Quinoa–A Great Super Food!

For breakfast, lunch or dinner, quinoa is a healthy option to add to your diet. Quinoa is a seed grain that has been cultivated in the Andean region for over 7,000 years and was considered sacred by the Inca Empire. It was later replaced almost completely by cereals such as barley, wheat and corn.

I consider quinoa  a “superfood” because it is a complete protein, and it’s packed with fiber and other good stuff. Quinoa is a slow releasing carbohydrate that gives you a full feeling for a long time.  This is ideal for weight control and to maintain adequate blood sugar levels. It is a complete protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids, and includes lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair.

A cup of quinoa contains about 8 grams of protein, about twice that of other grains. Quinoa is a very good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus, making it especially valuable for persons which migraine headaches, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. It is a good source of riboflavin, which is necessary for energy productions within cells. Quinoa is gluten-free and is a great source of fiber.

Cooking with quinoa is simple and is just like cooking rice. The most basic method of cooking quinoa is to boil it in water and simmer for 10-12 minutes. You need 1 measure of quinoa to 2 measures of water. All the water will be absorbed by the quinoa. Some quinoa has a coating of bitter tasting saponins. In that case, you need to pre-rinse the quinoa to remove this coating before cooking.  Once you have cooked the quinoa you can add it as a base for meat dishes instead of rice. You can also include it in salads and soups. I recently used it in Minestrone soup in place of pasta. It will take on the flavor of the foods you cook with and adds its own little bite to the taste.

Another way of incorporating quinoa in your meals is in the form of quinoa flour. Quinoa flour has a pleasant, nutty taste. It makes delicious bread, muffins, pasta, pancakes and more. When using quinoa flour in baking, substitute half the amount of all-purpose flour with quinoa flour, and then use all-purpose flour for the remaining half. Depending on the taste you are looking for in your baked good, you may want to use less quinoa flour than all-purpose. Experiment yourself and find what suits your taste buds best.

Try this easy Quinoa Recipe

2 small onions, finely chopped
1 large red pepper, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
Sea salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 cup of Quinoa
2 cups of water
2 vegetarian soup stock cubes

First add the finely chopped onions, the minced garlic and sea salt to the olive oil in a pan or wok.
Saute until onions are slightly brown. Then add chopped red pepper and continue to sauté until onions are caramelized. Add water, then the stock cubes and quinoa and bring to a simmer. Stir once after 5 minutes then simmer for 15 minutes until water has been cooked in.

Enjoy Quinoa in your diet. Experiment by adding it to dishes where you normally use rice (think stir fries or soup). You’ll find it is a healthy, tasty addition to your meals!

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Nuts – I Love Nuts

Nuts may be small, but they are packed full of nutrition. Most nuts are filled with heart-friendly fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals. Good things do come in small packages. Almonds
Almonds are a favourite among most nut eaters. They are rich in calcium and are one of the lowest-calorie nuts. An ounce (30g) of almonds has about 6 grams of protein and 14 grams of fat. Apart from that, they are also rich in vitamin E, magnesium, potassium and fiber. Antioxidants that are present in almonds help fight inflammation, lung cancer and cognitive decline associated with aging. Almonds remove ‘bad’ cholesterol from the body and help clean up the colon. The natural oils and rich fiber content in these nuts nourish the lining of our digestive tract.

Each pistachio nut has only 3 calories. These nuts have lutein and zeaxanthin, which are relatives of beta-carotene. These components may help in reducing the risk with macular degeneration associated with aging.

Pecans are rich in beta-sitosterol. This plant steroid is found to relieve symptoms associated with BPH (enlarged prostate). They contain high levels of anti-oxidants that help reduce unhealthy oxidation of LDL cholesterol in blood, helping us fight heart disease. An ounce (30g) of pecan has about 200 calories of energy and contains 3 grams of protein and 21 grams of fat. Recent studies have shown that pecans have the capacity to lower one’s bad cholesterol and promote heart health. They are rich in vitamin E, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, zinc and fiber.

Walnuts are sort of a super food. The anti-inflammatory benefits of consuming walnuts are particularly helpful for people suffering from arthritis and asthma. Walnuts are a source of ‘good’ cholesterol rich in ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid that protects the heart and reduces bone breakdown. The ellagic acid present in these nuts is known for its cancer fighting character.

