Coping with Workplace Disappointment

Disappointment is something we all deal with at different times in our lives. When your vision for the future doesn’t seem reachable, it is easy to be disillusioned. Nevertheless, there is a way to create your world and to get your internal reality to manifest outwardly. Be encouraged! Your present reality is not your destiny.

Secrets to Overcome Career Disappointment

  1. See the big picture. Hold to your inward vision despite that which you see going on around you. If you can see it, you can conceive it. Your vision is your ultimate mission. Though your job description may be minuscule and confining, your vision should be magnificent, liberating and invigorating.
  2. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Don’t let trivial irritants obscure your vision and thwart your progression toward your future. Sometimes it is the small stuff that can be most aggravating. It’s easier to dodge a rock than if someone were to come up and throw sand in your eyes. Avoid unnecessary conversations and complaining sessions among your coworkers. Be productive and avoid conversations that are corrosive. Focus on the future and stay on track in your journey to get there.
  3. Go where you are celebrated not merely tolerated. The majority of people will not acknowledge or see your gifts, talents and unique abilities. You must be planted in an environment and climate conducive to your personal growth and enrichment.
  4. See problems as opportunities. Contrary to popular belief, a problem is an opportunity. You wouldn’t think so by the way people murmur and complain. Consider problems as opportunities for you to shine. Rise above the mediocrity and manifest your creativity. Problems therefore are a pathway to your next promotion.
  5. Be a peacemaker and an encourager. Workplace strife fills and floods the lives of many. Have no part is such negative counterproductive energy. Be a peacemaker and bridge builder. By doing so you will make friends, feel better and find new ways to overcome organizational obstacles.
  6. Go the extra mile. Don’t be like everyone else. Break the mold. Arrive at work early and leave late. Manage your emotions and martial your energies. In doing so your productivity, creativity and resourcefulness will increase. By going the extra mile and exceeding your job description you will show yourself to be a true asset to the company and someone they can count on.
  7. Replace anxiety with creativity. Don’t be overly anxious. Anxiety drains you of your energy and immobilizes your resourcefulness.
  8. Be a lifelong learner. There are two types of growth, inward and outward. Most look for outward growth, profitability and expansion. Yet inward growth is equally if not more important. For without inner growth outward growth never occurs, neither can it be sustained. Commit to be a lifelong learner. Continually listen, learn and explore new bodies of knowledge.
  9. Serve selflessly. Everybody wants to lead but few want to serve. You can’t always be the top dog. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. When you serve people you show them you care and that you recognize they are important. When you make people feel important, they pour gratitude back into you. Those you honour will assuredly honour you.
  10. Remember the future is in you, not the job. Contrary to popular belief, the future is not in the job. The future is in you. With or without the job you can excel and come into your dreams. Your inner world once acknowledged and embraced can be made to manifest in any place. So should your current employer and coworkers be clueless, you can still come into your destiny. When you are firm and solid in your identity, you can bring about your destiny.
  11. Set your intent and follow your instincts. You don’t always have to know how it is going to happen. Just set your intent as to that which you want to happen.

    Career success is not something that is given on a golden platter. It takes a lot of hard work, patience and determination to achieve success. Don’t let the disappointments get you down. Continue to be positive and work hard to reach your goals.

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Playing at Work

In the mid 1900s generally you met your partner at school. It was there that relationships were formed and dating turned to marriage. Nowadays, with life getting busy, sometimes the only chance you get to find or start a relationship is with someone you work with. You get to become friends and learn a lot about them just because you see them every day. You spend most of your time at your place of work and since more and more people do not have time to go date, the office can play a matchmaker role.

There are serious things that should be considered when you start an office romance, as dating a workmate has serious implications on all aspects of your life, and also affects those around you.


