Healthy Thoughts

Positive thinking can have a positive influence on your health. It is currently believed that one of the main advantages of positive thinking may be an increased life span. Other possible benefits may include: lower rates of depression, improved resistance to illness, increased overall physical well-being, and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular causes. Positive thinking can help improve self-esteem, raise confidence, suppress illogical fears, give the strength to face difficulties and not be overwhelmed by them – instead show an individual ways in which to tackle problems though positive action after visualizing being able to remove obstacles and emerging victorious.

For example, if one is keen on losing weight and needs to fit in a regular physical exercise regime in their daily plan, the power of positive thinking can be harnessed to motivate and help one to stick to the fitness program if one focuses on how energetic one will feel on shedding those extra pounds and probably even imagine how the new wardrobe will make one look.

The essential first step is to identify your negative thinking streams and reduce and remove this kind of head-talk from your repertoire. Once you are more aware of your habits, you can then consciously work to putting a positive spin on your thinking. If you allow the mind to sift out the negative thoughts and only hold on to the positive, it will help you move closer towards the happiness you deserve.

Use these tips to help stay positive:

  • Infuse your life with a sense of humor. Being able to laugh away the negativity is a great tactic.
  • Exercise regularly. Besides improving your physical and cardiac shape, this can bring up your endorphin levels to a better-feeling mood fairly instantaneously.
  • Follow a Healthy Eating Lifestyle.
  • Learn techniques to minimize stress in your everyday life.
  • Spend quality time with close, understanding, upbeat friends. Filling your life with positive people.
  • Volunteer for a charitable organization. Helping others will make you feel good about yourself.

Experts aren’t completely sure why individuals who practice positive thinking tips also encounter countless health benefits. One idea is those with a positive outlook often have better ways to cope. They can handle the stressful situation in a healthier manner, reducing the harmful effects on the body. An optimistic person also tends to live a better lifestyle, as they follow a healthy diet, get regular exercise, stay away from smoking and consume limited amounts of alcohol. When all of this comes together, those who are positive usually stay healthier and can manage the negative self-talk. Start today, use positive thinking to becoming a more healthier you.

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Take a Vacation, but Not From Your Health

Taking a vacation doesn’t have to include a vacation from your healthy lifestyle. There are many spots you can visit to keep fit during your time away. Look for destinations that have a healthy atmosphere (large open spaces, fresh clean air). Plan holidays that are going to provide some healthy activity. Hiking, walking, biking, are great exercises while away.

Resorts can offer many activities to keep you moving and having fun. Kayak or canoe rentals, tennis, basketball and volleyball courts, pools with aerobics and lap swimming schedules, hiking trails and so much more. Also, try retreats that get you away while getting you involved in other activities. Horseback riding and yoga retreats are popular. You get to relax and get away from it all while keeping fit.

Here’s the top Healthy Vacation Spots in the U.S.A.:

  1. Big Island, Hawaii. You can experience a wide variety of activities including surfing, hiking, climbing, paddle boarding, snorkeling and kayaking.
  2. New York City, New York. New York is the city that never sleeps. You can get a lot of exercise without even realizing it. Walking is a big way of getting around.
  3. San Diego, California. San Diego has the ideal weather conditions for getting outside and getting active. Visit beaches, eco-reserves and state parks for running, hiking.
  4. Sante Fe, New Mexico. Santa Fe has the freshest air around. A great spot to visit with rich history you can get out and explore with more than 300 days of sun every year.
  5. Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Located in the Rockies, Steamboat offers great skiing in the winter and a perfect spot for hiking and biking trails in the summer.
  6. Madison, Wisconsin. Madison is known for having more bicycles than cars. There are hundreds of miles of trails, beaches and lakes perfect for swimming and canoeing.
  7. Austin, Texas. Hometown of Lance Armstrong, Austin is a great biking destination. Running is actually an ideal activity for Austin as it has an elaborate trail system that winds around the town with several loops with varying lengths (3 to 18 miles).
    Sedona, Arizona. Head to the red rocks of Sedona for some rejuvenation (spiritual journey or massages and peace). Personal enrichment is considered an attraction but it is also a great spot for mountain biking, hiking, golfing and tennis.