Hazelnuts contain a type of vitamin B that helps prevent heart disease, certain cancers, birth defects and Alzheimer’s disease. These nuts contain an amino acid known as arginine and magnesium which relaxes the blood vessels and eases out blood pressure. Hazelnuts are particularly good for dieters as they taste like a treat and keep them filled for longer.

Cashews have less fat than most nuts. They are rich in anti-oxidants that are heart friendly, containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in doses almost equal to what is found in some fish. Cashews are rich in copper, iron, zinc and magnesium. They keep your energy level at a high no matter what activity you are doing.

Nuts make for great snacks, but because they are rich in calories, it is important to know how much you are eating and control your portions. Nuts contain vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and anti-oxidants all of which are important in a healthy lifestyle. The fat and fiber content in nuts make them very filling and satisfying. Replace your chips, cookies, donuts and other high calorie snacks with nuts, the better alternative snack food. Eating nuts help contribute to good health.

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Shedding Holiday Weight

How to Shed Holiday Weight GainThe holiday season has come and gone. Many San Jose residents have “Shedding Holiday Weight” as a top priority on their to-do lists now.  It’s time to work on losing those extra pounds gained from all the parties, holiday treats and family gatherings. With the abundance of rich foods at holiday time, it is no wonder that so many people suffer from holiday weight gain (yep, even your friendly San Jose boot camp coach can fall victim to holiday treats!).

The extra pounds you may have packed on during the holidays can make the prospect of losing weight seem like an overwhelming task. The good news is that by taking the time to plan out a post-holiday strategy that will work for you, shedding holiday weight won’t be as difficult as you think.

Post Holiday Weight Loss Tips

  1. Set a goal. What would you like to achieve in the next 6 weeks?  Is is attainable?  Measurable?  Get your goals down on paper and post them where you’ll see them every day.
  2. Put together a routine.  Get yourself back into the habit of regular exercise.  Write out a schedule of when you’ll exercise and stick to it.  Grab a workout buddy if you need more accountability.
  3. Eat breakfast!  Having a good breakfast with protein and produce (think scrambled eggs and spinach) is important in order to set yourself up to feel full and energized for your day.  Ditch the sugary cereals and flour-based bread products.  Stick with protein and produce as your first meal of the day.
  4. Eat often.  Make your meals a little smaller, and eat 4-6 times per day.  This will keep you energized and feeling full, and it will also keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day.
  5. Limit alcohol and other calorie filled, non-nutritive beverages.  Now, don’t shoot the messenger, and please note that I didn’t say eliminate.  Simply limit them ;-).
  6. Get outside!  We’re fortunate to live in an area with wonderful weather pretty much year-round.  On the weekends, soak up a little sun and vitamin D with a walk, a hike or sprints around your local high school track.  A little sunshine and fresh air will do your mood good.

If you’d like our professional fitness boot camp coaches to be your accountability partner, please give us a call at 408-265-1540 or click below to request a one-week free trial at a lifeSport Fitness boot camp in San Jose Campbell or Los Gatos:

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Antioxidant Rich Foods

Antioxidants have the power to protect you from disease and slow the aging process, as they fight the free radicals in your body that can harm your cells. If your antioxidant levels are low, oxidative stress can occur, making your susceptible to many illnesses including heart disease and cancer. Therefore, in order to keep your body healthy and your immune systems strong, you must consume an abundance of antioxidants on a daily basis. These powerhouses can be found in many fruits and vegetables, and common antioxidants include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene, flavonoids and
Polyphenols. Antioxidant food is the best and first line of defense to protecting your body against increasing free radicals (toxins) . Whole, plant-based foods (unprocessed or minimally processed) such as grains, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and unrefined oils are terrific sources of anti-oxidants.

Some foods are extremely high in antioxidant content. It is recommended that these foods are consumed on a regular basis to reverse the signs of aging and to help prevent, and even reverse various disease processes such as cancer and heart disease, plus reduce blood pressure.