  1. Great place to meet. In today’s hectic work environment it can be difficult to find the time to “get out there” and find a suitable partner. At work you generally become attracted to the person over time, which is more conducive to a working relationship.
  2. Establish a relationship prior to dating. By working alongside someone you will get to know them as a person, and find out more about who they really are than you would in other circumstances. By finding out more about the real person, and being attracted to this person, the relationship should last longer and be more secure.
  3. Spend time with each other. Obviously if a relationship is going to last a long time, you and your partner will need to spend a lot of time with each other. If you start to date someone you work with you will get the chance to spend a lot of time with them, and the chances are you had been spending this time with them prior to dating.
  4. Create a happy work environment. The early stages of dating are an exciting, happy time. By dating someone at work you can both lift the spirit of the office by being in an excellent mood and giving off positive vibes.
  5. Have a helping hand during those stressful times. If you have a problem at work it may seem like everything is against you and no one is willing to help. Colleagues are often busy with their own work and unwilling or unable to assist. If you are dating a workmate they will be more likely to go that extra mile and give you a hand.

Of course, not everything about meeting your partner at work is good. Several of the positive aspects can easily slip into negative ones, and there are other issues all on their own which could block you from having a meaningful relationship with a workmate.


  1. Subject of idle gossip. If you start a relationship with someone in your office, you can be sure that other people will gossip about it. If possible, you should try and be open about your new relationship instead of keeping it a secret.
  2. Jealousy. Your co-workers may be jealous of the relationship you have, especially if it is an employer/employee. You or your partner may get jealous by talking to others in the office, it may come off as “flirty”.
  3. Spending too much time together. Seeing each other socially in the evenings and weekends, followed by seeing each other in a stricter environment during the day can lead to a little too much. It also may kill a little of the romance, as you miss out on the excitement of waiting to see them at the end of the day.
  4. Allocating objective blame. If something goes wrong and work, and it’s your fault or that of your partner, it can be difficult to remain as objective as you should be.
  5. Breaking up is hard to do. If the worst happens and your relationship comes to an end, it can be disastrous in the workplace. Breaking is up is hard to do at the best of time, and having to see them at work every day can be very difficult, creating an unhappy working environment that your colleagues will be in the middle of.

Weigh out your options before you get to close. Think about the pros and cons before you jump into anything serious.

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Don’t Stop Wining

Red wine has long been hailed for its health benefits and not just for its alcoholic content. The amazing array of varieties and tastes of red wine means many people drink it for pleasure, but research has shown a distinct difference in the health of people who drink a glass or two a day.It helps with sleep – while people are usually cautioned about alcohol actually interfering with sleep, red wine which contains a key ingredient called melatonin can help with sleep. This anti-oxidant helps to regulate one’s internal clock and besides helping with sleep, melatonin can also help to prevent cancer.

It’s good for the heart – consuming moderate amounts of red wine can do a number of good things for the heart. Because it contains antioxidants called flavonoids, drinking red wine can raise HDL levels, which is the good cholesterol that everyone wants; it can also lower LDL levels, which is often described as bad cholesterol. Drinking red wine can also act a blood thinner which can prevent dangerous clotting.

It may reduce the risk of disease – red wine contains antioxidants that are not only good for the heart but for the rest of the body as well. Antioxidants can actually repair cells that have been damaged by free radicals and can reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, macular degeneration and certain types of cancer.

It contains resveratrol -of all the antioxidants, resveratrol is probably the one getting most of the attention. Resveratrol is found in the skin and seeds of grapes and can also help to prevent some types of cancer. But another benefit of this powerful antioxidant is that it can help reverse aging helping one to have increased longevity. Resveratrol may also help to prevent age-related disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Men can benefit from drinking red wine because the resveratrol it contains may also help to prevent prostate cancer. In fact, some experts suggest that men who drink one glass of red wine a day can cut their chances of getting prostate cancer in half.

Red wine contains vitamins and minerals such as:

Red wine is also known for providing energy, aids in digestion, stimulates the appetite and can help to restore nutritional balance. Like anything, you want to drink red wine in moderation, not to get drunk. So, if you want to reap the benefits of red wine then add it to your healthy well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and getting your exercise.