  8. Seattle, Washington. Seattle is the best place to visit for healthy food options with fresh fish, farmers markets and Washington’s famous apples.
  9. Bar Harbor, Maine. Bar Harbor is the ultimate seaside town for the active traveler. Explore 125 miles of hiking trails through mountains, lakes and sea cliffs. There is an abundance of fresh fish and locally grown blueberries making eating healthy an easy choice.

We all need time away from the everyday hustle and bustle. We need time to rejuvenate and relax. It helps us stay healthy. Don’t stop being active while on vacation, keep up with your healthy lifestyle.

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At Home Facial

Maintaining a healthy, youthful face is a big concern for many women. You can easily keep up with your appearance by performing at home do-it-yourself facials. DIY facial masks are not only inexpensive; a majority of them are natural. Many of them are made from the food and beverages that you eat and drink daily.

Give some of these facials a try:

Honey & Egg Mask – mix an egg with 1 table spoon of honey. Apply the mask to your face around bed time. Wash your face with lukewarm water after the mask is dried. Do it twice a week. This mask is suitable for normal skin types. It can help tighten pores, reduce wrinkles and nourish the skin.

Apple Mask – mix an egg, 2 teaspoons of honey, half of an apple, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 5g of flour. Peel the apple and crush it into apple mud. Then add in all other ingredients. Stir the mixture until it becomes pasty. After cleansing your face, apply the mask for 10-15 minutes and wash off. The apple mask increases skin metabolism and therefore revitalizes your skin cells. It also nourishes and whitens your skin.

Honey, Yogurt & Banana Mask – mash ½ a banana and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey and a small cup of yogurt. Apply the mixture onto the face for 5 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. This mask will help tighten pores and peel off the dead skin. You will find your skin immediately brighten up after applying the mask. It is most suitable for dry skin types.

Grape Moisture Mask – using seedless grapes, place in a juicer to turn them into grape juice. Mix the grape juice with flour. Apply to the face for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. Grape is a strong anti-oxidant and therefore this mask will help reduce fine lines while replenishing the skin’s moisture.

Papaya Mask – 1 papaya, 2 tablespoons of milk and 2 teaspoons of honey. First mash the papaya to a pulp-like consistency. Add in the milk and honey and mix well. After cleansing your face, apply for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Papaya can deep clean the dirt in the pores. It contains vitamin B which can rejuvenate the tired skin.

Tomato Mask – mash tomatoes and several pieces of lemon. Add some flour and mix well. Apply to face for a longer time at around 30 minutes. Both tomato and lemon are rich in vitamin C and therefore this mask is good for fighting spots. This mask is especially suitable for oily skin. Apply to your face 2 to 3 times a week and you will notice significant skin improvement.

Coffee & Cocoa Mask – 2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee, 2 tablespoons pure cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of yogurt or sour cream. Blend all ingredients together and spread evenly over skin. Allow to set for 10 minutes then rinse off while gently massaging your face to gently exfoliate it as well. This mask will detox your skin while replenishing lost moisture making your skin look plump, healthy and hydrated.

Natural skin care rituals are extremely beneficial. With easy to find ingredients, there is really no reason for you to take care of your face and adding a facial to your home beauty routine.

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Frozen Vs Fresh

We all know how important it is to include vegetables in our daily food intake. Is there a difference between fresh and frozen vegetables? Fresh vegetables are always a great choice, but frozen veggies are a great way to add vegetables to your meal when fresh just isn’t an option.Frozen vegetables can be a great way to add veggies to your meal, especially if you don’t have fresh vegetables on hand. A main advantage of using frozen items is the fact that you don’t have to worry about the foods spoiling in the fridge. Frozen ingredients will keep longer than fresh refrigerated foods, and the freezing process does not deplete the nutrition very much.