The 5 Best Antioxidant Rich Foods

  1. Berries – In addition to being deliciously sweet, berries such as raspberries, blueberries and strawberries offer an abundance of antioxidant capacity. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are rich in proanthocyanidins, antioxidants that can help prevent cancer and heart disease. Eat them frozen in a morning smoothie, toss a handful over your morning yogurt or cereal or enjoy them as an afternoon snack.
  2. Broccoli – Broccoli definitely takes the gold medal for most nutritious vegetable. This cruciferous vegetable contains more vitamin C than an orange and has more calcium than a glass of milk. In addition to minerals and vitamins, broccoli is filled with disease-fighting chemicals called phytonutrients. Sulforaphane, a phytonutrient found in broccoli, has been shown to lower the risk of many types of cancers. Try steaming or boiling broccoli and seasoning with basil, lemon or salsa for a delicious side dish.
  3. Garlic – Garlic is used around the world as a delicious flavouring agent for any dish. The health benefits of garlic have been well touted for centuries, and raw garlic has been used a natural antibiotic to kill off some strains of harmful bacteria. Garlic is also useful for decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol, removing heavy metals from the body, preventing cancer and acting as an antifungal and antiviral agent. One clove of garlic contains vitamin A, B and C, selenium, iodine, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium.
  4. Green Tea – Green Tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols. These compounds work in the body with other chemicals to heighten levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis (a state created in the body by burning fat as fuel). On average, you should try to consume a minimum of three cups of green tea per day for weight loss effects. Green tea has also been shown to be preventative against cancer, heart disease and high cholesterol.
  5. Tomatoes – Tomatoes are by far the richest source of a powerful anticancer agent called lycopene. In fact, research has shown lycopene to be an even more powerful disease fighter than vitamin E and beta carotene. Lycopene needs fat for optimal absorption to occur. Therefore, putting the healthy fat olive oil in your spaghetti sauce is an excellent trick to increase your lycopene levels. Start including more tomatoes in your diet in the form of sliced, whole, canned, stewed or sauced tomatoes or tomato paste.

You can also include red grapes, spinach, carrots, whole grains and dark chocolate into your food choices to offer additional antioxidant content. While nothing can guarantee the prevention of cancer or other illnesses, by consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, you are putting up a fight against these diseases. You owe it to your body to do everything in your power to keep it healthy, so indulge in some antioxidant-rich foods today.

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All Hail Kale

As one of the most prominent leafy vegetables in Europe, kale is a wondrous food with a plethora of beneficial qualities. Despite its amazing health benefits and international allure, kale still remains largely under the radar in North America. As a super raw food that is fairly inexpensive and easy to source, there is no reason why we all should not be cooking with this leafy green more often.

Kale is in the cabbage family and comes in green or purple headless leaves. Other colour variations may consist of whites, yellows, blues and reds. The vegetable has a mild earthy flavor and can become even more pronounced after being frozen or exposed to frost. The plant also grows very well in wintry and harsh climates making it very versatile as far as cultivation is concerned. Vegetables in the same family as kale are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi, rapini, collard greens and brussel sprouts. Kale is viewed as a superfood with many healing qualities. One interesting characteristic about kale is that you can harvest the outer leaves as you need them without harming the plant or the future growth of more inner leaves. Kale is very simple to grow and is a great addition to any vegetable patch. The tender young kale leaves are best for salads while the mature leaves are best for cooking. The best way to prepare kale is to steam, stir-fry or eat it raw.

Kale stands out as a power vegetable because of the incredible amount of nutrition packed into each curly dark green leaf. Kale is a great raw food as it is high in fiber, rich in beta carotene, vitamins A, C, E, and K, lutein, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium as well as other important nutrients. It is these facets of kale that are known to prevent and fight against such medical issues as cancer, cataracts, emphysema and rheumatoid arthritis. A regular serving of kale is 1 cup and contains 40-60 calories, making it a great weight loss aid. Due to the overwhelming amount of antioxidants, compounds, minerals and nutrients, kale is also successful in preventing colds, improving skin tone and augmenting energy levels.

Kale is an excellent food to add to your diet. Recipes are rarely complicated and the food is so flexible it can be used in smoothies, soups, salads and even as a part of a main dish. Eating kale raw will only increase its potential in aiding a healthy body. Wash your kale leaves well. The curls in the leaf tend to hid dirt, sand and maybe some bugs.

Try these kale recipes to get you started working with kale in your kitchen:

Kale Smoothie

2 cups water
4 bananas
3 yellow mangoes
1 cup of raspberries
1 cup of red grapes
6-8 kale leafs
A few mint leafs

BLEND ingredients well.

Kale Soup

1 Bunch of Kale leaves
¼ Avocado
¼ Lemon (peeled)
1 Roma Tomato
2 Cloves Garlic
2 cups water (lukewarm)
A sprinkle of red pepper flakes
Salt, Pepper and Onion Power to taste

BLEND all the ingredients in the warm water to get your desired consistency.