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Healthy Inside, Healthy Outside

The healthy look of our skin and hair is directly related how healthy we are on the inside. Many of the healthy foods that we eat can also provide excellent benefits to the skin and hair. Diet plays a big role in maintaining healthy skin and hair. Your diet needs to have the proper protein, fats, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, and vitamins and minerals. Foods containing omega 3s are key to healthy skin and hair.

When it comes to the skin, omega 3s in the form of fish oil or flax oil can help maintain its good healthy state. One of the major concerns in skin is aging. Wrinkles tend to appear in the face as we age. Omega 3 increases the level of essential fatty acids in the body that helps in the prevention of wrinkle formation. Without these fatty acids, the skin may turn dull and eventually lead to eczema or psoriasis. Taking in enough of these vital supplements can help maintain healthy skin thus helping to prevent many negative skin conditions.

When it comes to hair, omega 3s can also prevent many problems. This fatty acid can help prevent and even reverse hair loss which is one challenge that most do not want to experience. The fatty acids can also prevent the inflammation of the hair follicles or what is better known as folliculitis. Dandruff can also be largely prevented with a diet that includes the omega oils. An added benefit is that is also makes the hair shinier and keeps it more moisturized.

Foods rich in vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and E aid in keeping your skin healthy. Vitamin A foods include dairy products, eggs, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, melon and papaya will help with healthy blood circulation and give your skin healthy glow.

The vitamin B family is very important in skin health. B1 aids in circulation while B2 can stop the formation of liver spots and B6 will improve eczema. Foods rich in vitamin B include green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole grain cereals, meat and liver.

Rich vitamin C foods such as broccoli, green peppers, tomatoes, lemons, oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, cherries, black currents and grapes works in conjunction with protein for the production of collagen which helps keep your skin from sagging and wrinkling as well as essential for healthy hair. It will strengthen the capillaries so that your skin has a nice even tone and will reduce dryness. Vitamin E is helpful to prevent wrinkles and premature aging. Whole wheat breads, milk, asparagus, broccoli, egg yolks, olives, nuts and leafy green vegetables are all great sources of vitamin E. Avocado is truly a super food for the skin. It is packed with oil and high levels of vitamin E both which are essential for soft skin and shiny hair. Avocado oil is also gentle enough to use with eczema without causing any skin irritations.

In creating diets for healthy skin make sure that you eat a variety of foods so that you get all the nutrients you need. A diet for healthy skin and hair is also a diet for healthy organs and an overall diet for health which will not only keep you young and healthy on the outside but also on the inside too.

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Going Alkaline

When foods are eaten and digested, they produce either an acidifying or alkalizing effect within the body. When more alkaline foods are consumed, the body can become slightly alkaline instead of acid. Ideally, the blood pH level should be between 7.35 and 7.45. Foods such as citrus fruits, soy products, raw fruits and vegetables, wild rice, almonds, and natural sweeteners (i.e. Stevia) are all good alkaline food choices.

It is believed that there are many benefits to shifting your eating patterns from acid to alkaline. When the body is kept slightly alkaline, it is less susceptible to disease. It is easier to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight level on an alkaline diet. Most people experience an increase in their energy level, as well as a lessening of anxiety and irritability once they begin eating more alkaline foods. Mucous production is decreased and nasal congestion is reduced, making it easier to breath. Allergies are frequently alleviated as a result of an alkaline diet. The body is also less susceptible to illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. Most of the people surveyed found they just feel better, when an increased sense of health and well-being, once they make a conscious effort to adhere to an alkaline diet.

