
It’s not just a topping on your oatmeal, Cinnamon has numerous health benefits. Cinnamon is one of the world’s oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its nutrition and health.. It contains unique health and healing properties which come from the active components in the essential oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant properties which has numerous health benefits. A little teaspoon of cinnamon can give your body a surprisingly high amount of nutrition benefits.

Cinnamon offers several mineral benefits such as manganese, iron and calcium. It also offers a healthy dose of vitamins C and K. And most surprisingly, a teaspoon of cinnamon contains over a gram of fiber.

Aside from being packed with powerful nutrients, cinnamon also has the ability to combat a wide array of digestive problems. Some of the health benefits from cinnamon are how it fights indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and upset stomach. The scientific and medical communities are beginning to see the benefits of cinnamon and it has recently been found to process anti-inflammatory effects. The health benefits of cinnamon do not stop with digestive health. In fact it is believed and now proven that cinnamon has a rather large effect on cholesterol as well as blood glucose levels.

A positive attribute for the health properties of cinnamon are that it may actually improve Type 2 diabetes as well as insulin resistance. Insulin sensitivity as well as naturally monitoring blood glucose levels are some of the strong health benefits from cinnamon that caused the justifiable attention after several studies. It only took a half of a teaspoon of cinnamon to get these results. If you improve your insulin resistance it can positively impact your health in a few ways. You may be able to lose some weight. You could also stand a much lesser risk of developing heart disease. Another finding from the studies was, alongside improved blood sugar levels, good improvements in triglycerides as well as blood pressure. Most notably the studies concluded that the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the study participants had dropped as well.

Here’s a List of Health Benefits from Cinnamon:

  1. Lower Cholesterol Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Fights Cancer
  4. Tooth Decay and Mouth Freshener
  5. Cures Respiratory Problems
  6. Brain Tonic
  7. Infections
  8. Eases menstruation cycles
  9. Birth Control
  10. Breastfeeding
  11. Reduces Arthritis Pain
  12. Digestive Tonic
  13. Reduces Urinary Tract Infections.
  14. Anti Clotting Actions
  15. Natural Food Preserver
  16. Headaches and Migraine
  17. Pimples and Blackheads
  18. Thinning of the Blood and Improves Blood Circulation
  19. Toning of tissue
  20. Muscle and Joint Pain Relief
  21. Immune System
  22. Itching

Cinnamon has ample health benefits as highlighted above that can be used to improve your health and boost your immune system. This is a great reason to keep some cinnamon in your cupboard and sprinkle it in your tea, coffee, over oatmeal or a sweet potato – it will do wonders for your health.

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Bad Diet or Healthy Eating Plan?

Weight Loss Tip:  Do You Have A Bad Diet or a Healthy Eating Plan?A healthy diet is an integral part of any weight loss program. Generally, a balanced diet composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean meat will give an individual the necessary energy to perform the daily activities and function at their most optimum level–AND lose that dreaded excess body fat.  In addition to helping you shed unwanted fat, well-planned meals protect against some chronic diseases and aid in tissue and muscle repair .

Unfortunately, society has put such importance on losing weight that people desperate to see a drop on the scale will go on “crash diets”. Very often these diets are too low in calories to sustain long term and nutritionally they’re not all that healthy.

I’ve been a personal trainer in Willow Glen for many many years now. I’ve always counseled our clients to avoid the “diet” mentality, and instead begin to concentrate on eating whole, fresh foods.  My coaches and I ask our clients to concentrate on what TO eat, instead of what NOT to eat. We coach our clients to eat meals that consist mainly of protein, vegetable-based carbohydrates and a little healthy fat throughout the day.  We ask them to minimize “liquid calories”  ( the calories from a daily latte add up!) and processed, wheat flour-based foods.   We check in with our personal training clients regularly to ask if the dietary changes they’re making are changes that they can live with for life.  We don’t seek to deprive anyone from an occasional cocktail, latte or brownie.  We simply coach our clients to eat really well most of the time.

Why Dieting is a Losing Proposition

A diet that is seen as a mere means to losing weight as opposed to a lifestyle change will potentially result in unhealthy  practices, poor overall nutrition and possibly muscle/bone loss.  Crash diets will literally starve the body of the most basic nutrients needed to function. The worst part is, after doing a crash diet and then returning to the eating pattern that got you overweight in the first place—you’re bound to gain even MORE weight.