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Coconut Water

The benefits of coconut water are numerous. Drinking coconut water is refreshing and amazingly healthy for our body. It is 100% made by nature from water filtering through the husk. Not only is it organic but it’s one of nature’s purest inventions. The water is 100% sterile, fat and cholesterol free contains half as much sodium as conventional sport drinks and is a great source of potassium. Drinking it every day will boost your blood circulation and improve your metabolism. It cleanses your internal organs particularly the digestive tract and helps process food easily.

Coconut water is a great remedy drink. For those people who are suffering with kidney problems such as kidney stones and even Urinary Tract Infection, coconut water can help with a cure. Coconut water helps with those suffering from the flu. The flu causes dehydration, stomach pain, nausea and aching all over the body. Coconut water will rehydrate your body. It also has lauric acid, a mineral that benefits you while you have the flu because it helps alleviate the stomach irritation that accompanies the virus.

After a workout, coconut water should be the drink you pick to replenish the fluids that have been consumed by sweating. Drinking coconut water is a favorable choice to nourish and reload a stressed body. Staying hydrated keeps your body operating at maximum efficiency. Dehydration can let your body’s guard down and weaken your immune system. The water from coconuts prevents this because it’s a great supply of electrolytes. An 8.5 oz portion has 15 times more potassium than competing sports drinks. It’s also 1 of 5 main electrolytes your body uses to replace, and retain the fluids needed to operate at full capacity.

Coconut water is a great detoxification agent. It helps your system increase its circulation. Better circulation allows for better oxygen flow, to support the body’s cells and organs. There are two ways that increased circulation helps keep your blood clean. First, the liver is the organ that helps clean our blood. With better oxygen flow to the liver, you’ll have a stronger, healthier liver. Second, because it’ll be able to function better, and operate more efficiently, it’ll clean your blood better. Because your organs will be operating more effectively, some of the toxins they contain will also be excreted out, detoxing your body.

Clear skin and a stronger immune system are also rewards of a less polluted body. In addition to helping your body fight disease and sickness with a stronger immune system. Doctors also say it has antiviral properties that fight cancer.

Top Benefits of Coconut Water

  1. It speeds up your metabolism, helping with your health and fitness.
  2. Detoxification of your body.
  3. Contains only 5mg of natural sugar.
  4. Balances your body’s PH.
  5. Balances your thyroid
  6. Helps fight off diseases, infections and removes toxins.

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Probiotics are essentially, good germs. The body is an ecosystem with millions of bacteria aiding digestion, manufacturing food for the body, killing unfriendly bacteria and maintaining balance with fungi. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in our bodies. There are more of these bacteria living inside of us than there are cells that make up our body. An estimated 500-600 trillion live cultures of probiotic bacteria live inside the body.

Probiotics, a dose of good germs, is a recently recognized treatment for some of our problems. The term probiotics refers to the various bacteria that live inside our intestinal tract. These bacteria are actually useful to our bodies, providing a variety of functions. These bacteria are beneficial to our immune system, and research is bringing to light how powerful these helpful bacteria can be. These good bacteria can help prevent infections by outnumbering and crowding out the bad guys (unwanted bacteria or other infectious diseases). Probiotics also help to bolster the immune system throughout the body.

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are the most common used probiotics. Prebiotics are the foods that support the growth of probiotics. Sauerkraut, yogurt, wine and cheese use the activities of these friendly bacteria in their creation. These foods supply not just probiotics but the food source for the good bacteria.

One present use of probiotics is combating digestive problems and yeast infections caused by antibiotics. Probiotics also have potential for treatment of tooth decay, periodontal disease, ulcers, IBS, respiratory and skin infections.

Traditional use of probiotics has been to help problems with the GI tract. Irritable bowel, bloating and diarrhea are common symptoms where probiotics may be used. Probiotics are commonly used to help children and adults when infectious viruses. The probiotics themselves do not necessarily kill the bugs, but help the body through the infection. The probiotics do seem to help prevent reinfection and may even help the body produce antibodies against the infectious bug. Probiotics have also improved treatment rates against bacteria suspected of causing stomach ulcers. It is no surprise that given the billion plus numbers of good bacteria in our intestinal tract, these important bacteria play a critical role in keeping this environment healthy.