Alkaline diets require one to follow a lifestyle completely opposite to the high protein low carb diets. The high protein diets may leave a person fatigued and tired and likely the weight will return as soon as the diet stops. With alkaline diets, this is not the case. The diets can be incorporated into a person’s way of life and within days the results start to show. An alkaline diet requires you to eat about 80% alkalizing foods so as to maintain the alkaline pH of the body to 7.4. High protein diets tend to make the pH of the body acidic as opposed to its natural alkaline tilt. It is thought that when the body pH becomes acidic it can attract illnesses and deplete your energy. An acidic pH also results in rapid degeneration of the cells in the human body. An alkaline state allows various body functions to be carried out smoothly and the immune system of the body stays strong. This type of diet is good for those people suffering from chronic diseases like arthritis, migraines, sinusitis and osteoporosis.

Alkaline diets constitute mostly of fruits and vegetables. Consuming a diet of approximately 70-80% of green vegetables and sweet fruits is the key to an alkaline diet. Lemons, melons, almonds, honey, olive oil are also high on the list of top alkaline foods. Meats and fats should be avoided. All foods that are acidifying like coffee, alcohol, meats and even certain vegetables like cooked spinach should not form more than 20% of your diet.

Try these alkaline rich foods:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Turnips
  • Collard greens
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Bok Choi
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Red Beets
  • Carrots
  • Lima Beans
  • Radish
  • Rutabaga
  • Egg Plant
  • Asparagus
  • Artichoke
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Peppers
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Spinach
  • Peas
  • Parsnips
  • Onions
  • Unripe bananas
  • Sour cherries
  • Fresh Coconut
  • Figs
  • Fresh Lemon and Lime

In order for an alkaline diet to work, you must condition yourself to adhere to the diet program. Like anything, you want to avoid unhealthy food and drinks. Make a list of alkaline foods versus acid foods and eat the 80% – 20% rule. Since an alkaline diet means avoiding alcohol and any other foods with high acidity, it also means that you will decrease the risk of developing diseases associated with unhealthy diet like diabetes, hypertension and obesity. Talk to your trainer to help you develop the best diet for you!

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It’s not just a topping on your oatmeal, Cinnamon has numerous health benefits. Cinnamon is one of the world’s oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its nutrition and health.. It contains unique health and healing properties which come from the active components in the essential oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant properties which has numerous health benefits. A little teaspoon of cinnamon can give your body a surprisingly high amount of nutrition benefits.

Cinnamon offers several mineral benefits such as manganese, iron and calcium. It also offers a healthy dose of vitamins C and K. And most surprisingly, a teaspoon of cinnamon contains over a gram of fiber.

Aside from being packed with powerful nutrients, cinnamon also has the ability to combat a wide array of digestive problems. Some of the health benefits from cinnamon are how it fights indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and upset stomach. The scientific and medical communities are beginning to see the benefits of cinnamon and it has recently been found to process anti-inflammatory effects. The health benefits of cinnamon do not stop with digestive health. In fact it is believed and now proven that cinnamon has a rather large effect on cholesterol as well as blood glucose levels.

A positive attribute for the health properties of cinnamon are that it may actually improve Type 2 diabetes as well as insulin resistance. Insulin sensitivity as well as naturally monitoring blood glucose levels are some of the strong health benefits from cinnamon that caused the justifiable attention after several studies. It only took a half of a teaspoon of cinnamon to get these results. If you improve your insulin resistance it can positively impact your health in a few ways. You may be able to lose some weight. You could also stand a much lesser risk of developing heart disease. Another finding from the studies was, alongside improved blood sugar levels, good improvements in triglycerides as well as blood pressure. Most notably the studies concluded that the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the study participants had dropped as well.

Here’s a List of Health Benefits from Cinnamon:

  1. Lower Cholesterol Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Fights Cancer
  4. Tooth Decay and Mouth Freshener
  5. Cures Respiratory Problems
  6. Brain Tonic
  7. Infections
  8. Eases menstruation cycles
  9. Birth Control
  10. Breastfeeding
  11. Reduces Arthritis Pain
  12. Digestive Tonic
  13. Reduces Urinary Tract Infections.
  14. Anti Clotting Actions
  15. Natural Food Preserver
  16. Headaches and Migraine
  17. Pimples and Blackheads
  18. Thinning of the Blood and Improves Blood Circulation
  19. Toning of tissue
  20. Muscle and Joint Pain Relief
  21. Immune System
  22. Itching

Cinnamon has ample health benefits as highlighted above that can be used to improve your health and boost your immune system. This is a great reason to keep some cinnamon in your cupboard and sprinkle it in your tea, coffee, over oatmeal or a sweet potato – it will do wonders for your health.