The New Paradigm for Permanent Weight Loss

  1. Avoid strict fad diets
  2. Try making just ONE change per week that will get you to eat healthier
  3. Limit the calories you drink
  4. Minimize wheat flour-based foods (eat whole grains instead)
  5. Incorporate regular strength training into your lifestyle (muscle burns calories ALL DAY LONG!)

Having trouble with the motivation to change?

Consider joining a small group personal training program in Willow Glen with lifeSport Fitness!

We’re opening up two new time slots during which we train up to 4 people on their own personal program.  You share a coach and save BIG on coaching fees!

Call us at 408-265-1540 to talk with us about how we can help you lose weight and feel great!

Quinoa–A Great Super Food!

For breakfast, lunch or dinner, quinoa is a healthy option to add to your diet. Quinoa is a seed grain that has been cultivated in the Andean region for over 7,000 years and was considered sacred by the Inca Empire. It was later replaced almost completely by cereals such as barley, wheat and corn.

I consider quinoa  a “superfood” because it is a complete protein, and it’s packed with fiber and other good stuff. Quinoa is a slow releasing carbohydrate that gives you a full feeling for a long time.  This is ideal for weight control and to maintain adequate blood sugar levels. It is a complete protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids, and includes lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair.

A cup of quinoa contains about 8 grams of protein, about twice that of other grains. Quinoa is a very good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus, making it especially valuable for persons which migraine headaches, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. It is a good source of riboflavin, which is necessary for energy productions within cells. Quinoa is gluten-free and is a great source of fiber.

Cooking with quinoa is simple and is just like cooking rice. The most basic method of cooking quinoa is to boil it in water and simmer for 10-12 minutes. You need 1 measure of quinoa to 2 measures of water. All the water will be absorbed by the quinoa. Some quinoa has a coating of bitter tasting saponins. In that case, you need to pre-rinse the quinoa to remove this coating before cooking.  Once you have cooked the quinoa you can add it as a base for meat dishes instead of rice. You can also include it in salads and soups. I recently used it in Minestrone soup in place of pasta. It will take on the flavor of the foods you cook with and adds its own little bite to the taste.

Another way of incorporating quinoa in your meals is in the form of quinoa flour. Quinoa flour has a pleasant, nutty taste. It makes delicious bread, muffins, pasta, pancakes and more. When using quinoa flour in baking, substitute half the amount of all-purpose flour with quinoa flour, and then use all-purpose flour for the remaining half. Depending on the taste you are looking for in your baked good, you may want to use less quinoa flour than all-purpose. Experiment yourself and find what suits your taste buds best.

Try this easy Quinoa Recipe

2 small onions, finely chopped
1 large red pepper, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
Sea salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 cup of Quinoa
2 cups of water
2 vegetarian soup stock cubes

First add the finely chopped onions, the minced garlic and sea salt to the olive oil in a pan or wok.
Saute until onions are slightly brown. Then add chopped red pepper and continue to sauté until onions are caramelized. Add water, then the stock cubes and quinoa and bring to a simmer. Stir once after 5 minutes then simmer for 15 minutes until water has been cooked in.

Enjoy Quinoa in your diet. Experiment by adding it to dishes where you normally use rice (think stir fries or soup). You’ll find it is a healthy, tasty addition to your meals!

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Nuts – I Love Nuts

Nuts may be small, but they are packed full of nutrition. Most nuts are filled with heart-friendly fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals. Good things do come in small packages. Almonds
Almonds are a favourite among most nut eaters. They are rich in calcium and are one of the lowest-calorie nuts. An ounce (30g) of almonds has about 6 grams of protein and 14 grams of fat. Apart from that, they are also rich in vitamin E, magnesium, potassium and fiber. Antioxidants that are present in almonds help fight inflammation, lung cancer and cognitive decline associated with aging. Almonds remove ‘bad’ cholesterol from the body and help clean up the colon. The natural oils and rich fiber content in these nuts nourish the lining of our digestive tract.

Each pistachio nut has only 3 calories. These nuts have lutein and zeaxanthin, which are relatives of beta-carotene. These components may help in reducing the risk with macular degeneration associated with aging.

