, they can get you on the right track as well and offer some other helpful suggestions. Get cutting!

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Going Alkaline

When foods are eaten and digested, they produce either an acidifying or alkalizing effect within the body. When more alkaline foods are consumed, the body can become slightly alkaline instead of acid. Ideally, the blood pH level should be between 7.35 and 7.45. Foods such as citrus fruits, soy products, raw fruits and vegetables, wild rice, almonds, and natural sweeteners (i.e. Stevia) are all good alkaline food choices.

It is believed that there are many benefits to shifting your eating patterns from acid to alkaline. When the body is kept slightly alkaline, it is less susceptible to disease. It is easier to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight level on an alkaline diet. Most people experience an increase in their energy level, as well as a lessening of anxiety and irritability once they begin eating more alkaline foods. Mucous production is decreased and nasal congestion is reduced, making it easier to breath. Allergies are frequently alleviated as a result of an alkaline diet. The body is also less susceptible to illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. Most of the people surveyed found they just feel better, when an increased sense of health and well-being, once they make a conscious effort to adhere to an alkaline diet.

Alkaline diets require one to follow a lifestyle completely opposite to the high protein low carb diets. The high protein diets may leave a person fatigued and tired and likely the weight will return as soon as the diet stops. With alkaline diets, this is not the case. The diets can be incorporated into a person’s way of life and within days the results start to show. An alkaline diet requires you to eat about 80% alkalizing foods so as to maintain the alkaline pH of the body to 7.4. High protein diets tend to make the pH of the body acidic as opposed to its natural alkaline tilt. It is thought that when the body pH becomes acidic it can attract illnesses and deplete your energy. An acidic pH also results in rapid degeneration of the cells in the human body. An alkaline state allows various body functions to be carried out smoothly and the immune system of the body stays strong. This type of diet is good for those people suffering from chronic diseases like arthritis, migraines, sinusitis and osteoporosis.

Alkaline diets constitute mostly of fruits and vegetables. Consuming a diet of approximately 70-80% of green vegetables and sweet fruits is the key to an alkaline diet. Lemons, melons, almonds, honey, olive oil are also high on the list of top alkaline foods. Meats and fats should be avoided. All foods that are acidifying like coffee, alcohol, meats and even certain vegetables like cooked spinach should not form more than 20% of your diet.

Try these alkaline rich foods:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Turnips
  • Collard greens
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Bok Choi
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Red Beets
  • Carrots
  • Lima Beans
  • Radish
  • Rutabaga
  • Egg Plant
  • Asparagus
  • Artichoke
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Peppers
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Spinach
  • Peas
  • Parsnips
  • Onions
  • Unripe bananas
  • Sour cherries
  • Fresh Coconut
  • Figs
  • Fresh Lemon and Lime

In order for an alkaline diet to work, you must condition yourself to adhere to the diet program. Like anything, you want to avoid unhealthy food and drinks. Make a list of alkaline foods versus acid foods and eat the 80% – 20% rule. Since an alkaline diet means avoiding alcohol and any other foods with high acidity, it also means that you will decrease the risk of developing diseases associated with unhealthy diet like diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Talk to your trainer to help you develop the best diet for you!

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It’s not just a topping on your oatmeal, Cinnamon has numerous health benefits. Cinnamon is one of the world’s oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its nutrition and health.. It contains unique health and healing properties which come from the active components in the essential oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant properties which has numerous health benefits. A little teaspoon of cinnamon can give your body a surprisingly high amount of nutrition benefits.

Cinnamon offers several mineral benefits such as manganese, iron and calcium. It also offers a healthy dose of vitamins C and K. And most surprisingly, a teaspoon of cinnamon contains over a gram of fiber.

Aside from being packed with powerful nutrients, cinnamon also has the ability to combat a wide array of digestive problems. Some of the health benefits from cinnamon are how it fights indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and upset stomach. The scientific and medical communities are beginning to see the benefits of cinnamon and it has recently been found to process anti-inflammatory effects. The health benefits of cinnamon do not stop with digestive health. In fact it is believed and now proven that cinnamon has a rather large effect on cholesterol as well as blood glucose levels.