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Getting the Most From Your Personal Trainer in San Jose

Selecting a Personal Trainer in  San JoseAre you thinking of  hiring a personal trainer to help you lose unwanted fat or improve your fitness? Working with a personal trainer, even if only for a few sessions to get you started, is a great way to achieve goals that can be pretty tough to achieve on your own. The right fitness coach can guide your efforts safely and effectively and re-design your program as your body evolves.  How many successful business owners and athletes do you know that have coaches to propel them further in their business or sport?   Many successful business owners and athletes have solid coaching behind them.  Why shouldn’t YOU have a fitness coach to achieve your goals?

One of the most important things to do at the start is  select the right personal trainer for the job.  The personal training situation is just that—personal.  Make sure that you pick a personal trainer with whom you feel comfortable.  Having a good rapport and good communication with your coach is vital.

Another important aspect when choosing a personal trainer is experience and education.  I’ll be honest, though,  I’ve been a personal trainer in San Jose for many, many years, and only a few people have asked for my credentials when I interview them.  Experience has made me a better trainer, but a formal education in kinesiology was a great foundation.  I don’t think a college degree is necessary to be a great trainer, but I do believe it’s a great foundation.

Before signing on with a personal trainer, interview them a bit and ask questions.   Find out if you’d be comfortable with this person for 2-3 hours a week.  Find out if they’ve worked with people like you before.  Some trainers specialize in certain types of clients (e.g., women only, seniors, high level athletes, figure competitors, etc).  The more they’ve worked with people like YOU, the better they will be able to help you get results.

Once you’ve decided on the personal trainer that fits your needs the most, have a frank discussion with him or her about your goals. This is the only way to ensure that you get the most appropriate training. The more specific your goals, the more specific your training program can be.

Once your training with your new coach has started, make sure that you are doing all that is required of you outside of your coached sessions.  In order to see results you may need to exercise outside of your personal training sessions.  You may need to modify your eating habits or your sleep habits.  Be fully transparent with your trainer regarding your food intake, additional exercise and hydration outside of your personal training sessions. Hydration and rest are exceedingly important because they help the muscles rest after the exercise.

As you can see, getting the most from  your personal trainer isn’t just about the workout he/she gives you.  It’s about what you do the other 165+ hours a week outside of your sessions 😉

Here’s an easy check list to follow as you begin your search for a personal trainer in San Jose:

  1. Establish what you want a personal trainer for. Healthy weight loss, building muscle mass, or becoming a faster runner will all require different expertise.
  2. Interview potential trainers to make sure you connect well and have good rapport before signing on with someone
  3. Find out if a trainer has the right qualifications and experience to help you with your specific goals 
  4. Make sure a trainer you’re interested in is available during the timeframe that is convenient for you to work out.
  5. Ask for references
  6. Be very specific when communicating your goals
  7. Ask about rates, cancellation policies and any contracts that might need to be signed

 If you’re interested in interviewing lifeSport Fitness to see if we’re a good match, please give us a call at 408-265-1540 to set up a complimentary consultation!

We currently offer on-site/in-home personal training in most areas of San Jose (Willow Glen, Cambrian and Almaden), and 8-week small group training programs in the Cambrian area of San Jose.