Pecans are rich in beta-sitosterol. This plant steroid is found to relieve symptoms associated with BPH (enlarged prostate). They contain high levels of anti-oxidants that help reduce unhealthy oxidation of LDL cholesterol in blood, helping us fight heart disease. An ounce (30g) of pecan has about 200 calories of energy and contains 3 grams of protein and 21 grams of fat. Recent studies have shown that pecans have the capacity to lower one’s bad cholesterol and promote heart health. They are rich in vitamin E, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, zinc and fiber.

Walnuts are sort of a super food. The anti-inflammatory benefits of consuming walnuts are particularly helpful for people suffering from arthritis and asthma. Walnuts are a source of ‘good’ cholesterol rich in ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid that protects the heart and reduces bone breakdown. The ellagic acid present in these nuts is known for its cancer fighting character.

Hazelnuts contain a type of vitamin B that helps prevent heart disease, certain cancers, birth defects and Alzheimer’s disease. These nuts contain an amino acid known as arginine and magnesium which relaxes the blood vessels and eases out blood pressure. Hazelnuts are particularly good for dieters as they taste like a treat and keep them filled for longer.

Cashews have less fat than most nuts. They are rich in anti-oxidants that are heart friendly, containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in doses almost equal to what is found in some fish. Cashews are rich in copper, iron, zinc and magnesium. They keep your energy level at a high no matter what activity you are doing.

Nuts make for great snacks, but because they are rich in calories, it is important to know how much you are eating and control your portions. Nuts contain vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and anti-oxidants all of which are important in a healthy lifestyle. The fat and fiber content in nuts make them very filling and satisfying. Replace your chips, cookies, donuts and other high calorie snacks with nuts, the better alternative snack food. Eating nuts help contribute to good health.

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Shedding Holiday Weight

How to Shed Holiday Weight GainThe holiday season has come and gone. Many San Jose residents have “Shedding Holiday Weight” as a top priority on their to-do lists now.  It’s time to work on losing those extra pounds gained from all the parties, holiday treats and family gatherings. With the abundance of rich foods at holiday time, it is no wonder that so many people suffer from holiday weight gain (yep, even your friendly San Jose boot camp coach can fall victim to holiday treats!).

The extra pounds you may have packed on during the holidays can make the prospect of losing weight seem like an overwhelming task. The good news is that by taking the time to plan out a post-holiday strategy that will work for you, shedding holiday weight won’t be as difficult as you think.

Post Holiday Weight Loss Tips

  1. Set a goal. What would you like to achieve in the next 6 weeks?  Is is attainable?  Measurable?  Get your goals down on paper and post them where you’ll see them every day.
  2. Put together a routine.  Get yourself back into the habit of regular exercise.  Write out a schedule of when you’ll exercise and stick to it.  Grab a workout buddy if you need more accountability.
  3. Eat breakfast!  Having a good breakfast with protein and produce (think scrambled eggs and spinach) is important in order to set yourself up to feel full and energized for your day.  Ditch the sugary cereals and flour-based bread products.  Stick with protein and produce as your first meal of the day.
  4. Eat often.  Make your meals a little smaller, and eat 4-6 times per day.  This will keep you energized and feeling full, and it will also keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day.
  5. Limit alcohol and other calorie filled, non-nutritive beverages.  Now, don’t shoot the messenger, and please note that I didn’t say eliminate.  Simply limit them ;-).
  6. Get outside!  We’re fortunate to live in an area with wonderful weather pretty much year-round.  On the weekends, soak up a little sun and vitamin D with a walk, a hike or sprints around your local high school track.  A little sunshine and fresh air will do your mood good.

If you’d like our professional fitness boot camp coaches to be your accountability partner, please give us a call at 408-265-1540 or click below to request a one-week free trial at a lifeSport Fitness boot camp in San Jose Campbell or Los Gatos:

I want a free one-week trial at lifeSport Fitness bootcamp!


Healthy Baking

The best part of the holidays is indulging in the yummy baked goods. However, they don’t all have to be unhealthy. Believe it or not, there are actually some good choices out there that won’t you leave you feeling guilty for having a little too much.Granted most of them are full of refined flour and sugar, so you still must eat them in moderation, healthier choice or not. However, if you are doing the baking, making the right ingredient choices will also help in making healthier baked goods.