Also, fresh vegetables may not actually be as fresh as we think. By the time you bring some of these fresh vegetables home they have already lost a good deal of the vitamins that they once had. In order to reach your grocery store, many fresh vegetables have in fact spent a considerable amount of time in transit as well as time on the supermarket shelf. In reality true fresh vegetables would be those that you plant in your own garden or buy direct from the farmer. If you prepare these on the same day that you buy them then you would receive the maximum nutritional value.

Frozen vegetables are easy to keep on hand and inexpensive to purchase. A bag of frozen veggies can be stored in your freezer for long periods of time and can be a quick ingredient to add to any meal with ease. Frozen vegetables are more easily and cheaply available all year round unlike their fresh counterparts. Fresh produce may be limited and/or more expensive. Some vegetables are difficult to get in some areas or on a seasonal basis. Frozen vegetables can make these difficult-to-find fresh vegetables available when they otherwise may not be. This also gives more variety to your diet making eating healthier a tastier task. Frozen vegetables will remain consistent in both quality and price. This is great if you live in a place that is difficult to get around in the winter with icy road and or long distance driving.

Buying frozen will not only save you some money, but time as well. A bag of frozen carrots will only involve cooking them by steaming, microwaving or boiling them for a short period of time. It becomes fast and easy to add vegetables to your meal and may encourage you to add more vegetables to your meals rather than skipping them all together for convenience. Fresh carrots require you to peel, clean, cut/dice and then cook. Cooking time will also be a bit longer for fresh vegetables.

To keep the most amount of nutrition in the frozen vegetable, they must be prepared carefully. Over boiling is one of the most common mistakes that can actually occur with fresh or frozen. Also, ensure when you are purchasing frozen vegetables that the listed ingredients are only the vegetable itself.

Stock up on vegetables, buying frozen will last longer and will be one less thing you have to buy on a regular basis. The ease and convenience of frozen vegetables will make eating healthier more enticing. There tends to be an attitude that the fresh vegetables in the store aisle are better, but frozen vegetables are healthy, can provide more variety and are convenient for those with busy schedules. Don’t skip out on your daily veggie intake when they can be so easy to add to your meals.

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Mutant Food

Genetically Modified Foods or Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are laboratory creations of agricultural biotechnology engineered by inserting DNA from a foreign species into plants or animals. Genetically modifying food sources can make them bigger, stronger and more nutritious. Changing genes in plants can protect them against disease. It can also help them survive when exposed to herbicides and insects. However, the foreign DNA may be from a virus, bacteria such as E. coli, insects, animals or humans, resulting in traits that would not occur naturally.

About 70% of all processed foods on supermarket shelves contain at least one genetically engineered ingredient. Studies have shown GMOs cause infertility, birth defects, accelerated aging, dysfunctional insulin regulation, changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system, cancer, and immune problems such as asthma, allergies, and inflammation. As a result, some agencies have called for a moratorium on GMOs.

The 4 most genetically modified organisms in the U.S. are soy, canola, cotton and corn, with soy, cotton and canola at a rate of 93% production in the U.S.

How can you avoid Genetically Modified Foods?

  1. Buy foods labeled 100% Organic.
  2. Look for labels that say non-GM or GMO-free.
  3. Buy whole, fresh foods rather than processed ones.
  4. Know which foods are likely to have been a result of genetic engineering (corn, soybeans,
  5. Buy 100% fruit juices.
  6. Buy meat that is 100% grass-fed.
  7. Buy your meat and produce at the local farmers’ market.

Choosing 100% organic foods is the best option when shopping at your local grocery store. There are no laws forcing companies to label their food as being genetically modified.