A positive attribute for the health properties of cinnamon are that it may actually improve Type 2 diabetes as well as insulin resistance. Insulin sensitivity as well as naturally monitoring blood glucose levels are some of the strong health benefits from cinnamon that caused the justifiable attention after several studies. It only took a half of a teaspoon of cinnamon to get these results. If you improve your insulin resistance it can positively impact your health in a few ways. You may be able to lose some weight. You could also stand a much lesser risk of developing heart disease. Another finding from the studies was, alongside improved blood sugar levels, good improvements in triglycerides as well as blood pressure. Most notably the studies concluded that the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the study participants had dropped as well.

Here’s a List of Health Benefits from Cinnamon:

  1. Lower Cholesterol Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Fights Cancer
  4. Tooth Decay and Mouth Freshener
  5. Cures Respiratory Problems
  6. Brain Tonic
  7. Infections
  8. Eases menstruation cycles
  9. Birth Control
  10. Breastfeeding
  11. Reduces Arthritis Pain
  12. Digestive Tonic
  13. Reduces Urinary Tract Infections.
  14. Anti Clotting Actions
  15. Natural Food Preserver
  16. Headaches and Migraine
  17. Pimples and Blackheads
  18. Thinning of the Blood and Improves Blood Circulation
  19. Toning of tissue
  20. Muscle and Joint Pain Relief
  21. Immune System
  22. Itching

Cinnamon has ample health benefits as highlighted above that can be used to improve your health and boost your immune system. This is a great reason to keep some cinnamon in your cupboard and sprinkle it in your tea, coffee, over oatmeal or a sweet potato – it will do wonders for your health.

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Frozen Vs Fresh

We all know how important it is to include vegetables in our daily food intake. Is there a difference between fresh and frozen vegetables? Fresh vegetables are always a great choice, but frozen veggies are a great way to add vegetables to your meal when fresh just isn’t an option.Frozen vegetables can be a great way to add veggies to your meal, especially if you don’t have fresh vegetables on hand. A main advantage of using frozen items is the fact that you don’t have to worry about the foods spoiling in the fridge. Frozen ingredients will keep longer than fresh refrigerated foods, and the freezing process does not deplete the nutrition very much.

Also, fresh vegetables may not actually be as fresh as we think. By the time you bring some of these fresh vegetables home they have already lost a good deal of the vitamins that they once had. In order to reach your grocery store, many fresh vegetables have in fact spent a considerable amount of time in transit as well as time on the supermarket shelf. In reality true fresh vegetables would be those that you plant in your own garden or buy direct from the farmer. If you prepare these on the same day that you buy them then you would receive the maximum nutritional value.

Frozen vegetables are easy to keep on hand and inexpensive to purchase. A bag of frozen veggies can be stored in your freezer for long periods of time and can be a quick ingredient to add to any meal with ease. Frozen vegetables are more easily and cheaply available all year round unlike their fresh counterparts. Fresh produce may be limited and/or more expensive. Some vegetables are difficult to get in some areas or on a seasonal basis. Frozen vegetables can make these difficult-to-find fresh vegetables available when they otherwise may not be. This also gives more variety to your diet making eating healthier a tastier task. Frozen vegetables will remain consistent in both quality and price. This is great if you live in a place that is difficult to get around in the winter with icy road and or long distance driving.

Buying frozen will not only save you some money, but time as well. A bag of frozen carrots will only involve cooking them by steaming, microwaving or boiling them for a short period of time. It becomes fast and easy to add vegetables to your meal and may encourage you to add more vegetables to your meals rather than skipping them all together for convenience. Fresh carrots require you to peel, clean, cut/dice and then cook. Cooking time will also be a bit longer for fresh vegetables.

To keep the most amount of nutrition in the frozen vegetable, they must be prepared carefully. Over boiling is one of the most common mistakes that can actually occur with fresh or frozen. Also, ensure when you are purchasing frozen vegetables that the listed ingredients are only the vegetable itself.

Stock up on vegetables, buying frozen will last longer and will be one less thing you have to buy on a regular basis. The ease and convenience of frozen vegetables will make eating healthier more enticing. There tends to be an attitude that the fresh vegetables in the store aisle are better, but frozen vegetables are healthy, can provide more variety and are convenient for those with busy schedules. Don’t skip out on your daily veggie intake when they can be so easy to add to your meals.