Here are the Top 5 healthiest baked treats you can choose from:

  1. Biscotti is one of the best choices that you can ever make. Each slice is only 100 calories and the nuts that are added, usually almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts, add protein, monounsaturated fats, and fibre to your diet which keep you in good shape. A daily serving is about 4-6 nuts, so a slice or won’t do that much damage to your diet. Stay away from the biscotti with chocolate or caramel chips, though. These are simply extra calories and extra sugar. Opt for ones stuffed with dried fruits instead.
  2. A favourite with oranges, cranberries and apples, these make for delicious cakes and muffins. So if you’re offered a slice of cranberry-orange cake, say yes. But this doesn’t mean you can have cakes with white chocolate chips in them.
  3. Although the classic fruitcake weighs in at about 80-100 calories a slice, most people may opt for a nut-free slice of carrot cake instead. They’re both low in fat and have lots of fibre . It’s the icing that is the unhealthiest part of the carrot cake, so use low fat icing and don’t put too much on.
  4. Choose a square or a regular-sized muffin of chocolate-chip banana bread. With a sprinkling of chopped walnuts, they’re high in fibre and monounsaturated fats. Plus, semi-sweet chocolate chips are also a better option.
  5. Cookies are generally thought of as an unhealthy sinful treat, but sometimes you just have to have them. Your best bet would be oatmeal cookies with added dried fruit and chopped nuts.

Choose the right ingredients when making your baked goods.

Bittersweet chocolate, dark chocolate and raw cocoa have less sugar, plus the high percentage of flavonoids make it an anti-oxidant. They also contain resveratrol, which is an antimicrobial that is believed to lower blood-sugar, enhance physical performance and potentially prolong life.

Use bran instead of refined white flour to make healthier cakes and muffins. You can also try options of oat flour, whole wheat flour, almond flour, hazelnut flour or coconut flour. Oat, almond and coconut flours are great options as they are also gluten-free. They’re all also high in fibre which helps to keep you full and satisfied for longer periods of time.

Replace refined white sugar with other options such as coconut sugar, raw sugar, agave nectar, maple syrup, honey or fruit puree. All healthier options to limit your sugar intake.

Dried fruit, seeds and nuts are healthy baking additives. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, healthy fats and linked to promoting good digestive, bone and oral health. Dried fruit adds natural sugars and can give a little moisture and texture to your favourite recipe as well.

There is no need to deprive yourself of baked goods just to stay healthy. Just like everything, moderation is the key as well as choosing the baked goods made with the right ingredients.

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Staying Healthy During the Holidays

There’s eggnog and pumpkin pie and turkey and ham and cookies oh my…Maintaining nutritious eating and a healthy lifestyle during the holidays can be quite a challenge for anyone. There are many parties and other social gatherings for work, family and friends. No one wants to miss these special occasions, so it is important to know ahead of time how to best handle all the temptations of eating, drinking and staying up later than we are accustomed to. Here are some ways to help you stay on course during this year’s holiday season.

  • Get enough rest. Take a nap for even a half an hour before you go out, if you can. Getting enough sleep will help you to eat less and exercise more.
  • Maintain your workout regime. If you can’t make it to the gym, plan a walk, run or some cardio at home. Try to schedule your workouts in the morning, to avoid casually dismissing them when the late-afternoon rush is upon you. Plus, you won’t feel as guilty when you indulge on a sweet or two.
  • Think about what you will do before you arrive. Plan your eating behaviour. Limit the amount of drinks and sweets you’ll have. Eat some healthy snacks before you go so you aren’t hungry when you arrive.
  • Drink lots of water. Have a couple of glasses before you go and alternate higher calorie drinks like alcoholic beverages, eggnog or hot chocolate with water while you are at the holiday party. Drinks can have a lot of hidden calories in them.
  • Be aware of what you are putting on your plate if you are served buffet style. Take a small amount of everything you like so you will not feel deprived. Try to forego the bread baskets so you don’t fill up on too much carbohydrates. Fill your plate with some “good” foods first. Load up the plate with lean meats, vegetables and fruit. Watch out you don’t overdo it on the dips.
  • Walk as often as you can. If you will be at someone’s home for an extended period of time, excuse yourself to go for a walk. Take a break from eating and get some fresh air.