Squat for Life

As babies and toddlers, we were able to squat for hours. It is actually considered a resting position in many cultures. A person’s ability (or inability) to squat is a good indication of his or her physical condition. One must not only possess a flexible body, but also have well-developed leg and back muscles. Although we were exceptionally good at it long ago, the lack of practice in squatting could render a person incapable of squatting, or to maintain the squatting position for more than a minute. Full squatting involves resting one’s weight on the feet with the buttocks resting on the backs of the calves. Most western adults cannot place their heels flat on the ground when squatting because of shortened Achilles tendons largely caused by habitually sitting on chairs or seats and wearing shoes with heels (especially high heels). For this reason the squatting position is usually not sustainable for more than a few minutes as heels-up squatting is a less stable position than heels-down squatting. With continual practice, we can get back to the full squat position we were used to as a child.

Top 8 Benefits of Squats

  1. Builds Muscle in Your Entire Body. Squats not only build leg muscles but they also create an anabolic environment, which promotes body-wide muscle building. In fact, when done properly, squats are so intense that they trigger the release of testosterone and human growth hormone in your body, which are vital for muscle growth and will also help to improve muscle mass when you train other areas of your body aside from your legs.
  2. Functional Exercise Makes Real-Life Activities Easier. Functional exercises are those that help your body to perform real-life activities, as opposed to simply being able to operate pieces of gym equipment. Squats are one of the best functional exercises. When you perform squats, you build muscle and help your muscles work more efficiently, as well as promote mobility and balance. All of these benefits translate into your body moving more efficiently in the real world too.
  3. Burn More Fat. One of the most time-efficient ways to burn more calories is actually to gain more muscle. For every pound of additional muscle you gain, your body will burn an additional 50-70 calories per day. So, if you gain 10 pounds of muscle, you will automatically burn 500-700 more calories per day than you did before.
  4. Maintain Mobility and Balance. Strong legs are crucial for staying mobile as you get older, and squats are phenomenal for increasing leg strength. They also work out your core, stabilizing muscles, which will help you to maintain balance, while also improving the communication between your brain and your muscle groups, which helps prevent falls – which is incidentally the number one way to prevent bone fractures versus consuming mega-dose calcium supplements and bone drugs.
  5. Prevent Injuries. Most athletic injuries involve weak stabilizer muscles, ligaments and connective tissues, which squats help strengthen. They also help prevent injury by improving your flexibility (squats improve the range of motion in your ankles and hips) and balance, as noted above.
  6. Boost Your Sports Performance – Jump Higher and Run Faster. Squatting strength has been linked to athletic ability and therefore has helped athletes run faster and jump higher. That’s why this exercise is part of virtually every professional athlete’s training program.
  7. Tone Your Backside, Abs and Entire Body. Few exercises work as many muscles as the squat, so it is an excellent multi-purpose activity useful for toning and tightening your behind, abs and of course your legs.
  8. Help with Waste Removal. Squats improve the pumping of body fluids, aiding in removal of waste and delivery of nutrition to all tissues, including organs and glands. They’re also useful for improved movement of feces through your colon and more regular bowel movements.

Try these tips to perform a proper squat.

  1. Warm up.
  2. Stand with your feet just over shoulder width apart.
  3. . Keep your back in a neutral position, and keep your knees centered over your feet.
  4. Slowly bend your knees, hips and ankles, lowering until you reach a 90-degree angle.
  5. Return to starting position – repeat 15-20 times, for 2-3 sets for beginners (do this two or three times a week). As you practice over several weeks you’ll be able to slowly lower yourself to full squat.
  6. Breathe in as you lower; breathe out as you return to starting position.

Squats have been criticized for being destructive to your knees, but research shows that when done properly squats actually improve knee stability and strengthen connective tissue. Get your trainer to watch to make sure your form is correct to prevent injury. Go ahead, squat!

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Bad Diet or Healthy Eating Plan?

Weight Loss Tip:  Do You Have A Bad Diet or a Healthy Eating Plan?A healthy diet is an integral part of any weight loss program. Generally, a balanced diet composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean meat will give an individual the necessary energy to perform the daily activities and function at their most optimum level–AND lose that dreaded excess body fat.  In addition to helping you shed unwanted fat, well-planned meals protect against some chronic diseases and aid in tissue and muscle repair .