Besides the benefits of probiotics with helping in the intestinal tract, the good bacteria help with preventing respiratory infections such as the cold and flu. Probiotics have helped reduce potentially infectious bugs like staph and strep from colonizing in the nose. Probiotics can also help prevent vaginal infections as well as bladder infections. Probiotics are often suggested to be taken during the course of treatment with antibiotics to prevent the loss of the good bacteria in the intestines.

Probiotics are important in re-colonizing the intestine with good bacteria. They can quickly identify harmful bacteria or fungal overgrowths and work to eradicate them. With poor lifestyle choices, food processing, pollution and antibiotic therapy, the numbers of good bacteria living naturally in our gut are reduced, and research has shown the active consumption of bacteria increases the size of intestinal colonies, thereby improving digestion of food.

Whatever the strategy, smart probiotics microorganisms work collectively and synergistically with the other components of our immune system. Our probiotics system works within the non-specific immune system to help protect the body for invasions. Probiotics live within the oral cavity, the nasal cavity, the esophagus, around the gums, and in pockets of our pleural cavity (surrounding our lungs). They dwell within our stomach, within our intestines, within the vagina and around the rectum and amongst other pockets of tissues. This means that for bacteria to invade the bloodstream, they must first get through the legions of probiotics bacteria that populate those entry channels-assuming a healthy body of course.

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Hunger Games

Hunger is one of our primal human urges, but it’s a tough thing to grasp, a marionette with many masters. A variety of hormones and neurotransmitters pull the strings – appetite suppressors and boosters, plus others that affect satiety and stress – and they, in turn, are manipulated by our body clock.There are two kinds of hunger: physiological and reward-driven. One is ruled by our body’s instinct to find the energy it needs to survive, while the other is psychological, influenced by smell, sight, stress, and social and environmental settings – the gauntlet of daily life.

One of the most difficult things about dieting is having to deal with those hunger pains, the ones where you are absolutely dying for some chocolate or some salty chips. If hunger is often getting the best of you and your weight loss program, it’s going to be imperative to your success that you seek out some solutions to put an end to this before it destroys all your efforts. Having hunger control you is terrible for weight loss programs or weight maintenance. Follow these tips so YOU can control your appetite not your appetite control you.

Tips to Out Smart Your Hunger

  • Start your day off right with a large breakfast to keep you energized in the morning. Protein and carbohydrates will keep your blood sugar at a good level until lunchtime.
  • Allow yourself to snack here and there – but do it wisely. Choose fruits, vegetables or nuts rather than hitting the vending machine.
  • Eat foods high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and grains. These types of foods are low in fat, and fill you up. They take longer to digest, so they make you feel full much longer than fatty foods.
  • Drink lots of water. Water will fill up your belly, helping you eat less and lose more weight.
  • Pay attention to your eating. Take a seat at the kitchen table. Eating in front of the television or computer screen will only help you keep eating and not realizing you’re full.
  • Eat less more often. Try eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day. Eating smaller meals often can give you the constant energy levels that leave you feeling more balanced and productive.
  • Get busy! When you think you’re hungry (outside of your regular meal times) go for a walk, go out and exercise, drink a glass of water, keep busy and get your mind off food.
  • Try to limit processed foods, sugar and sodium. Read labels, see what is in your food. It is difficult to get away from sugar and salt, but reading the labels will tell you just how much you are consuming. Choose low sugar and sodium options.
  • Consume probiotics. These gut-friendly bacteria help correct imbalances that may contribute to mood swings during PMS.

Try these several tips to help you curb your hunger pains throughout the day. If you can manage them, you will be successful in losing weight and maintaining your goals.

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Quick Breakie

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and definitely should not be skipped. Eating breakfast in the morning helps to level off a person’s blood sugar, thus curbing their appetite throughout the remainder of the day. It gives the energy required to get you started. Morning can get very hectic, but it only takes a second to grab a quick meal to start your day out right.