It is up to us as consumers to recognize this potentially dangerous problem and take precautions to insure that we are not placed at risk by this genetic engineering of our food supply. It only takes a small percentage of people who refuse to buy genetically modified foods to effect a change at the of the largest food companies. When major food business begins to see that offering GMOs does not pay, they will begin to pull these dangerous foods off the shelves, or at least begin to clearly label foods that have been modified in some way. It is our option to choose what we want to eat, but we need all the proper information in order to make the right choice. They do say, we are what we eat. Make sure you are 100% natural.

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Tread Lightly

Treadmill exercise has been proven to be beneficial for all kinds of people, including at risk groups like older individuals and pregnant women. Some kinds of aerobic exercises do not suit pregnant women or older people, but walking is always recommended and a treadmill is ideally suited for this purpose. Cardio-vascular exercise derived from walking or running on a treadmill helps you to burn extra calories and will help you to lose weight rapidly if you exercise on a frequent and consistent basis. A treadmill adds consistency to your walking workout and you can set both the pace and duration of your session and increase this in order to achieve a progressive improvement over time. A treadmill can also help you to achieve your personal fitness goals.

If you like walking or have been advised to walk regularly, then the weather conditions outside can create problems. When the weather conditions are poor during periods of rain, wind, snow or unfavorable temperature it makes it unpleasant or impossible to walk outside. With a treadmill you don’t need to worry about the weather and you can continue with your regular exercise regime.

With the constant walking on a treadmill looking at the same wall and space, how do you overcome boredom and lack of motivation? Try using the treadmill trainer, an audio workout that you can download on your iPod or Mp3 player to listen on your headphones while you jog/walk on the treadmill. It is like having a mini trainer in your ears to motivate you and guide you every step of the way. Or, try choosing an upbeat music compilation of your favorite motivating songs. You can also pick a time and television show you just can’t miss and plan your treadmill workout during that time. You’ll be so engrossed in your program, you’ll forget all about the calorie burn and exercise you are doing at the same time.

With a consistent treadmill workout, you want to make sure you are preventing injury. Remember these key points when walking or running during your treadmill workout.

  • Avoid toe, heel and knee injuries by using good shoes. Replace old worn out shoes so they give you a good support and have proper shock absorption.
  • Don’t overdo it. Use the treadmill every other day, not every day. Don’t go too fast and take it slow.
  • Warm up. Make sure you stretch and warm up your muscles before getting into your exercise routine.

A treadmill can be an excellent addition to any workout. Use some of these suggestions to keep yourself motivated and injury free. Enjoy walking all year long during any temperature or weather conditions that are outside by doing your walking/running routine on a treadmill.

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5, 6, 7, 8, Dance

A dancer’s body looks so fit – they must get a good workout. There must be some tricks of the trade that can be applied to our every day workout to get some of the same effects. Dance-type exercises will focus more on muscle development and flexibility. Dancers are serious athletes that are continually working out to improve strength, agility, speed, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance in order to prevent injuries. Most people know that they have to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it is getting motivated to exercise that is the difficult part. Exercise need not be boring – try dancing!

Pole Dancing
Using pole dancing moves is a great way to get a good workout. It’s a fun activity that will burn tons of calories and give you a toned body. One of the basic moves is climbing which is a perfect beginning exercise to prepare you for learning many others. The basic climbing move is excellent for giving you added strength and flexibility. There are a few different climbing moves and all of them are good for toning the back, legs and arms. The basic climbing move is to use the same concept that you learned in climbing ropes. Feet are together at the base of the pole with arms stretched high above your head, then by alternating the movement of hands and feet, work your way up the pole. Once you’ve master that move, you can try leg hooks, inversion moves and climbing down.

Jazz Dancing
Jazz dancing can spice up any workout because you don’t have to have a partner and you can learn basic moves in a short period of time. One basic move is the Jazz Square. Jazz Square is a fluid, easy dance move where you can complete a square in four short steps. Stand with your feet together and your arms at your side. Begin to step your right foot across your left foot. You then step back, but this time with your left foot. Follow that by stepping to the side with your right foot. Finally, step forward with your left leg. At this juncture, you are ready to step your right leg across your left leg to start yet another Jazz Square. Repeating this can add up to a really good workout routine. Add it to your exercise regime to spice up your cardio exercises.