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Mutant Food

Genetically Modified Foods or Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are laboratory creations of agricultural biotechnology engineered by inserting DNA from a foreign species into plants or animals. Genetically modifying food sources can make them bigger, stronger and more nutritious. Changing genes in plants can protect them against disease. It can also help them survive when exposed to herbicides and insects. However, the foreign DNA may be from a virus, bacteria such as E. coli, insects, animals or humans, resulting in traits that would not occur naturally.

About 70% of all processed foods on supermarket shelves contain at least one genetically engineered ingredient. Studies have shown GMOs cause infertility, birth defects, accelerated aging, dysfunctional insulin regulation, changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system, cancer, and immune problems such as asthma, allergies, and inflammation. As a result, some agencies have called for a moratorium on GMOs.

The 4 most genetically modified organisms in the U.S. are soy, canola, cotton and corn, with soy, cotton and canola at a rate of 93% production in the U.S.

How can you avoid Genetically Modified Foods?

  1. Buy foods labeled 100% Organic.
  2. Look for labels that say non-GM or GMO-free.
  3. Buy whole, fresh foods rather than processed ones.
  4. Know which foods are likely to have been a result of genetic engineering (corn, soybeans,
  5. Buy 100% fruit juices.
  6. Buy meat that is 100% grass-fed.
  7. Buy your meat and produce at the local farmers’ market.

Choosing 100% organic foods is the best option when shopping at your local grocery store. There are no laws forcing companies to label their food as being genetically modified.

It is up to us as consumers to recognize this potentially dangerous problem and take precautions to insure that we are not placed at risk by this genetic engineering of our food supply. It only takes a small percentage of people who refuse to buy genetically modified foods to effect a change at the of the largest food companies. When major food business begins to see that offering GMOs does not pay, they will begin to pull these dangerous foods off the shelves, or at least begin to clearly label foods that have been modified in some way. It is our option to choose what we want to eat, but we need all the proper information in order to make the right choice. They do say, we are what we eat. Make sure you are 100% natural.

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Supplements for Women

Women today find themselves bombarded with all types of daily stress. The stress to be wife, mother, breadwinner, and so much more, leads many women to ignore their diets and put themselves in nutritional danger. Many ladies face the dangers of heart disease, cancer, joint problems, and a myriad of other problems mainly because they are not getting the right foods to help keep up with the demands of their lives. Even those that do eat right may not be getting enough nutrients because of the highly processed and refined foods that make up so much of the Western diet these days. Taking supplements either in individual form or combined into multivitamins can take some of the stress out of your life.

The top supplements that women should take are:

A Quality Multivitamin – A high quality multivitamin that includes iron is the number one best supplement for a busy woman. It will provide most of the vitamins and minerals you need to protect yourself from the stresses of daily life. Make sure you choose a quality manufacturer where the source of the nutrients can be researched. You also want to find a vitamin that does not cause you gastric upset and is easily digested.

Omega-3 Fish Oil – Because of the high level of stress most women of today are under, the next supplement that is important are omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil and contain EPA and DHA which are two building blocks for brain and heart health. Fish oil helps to reduce heart disease, lower triglycerides, control blood pressure, reduce chronic inflammation (which leads to many disease and has been linked to breast cancer), reduce memory loss, fight age related macular degeneration, and lessen episodes of depression. Fish oil is almost a miracle supplement for women. It is suggested that you take 1-3 grams of fish oil per day to gain the maximum benefit.

Calcium Citrate – Women suffer from bone loss and age related osteoporosis more than men. Taking calcium can help to stop this trend. Taking calcium citrate every day not only helps to control bone loss, but can also cut down on the physical and mental stress of your menstrual cycle.

Vitamin D – Getting a sufficient quantity of vitamin D in your diet is difficult so taking a supplement is your best bet. Vitamin D will help to fight many of the cancers such as breast, ovarian, and colon cancer.

Iron – Women who do not get enough iron can suffer from anemia, fatigue, headaches and paleness. During menstruation, a woman loses iron as well. Too much iron can be harmful, so ask your doctor what the best dose will be for you.

Magnesium – Magnesium can be very beneficial to women. Magnesium can help with PMS by decreasing premenstrual cramps and emotional upset due to hormonal changes.

The right balance of health, diet, fitness and supplements will aid in maintaining a healthy lifestyle in women.

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