Here are a couple of fast breakfast options:

  • There are many low carbohydrate nutritional bars available that not only taste good, but are high in protein and also low in fat and carbs.
  • Nuts are also an easy food to grab and go. They are an excellent source of protein as well.
  • Grab a bagel with a little bit of cream cheese and some smoked salmon. A great breakfast that you can eat on the run.
  • Make some fresh muffins ahead of time that way you can just grab one in the morning on your way into the office. Try healthier options like oatmeal/walnut, poppy seed and apple.
  • Try some fresh fruit on top of cottage cheese or yogurt. Full of protein to get you going.
  • Prepare some boiled eggs the night before and store them in the fridge. They are quick to just grab in the morning and head out the door.
  • If you are really in a big rush, a simple protein powder shake can get you going quickly while also giving you some energy to get the day started. It’s fast, easy and very convenient when you have little time in the morning.

Easy Breakfast Recipe: Apple and Nut Butter Sandwich
1 whole-grain sandwich thin
1 tablespoon natural peanut or almond butter
1 small apple, sliced.
Choose a sandwich thin with fewer than 100 calories and at least 3 grams of fiber. Spread nut butter on half of the bread. Top with apple slices and the other half of the bread. Enjoy.

When you wake up in the morning your body has been fasting, going without food during the hours while you were sleeping. Breakfast (break the fast) provides the body and the brain with the energy needed to function. Adding breakfast to the day is easy; just make a few adjustments to your schedule, plan ahead, and grab-and-go with some of the ideas above.

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Good Food, Bad Food

Are food labels really telling us the truth? Can we actually understand what they are saying? Although ingredient lists on food products are supposed to inform us, the consumers, about what’s contained in the product, this is sometimes not the case.Companies are able to mislead consumers by advertising healthier foods when actually their products contain completely different amounts of vitamins, carbohydrates, sugar, protein, fat – both saturated and unsaturated, sodium, cholesterol and various other ingredients. Ignore the hype on the front of the packaging; ignore how attractive the packaging may be. This is just to distract the consumer into buying the product. There are a couple of things to consider when looking at the nutrition label.

Serving Size
Determine the actual serving size and servings per container. Read carefully. Often what you may consider a serving is not what the manufacturer labels as a serving. For example, take an 11 ounce bag of tortilla chips. The serving size is 1 ounce (which is about 9 chips). There are then 11 servings per container. How often would you eat only 9 chips? Especially when there is a bowl of delicious salsa next to them. So be careful and read carefully.

Calories and Fats
Calories are energy. If you consume more total calories than your body actually needs for energy, you will gain weight. If you consumer fewer calories than your body needs for energy, you will lose weight. You will also usually see a line of calories from fat. A good guideline to follow is that no more than thirty percent of your daily calories should come from fat. Always keep in mind that fat is the most concentrated source of calories. There are 9 calories per gram of fat. And most importantly about fat is, if it is TransFat, DO NOT consume it.

Try and remember that approximately 4 grams of sugar is equal to a teaspoon of sugar. So, a can of soda can contain about 20 teaspoons of sugar. Sugar may also be listed further down on the list. Manufacturers get away with this by using a combination of sweeteners such as sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup solids, brown sugar, dextrose and other sugars to make sure none of them are present in large enough quantities to earn a top position on the ingredient list.

Innocent Ingredients
Watch out for innocent sounding names of dangerous ingredients. Sodium Nitrite sounds harmless enough, but is known to cause brain tumors. Similarly, yeast extracts sounds like a perfectly safe ingredient, unless you’re allergic to monosodium glutamate (MSG). Listing MSG as yeast extract avoids having to include MSG on the list. And what about Carmine? Sounds nice? It’s a food colouring that is sometimes used in juices or yogurts to make them red. Carmine is made from the smashed bodies of the Cochineal and Polished Cochineal Beetle. Ewww.

Advertising and Fat-Free
Food manufacturers have many tricky ways around government restrictions on false advertising and the regulation of ingredients. Advertising products as Fat-Free is a prime example of companies lying to the consumer. The FDA’s policy regarding fat content is that if the food product contains more than 0.5 grams of fat, then it must be listed. To comply with this regulation, manufacturers alter the servings per container. With more servings, there is a reduced serving size, make the product appear healthier with less fat. If the fat content is less than .5 grams it can be rounded down, so consumers see the product having 0 grams of fat, when in actuality it contains a significant amount of fat.

Whether you’re strictly following a diet that completely cuts your carbohydrates , or just trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle, the nutrition facts on the back of food are very important to you. One might even say that the health information obtained from food labels help to guide a person’s entire day; planning meals and what snacks to munch on. With misleading labels, people are ingesting unknown quantities of various ingredients which can prevent effective weight loss and sabotage a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to read carefully and read between the lines!

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