To keep healthy eating habits over the holidays make sure you eat several small meals a day. This old tip holds especially true during the holiday season. We tend to skip meals and indulge in one large holiday dinner with the entire family. Don’t starve yourself all day. Get some snacks in and most importantly start your day with a good healthy breakfast. You will be able to enjoy your holiday more by stabilizing your blood sugar.

Remember the importance of this time of year, friends, family and loved ones. Put your attention on spending quality time with those you love and engaging in fun activities. The holiday season does not have to revolve around eating.

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Hunger Games

Hunger is one of our primal human urges, but it’s a tough thing to grasp, a marionette with many masters. A variety of hormones and neurotransmitters pull the strings – appetite suppressors and boosters, plus others that affect satiety and stress – and they, in turn, are manipulated by our body clock.There are two kinds of hunger: physiological and reward-driven. One is ruled by our body’s instinct to find the energy it needs to survive, while the other is psychological, influenced by smell, sight, stress, and social and environmental settings – the gauntlet of daily life.

One of the most difficult things about dieting is having to deal with those hunger pains, the ones where you are absolutely dying for some chocolate or some salty chips. If hunger is often getting the best of you and your weight loss program, it’s going to be imperative to your success that you seek out some solutions to put an end to this before it destroys all your efforts. Having hunger control you is terrible for weight loss programs or weight maintenance. Follow these tips so YOU can control your appetite not your appetite control you.

Tips to Out Smart Your Hunger

  • Start your day off right with a large breakfast to keep you energized in the morning. Protein and carbohydrates will keep your blood sugar at a good level until lunchtime.
  • Allow yourself to snack here and there – but do it wisely. Choose fruits, vegetables or nuts rather than hitting the vending machine.
  • Eat foods high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and grains. These types of foods are low in fat, and fill you up. They take longer to digest, so they make you feel full much longer than fatty foods.
  • Drink lots of water. Water will fill up your belly, helping you eat less and lose more weight.
  • Pay attention to your eating. Take a seat at the kitchen table. Eating in front of the television or computer screen will only help you keep eating and not realizing you’re full.
  • Eat less more often. Try eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day. Eating smaller meals often can give you the constant energy levels that leave you feeling more balanced and productive.
  • Get busy! When you think you’re hungry (outside of your regular meal times) go for a walk, go out and exercise, drink a glass of water, keep busy and get your mind off food.
  • Try to limit processed foods, sugar and sodium. Read labels, see what is in your food. It is difficult to get away from sugar and salt, but reading the labels will tell you just how much you are consuming. Choose low sugar and sodium options.
  • Consume probiotics. These gut-friendly bacteria help correct imbalances that may contribute to mood swings during PMS.

Try these several tips to help you curb your hunger pains throughout the day. If you can manage them, you will be successful in losing weight and maintaining your goals.

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Weight Loss Tips When Eating Out

Just because you are watching what you eat and trying to drop unwanted pounds doesn’t mean you can’€™t enjoy eating out and socializing with friends and family on occasion. It actually may be getting a little easier to eat out while trying to eat cleaner, as some restaurants are adding special menu items that are lower in fat and salt, low calorie or lower in grain-based carbs.

It’s all about exhibiting some control on what you order and how fast you eat, as well as putting a few things into place before you even leave the house.  The following weight loss tips will help you stay on track when you’re out on the town!




Here are my nine weight loss tips for eating healthier when eating out:

  1. Don’t let your eyes get bigger than your stomach. Drink a couple glasses of water before going out to curb your hunger.
  2. Educate yourself on the menu prior to going. Pick your meal ahead of time so you’€™re not letting your hunger do the ordering at the table.
  3. Steer clear of sugary or alcoholic drinks. Stick to clean water and/or unsweetened tea. If you must– opt for a small glass of red wine which is high in antioxidants.
  4. Avoid appetizers. Many times appetizers are so filling and loaded in fat and calories, making you go over your calories for your meal without even getting to the main course yet. If you absolutely must have an appetizer, choose a salad with an oil and vinegar based dressing. Stay clear of the high fat and high calorie cream-based dressings.
  5. Get a dish based on lean meat. Avoid having meats fried in oil or butter and ask to get it grilled, which will remove excess fat. Good meats to look for would be chicken, fish, lean red meat (e.g. sirloin steak), turkey, venison, lean pork chops, and quail.
  6. Try to avoid eating breads, and opt for more vegetables (the greener the better). Vegetables will make you feel fuller due to their high water content, plus they are loaded with more vitamins and minerals. Keep clear of fried vegetables.
  7. Instead of french fries or chips, order a salad or steamed veggies.
  8. If you must have a dessert opt for a coffee with one scoop of ice cream, or share a dessert with your partner or friend.