80s Dance Moves
If you want to really spice up your workout routine, you can go “old-school” and head to the 80s for inspiration. Some of this decade’s biggest dance moves came from popular singers. Try the Fairy Dance, made popular by the group the Smiths. Simply hold out your hands in front of you loosely while you also lower your arms. Begin to wave both hands and arms about as you sway your body to music. Have music going that will keep time to your moves.

A workout routine does not have to be boring. Incorporate some dance moves with your favourite upbeat music and have some fun. You’ll get a great cardio workout while strengthening, toning and developing your muscles while increasing flexibility. With all the physical activity of an intense nature that dancing provides, it is clear that dancing is a great opportunity for you to burn off a lot of calories in any one session. The added bonus of using dance moves to exercise or weight loss is that it doesn’t feel like exercise because you will likely be too caught up in the fun of the dancing activity and therefore be enjoying yourself too much to see that your actually working out.

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No More Bored Games – Fun, Family Board Games

The best way to bring the family together is to have group activities that most, if not all family members can participate in. Family board games are great for bonding. The family can gather together and spend some quality time interacting. Also, board games can improve the thinking process of the family. Some board games are educational, and can keep the mind tuned, fresh and quick witted.

The best board games for family night are the ones that get everybody together without phones and other electronics in their hands. It is the group dynamics of face-to-face, around the table interaction that makes board games the continued choice for all ages. Good old ‘analog’ table-talk provides all the elements of staying close to the people in your family.

Often the simplest of games will be the ones that you bring out most often when family or friends gather. Change it up on a weekly or monthly basis to keep the interest. Let the reaction from the participants be the measure of approval. Having fun, good natured banter and laughter, are all indicators of an excellent game choice. It is all about generating fun and good conversation. A good board game will even draw in the non-participants. Having good memories and conversation about past played games is always an excellent indicator that you have a ‘winning’ game.

Some of the best board games for all ages include:

  • Simon
  • Connect 4
  • Chutes and Ladders
  • Candyland
  • Checkers
  • Monopoly
  • Sorry
  • Chess

Again, the best board games are the ones that get the whole family engaged. It’s a great way to interact, communicate and spend quality time as a family. Plan your next family night as a board game night.

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Tips to Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Fruit w:measuring tapeAcute inflammation is your body’s natural and helpful immune response to tissue damage. When you fall off your bike and cut yourself, the cut swells, reddens and feels   inflamed. These are all signs that your immune system is busy at work sending white blood cells to the site of your injury to repair the tissue. In this situation, inflammation is a good thing.

Chronic, out of control internal inflammation  is NOT a good thing, however. Chronic inflammation is thought to increase your risk for heart disease and some cancers.  It is also thought to be a deterrent to fat loss.

Chronic inflammation is thought to be caused by a barrage of environmental, physical and mental invaders. These come in the form of things like poor diet, toxic chemicals, allergens, poor sleep habits, and stress.

Chronic inflammation is hard to detect, but it can cause a host of health problems.  If you think you may be at risk for chronic inflammation, it might be worth getting a check up.  There are blood tests your doctor can do to see if you have underlying hidden inflammation in your body.

There are simply dietary changes you can start doing immediately that may help you if you think you suffer from chronic internal inflammation.

Tips to Reduce Chronic Inflammation

1). Include fresh and dried herbs in your nutrition plan.  Basil, chili peppers, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, turmeric, and ginger, too.

2). Eat berries and tart cherries.  Berries and tart cherries have anti-inflammatory properties, not to mention anti-oxidants and fiber. Lots of good stuff in those berries!

3). Take a fish oil supplement or eat fish 2 times a week.  Fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which are thought to help decrease inflammation.

4). Cook with olive oil. Olive oil is rich in oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that keeps inflammation down.