Unfortunately, society has put such importance on losing weight that people desperate to see a drop on the scale will go on “crash diets”. Very often these diets are too low in calories to sustain long term and nutritionally they’re not all that healthy.

I’ve been a personal trainer in Willow Glen for many many years now. I’ve always counseled our clients to avoid the “diet” mentality, and instead begin to concentrate on eating whole, fresh foods.  My coaches and I ask our clients to concentrate on what TO eat, instead of what NOT to eat. We coach our clients to eat meals that consist mainly of protein, vegetable-based carbohydrates and a little healthy fat throughout the day.  We ask them to minimize “liquid calories”  ( the calories from a daily latte add up!) and processed, wheat flour-based foods.   We check in with our personal training clients regularly to ask if the dietary changes they’re making are changes that they can live with for life.  We don’t seek to deprive anyone from an occasional cocktail, latte or brownie.  We simply coach our clients to eat really well most of the time.

Why Dieting is a Losing Proposition

A diet that is seen as a mere means to losing weight as opposed to a lifestyle change will potentially result in unhealthy  practices, poor overall nutrition and possibly muscle/bone loss.  Crash diets will literally starve the body of the most basic nutrients needed to function. The worst part is, after doing a crash diet and then returning to the eating pattern that got you overweight in the first place—you’re bound to gain even MORE weight.

The New Paradigm for Permanent Weight Loss

  1. Avoid strict fad diets
  2. Try making just ONE change per week that will get you to eat healthier
  3. Limit the calories you drink
  4. Minimize wheat flour-based foods (eat whole grains instead)
  5. Incorporate regular strength training into your lifestyle (muscle burns calories ALL DAY LONG!)

Having trouble with the motivation to change?

Consider joining a small group personal training program in Willow Glen with lifeSport Fitness!

We’re opening up two new time slots during which we train up to 4 people on their own personal program.  You share a coach and save BIG on coaching fees!

Call us at 408-265-1540 to talk with us about how we can help you lose weight and feel great!

That’s What Friends are For

Periodically, we all face challenging situations. Obstacles, setbacks, and loses are a vital part of experiencing the fullness, and even the sweetness of life. Sometimes we are just not strong enough to get through these difficult times on our own. That is when a true friend will be your crutch, helping you get through it. It is nice to have the support of someone in your corner.

Friends can also be the first ones to notice changes in other friends. It may be a change in mood, certain behaviours, or in activities they previously enjoyed. You may have noticed that your friend seems to be tired all the time or easily irritated. Maybe they’ve stopped hanging out and spend more time alone. Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint what’s different about them but generally you have a sense that something is wrong. Friends can pick up on something that is off – they know you almost as well as you know yourself.

Being a friend means being there when things are great and when things are not so great. Supporting a friend shows you care. And nothing is more important in a friendship than empathy and communication. When your friend is going through a difficult time, you must be able to convey your understanding, concern and support.

Here are some Dos and Don’ts when trying to help a friend.


  • Allow your friend to heal and seek you out when they are ready.
  • Offer advice if asked.
  • Listen to the entire situation before jumping to conclusions.
  • Provide a distraction to get your friend’s mind off the difficult situation.
  • Invite your friend out to socialize.
  • Help your friend with things they need.


  • Force your friend to open up.
  • Offer unsolicited advice.
  • Rely on gossip or incomplete information to assess the situation.
  • Badger your friend with repeated calls, texts, and emails. Sometime they need to be alone.
  • Make the situation about you by comparing.
  • Use guilt to force your friend into socializing with you.
  • Try to run your friend’s life.

To nurture your friendships:

  • Accept yourself. Cultivate a healthy, realistic self-image.
  • Accept others. Don’t judge. Allow your friends the space they need to grow, change and make mistakes.
  • Be positive.
  • Don’t compete.
  • Listen up. Pay attention to what is happening in their life.
  • Respect boundaries. Keep confidential any personal information that is shared with you.

Be there for your friend during their difficult period, because you will want them there for you when you need them!

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