Employing some of these tips will help you stay within the realms of healthy eating while you’re out at a restaurant.

The main thing to remember when eating out is to drink plenty of water, have fun, and talk a lot which can stop your focus on eating (plus it keeps your portions under control!). You don€’t have to miss out just because you’€™re trying to eat healthier. Just be smart!


Committed to your success,


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Food Porn

Humans having distorted views and relationships with food aren’t necessarily a new phenomenon. However social media, like instagram and facebook, has created a food obsessed society. It isn’t uncommon to see all your friend’s and friends of friends’ posting pictures of recipes across various social media sites whether they are dining out, have tried a new recipe they can’t wait to share or they are simply snapping a photo of tonight’s dinner.While such photos are seemingly innocent and let’s face it-some people take them to unleash their inner photographe, studies, nutritionists and medical professionals are now saying that social media and posting pictures of food can not only make us hungrier, they can make us gain weight. What’s worse is some feel that social media has all but altered the way we look and deal with food and this can be a dangerous path if one is not disciplined.

We See Food Differently with Social Media
In the olden days now long gone, nutritionists were just starting to accomplish their goal of getting the general public to view food not necessarily as a pleasure in which we should obsess over, but to see food as fuel; a means to stay alive and feed the body so that we can remain productive and healthy human beings.

Today though, our relationships with food have far surpassed that, so much so that the topic has made it to the nightly news. Anchors are now warning viewers that their preoccupation with food and pictures has transformed into something unhealthy. Suddenly food has become art; it is a social event where more is certainly merrier-more people and more food. This means more calories and a shift in our brain’s processing of the importance of food. Not for fuel’s sake, but for socialization’s sake and now our waist lines are ballooning.

We also have more access to foods than ever before. Pictures say a thousand words, or so the saying goes, and the fact that we have access to all sorts of foods now prompts us to want to eat those foods. For the person who is normally health conscious, viewing photos of greasy burgers and tasty, calorie ridden desserts on a consistent basis definitively wears down willpower some researchers say.

We no longer look at food as a way to gain nutritional value; instead we see food differently: a competition to see who can bake the best dessert; an invitation to try as many new foods as we can; a centerpiece to several get- togethers with friends where the food and spirits flow without a second thought. We care more about the art of food and the social stigma behind it than concentrating on eating the foods that will replenish our bodies in a healthy manner.

The Guilt is Gone
It used to be that when we kept food journals they were a tool to gauge how much we are eating and a way to see where our eating “flaws” were taking place. Emotional eaters found this to be quite helpful as well. However, social media has afforded us all the opportunity to view food with ease and in that process much of the guilt we used to feel has dwindled. After all, what’s the harm in creating a masterpiece and then splashing it across the social media sites in an effort to impress friends and exchange recipes? A lot says some researchers. Referred to in the medical community as “foodstagramming,” medical professionals fear that photographing foods across social media sites has started an obesity trend that can’t be undone.

In fact there is a plethora of research that shows that viewing images of foods, especially those that are high in calories, will stimulate the brain’s appetite and ultimately will cause us to crave and eat such foods.

Studies continually show (using MRI imaging) that when we view high calorie foods certain parts of the brain are activated. Those same regions are not activated when viewing healthy foods such as veggies and lean meats, causing researchers to believe that our feelings and craving for high calorie goodies are increased simply by viewing photos. Such photos trigger cravings for delicious foods and we are then more apt to seek them out and eat them.

Since we often spend hours at a time on social media sites, our brains are flooded with these images, causing a chain reaction and society’s weight is increasing because of it, while at the same time we are forgetting that food is meant to nourish our bodies, not feed our souls.

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