5). Drink brewed green tea.  Green tea contains a compound called ECGC that is thought to decrease inflammation (I’m drinking green tea as I write this post!!).

6). Eat dark leafy greens as often as you can.

Making these simple changes will not only have you eating healthier—it just may help you reduce internal inflammation.

For more information on an anti-inflammatory diet, check out Dr. Andrew Weil’s website:


The list above gives you ideas of what foods to ADD to your life to reduce chronic inflammation.  We should also discuss a few things we should minimize in our diets to help decrease inflammation.  These include:

1)  Hydrogenated oils

2) Added sugar

3)  Products made with wheat flour

Also, if you know you are allergic to something or just somewhat sensitive to it (soy or gluten, for example), it’s a good idea to minimize it in your diet.  If your allergic or sensitive to it, it’s possible it will create an internal inflammatory response in you.

Always check with your doctor if you think you have a chronic inflammatory condition so that you can be set on the right path for your particular situation.  In the meantime, try some of these dietary suggestions.  Even if you don’t have chronic inflammation, you may find yourself eating just a little bit healthier!

Aside from dietary changes, the two other suggestions I’ll leave you with involve some lifestyle changes.  The two best lifestyle changes to make if you’re not already doing them are:

1)  Get yourself into a pattern of regular, restful sleep.  Lack of sleep causes all sorts of disruptions in your body and can cause you to make poor food choices.  First and foremost—fix your sleep!

2)  Get yourself started on a regular exercise program.  TONS of good things happen when you begin an exercise program!  You’ll sleep better, drop excess body fat, reduce your stress, AND potentially improve a chronic inflammation situation!


If you’re in the San Jose, Campbell or Los Gatos area, I invite you to experience a free one-week trial at a lifeSport Fitness boot camp in San Jose so we can show you how to develop an “anti-inflammatory lifestyle” and have some FUN while you do it!

Committed to your success,



Getting an Organized Kitchen

The kitchen is one part of the house that is prone to clutter and mess, as a lot of activities are done in this particular room. Organizing your kitchen and keeping it clean will help with organizing your life. Divide your kitchen into different zones and keep ‘like’ items together. Try these tips to get the organized kitchen you need.

  1. To inspire you to organize your kitchen and remove all the clutter found in it, find magazines and web resources where you can find ideas on how you want your kitchen to be organized. Sometimes we just need to see some clutter-free and well-organized kitchens to keep us motivated to the task. Visualizing the organization you want for your kitchen is helpful too.
  2. Set a time only for organizing your kitchen. As the kitchen involves many items for organizing, it is helpful to set a particular time for this task alone. This way, you will not leave the task unfinished.
  3. Sort out items in the kitchen that are not usable anymore. Get rid of things that do not serve their purpose anymore, or those things that have already broken (i.e. pots and pans without handles, containers that don’t have lids, etc.). You can take this time to clean your refrigerator from stale items as well.
  4. Organize your kitchen food items into types. You may want to put all spices in one place and canned goods in another. If you are using identical containers, you may want to label foods as well.
  5. Keep those frequently used items within reach. When organizing your kitchen, it helps a lot in placing those pots, pans and utensils that are frequently used together and nearby. Put those less used items on the higher or hard to reach areas of your kitchen cabinets.
  6. Drawer dividers will help you separate groups of utensils from one another. This will eliminate the junky looking utensil drawer and allow you to quickly find what you need.

Take the time to do a little planning before you get started reorganizing. Think about what you do and where in the kitchen and keep things near the areas you will be using them. And stick to putting things back in their new home. Keep the kitchen from going back to the cluttered mess it once was.

Organizing your own kitchen space can make your life easier and less stressful. Assigning a work area and spot for everything will help you discover what you are looking for as it’s needed, thus saving you time and energy. Having a clean and efficiently organized kitchen will allow you to work and move more efficiently in your kitchen giving you better use out of your space.

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