boost your fitness results

5 Tips for Better Workout Results

I’ve got a list of 5 simple things you can do to get better results from your workouts.

By “results,” I mean noticeable changes in your stamina, strength, energy, and overall fitness.

Before I get into the tips, I want you to remember one thing that will help drive all of those results:

YOU ARE AN ATHLETE in training, no matter how young or old you are, or your current fitness or activity level.

You are training for your BEST LIFE.

Having a fit, strong, and healthy body that can help you make the MOST of every single day is something worth fighting for!

My hope is that these tips will help you save time and get super focused so that the time you spend working to improve your health and fitness creates the results you want!

Tips To Improve Your Workout Results

5 Ways To Boost Your Workout Results


1: Set your priorities

In other words: Get excited about a goal! Want to be able to do 10 push-ups or pull-ups? Run 3 miles without stopping? Add distance to your golf drive?

As adults, we often write off those goals as silly or frivolous. They aren’t! They can add a fun factor to your routine (and also a clear purpose).

Setting priorities gives you focus and a purpose.


2: Have a plan

Now that you have a priority, create an intentional workout program – and make sure to include the RIGHT kinds of exercises to hit your goals.

Example: if you want to be able to do 10 push-ups, running 3 days a week won’t help you with that. But building your strength (especially core and upper body) will.


3: Periodize for progress

This is related to creating a plan … it’s making sure your routine grows and changes as you get more fit. Trainers call this “periodization.”

If you always do the same exercises the same way, eventually you’ll plateau.

Your workouts should challenge you just enough to move you closer to your goals, but not so much that you feel drained, overly sore, or get injured. This is where having an experienced coach can help — we know how to keep the progress going and continually challenge you safely!


4: Eat to support your goal

First: Make sure you’re eating a high-quality diet, filled with nutrient-dense food in the right portions for your activity level.

Then: Come up with a snack strategy to refuel right after your workout. Aim for a carb-protein mini-meal to give your muscles a jump start on recovery.


5: Reset, Recover & Rest

Your workouts create stress in your body (it’s good stress, but it’s still stress).

That’s why it’s so important to give yourself time to reset, recover, and rest afterward.

Not only will it help you get the best results from the workout you just did, but it helps your body get ready for your NEXT workout.

On a practical level, this means taking 24-48 hours between strength workouts to let your muscles repair and rebuild.

It also means getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night so your body can restore your immune function, balance your hormones, and remove waste.



So there you have it!

These five tips will help you take your workouts to the NEXT LEVEL and help you hit your workout goals faster.


 Committed to your success,
Coach Becky

Feeling like you don’t know what to do or where to start to improve your workout results? It might be time to hire a professional coach!  We can take the guesswork out of what to do, how to do it and how to manage your nutrition to get the results you desire. Coaching can take you where you want to go in less time than you can get there on your own!

 Want to chat?  Fill in the form below and we’ll set up a time for a 30-minute complimentary strategy session to help get you going in the right direction!

Healthy Foods That Really Aren’t That Healthy

Try as we might to eat healthy most of the time, we’re often tricked by advertising into thinking what they’re selling is really good for us. What does this mean? Sometimes what we think are healthy foods aren’t healthy at all! Often, the foods that get touted as “healthy” by food manufacturers aren’t the best choices in their class. So to help figure out what’s what, here’s a list of healthy foods that really aren’t that healthy.


Here are a few foods that get touted as “healthy” by food manufacturers. Although, many of them aren’t the best choices in their class.


Tasty and fast, for sure. But, unfortunately, breakfast cereal is often jam-packed with extra sugars that will do more to drag you down than build you up for your day. A lot of breakfast cereals will jack up your blood sugar because they’re made with low fiber, fast acting carbohydrates (which leads to a blood sugar drop later in the morning).

If you like a morning bowl of cereal, opt for whole oats or steel cut oats. Add berries or a little Stevia for sweetness and some chopped nuts for healthy fats. This will give you some filling fiber to get you through the morning and a LOT more nutrition than a bowl of Cap’n Crunch.



Yes, flavored yogurt tastes much better than its plain peers, but going with a pre-flavored yogurt will instantly double the amount of sugar you consume. Fortunately, overcoming the flavorless thing can be done healthily. All you have to do is add chopped, fresh fruit of your choice and enjoy! Consider Greek yogurt for a higher protein count.



Manufacturers woo you in with “zero calories!!!” emblazoned on the label/can. Unfortunately, scientists now think that diet soda messes with your body’s ability to recognize and manage sugar properly. Switch over to sparkling water if you like the carbonation but don’t want to feed your sweet tooth.



No, all popcorn is not to be avoided at all costs. But more than likely, a lot of the unpopped kernels in your kitchen should be ditched. 

Here’s a good way to determine if your popcorn is at war with your good health. Is it in a prepackaged bag that simply has to be tossed in the microwave to be cooked? If so, then stay away! 

Those prepackaged popcorn packages, whether lightly buttered, drowning in butter, or candied offer no benefit. If you’re going to do popcorn, you’ll need to pop it the old-fashioned way, preferably via air popping.



The word “skinny” is alluring, I know. However, these diet desserts are often filled with artificial ingredients and sugars that are keeping you stuck with your fat loss. When you want dessert — go for the real thing: really good ice cream, a freshly baked cookie, a decadent brownie. Eat those yummy desserts once in a while and they won’t mess with your overall nutrition if it’s otherwise on point.

As a bonus, desserts made with real foods won’t add chemicals to your gut! For example, consider baking a small batch of cookies at home. You will get to enjoy a freshly made warm cookie that will not only taste delicious but will also have no harmful chemicals in them! You can even freeze the leftovers for another treat in the future.

Want to try it out? Check out this recipe for homemade peanut butter cookies



Enjoyed by healthy hikers around the world, granola bars are the final unexpected bad choice in your kitchen. This one may have you scratching your head when you consider that your favorite kind is crammed with every fruit and nut you can imagine. But read the ingredient label and you’ll soon see that there is probably more added sugar (make that high-fructose corn syrup!) than goodness your body can use. If you need a snack bar, look for brands with little to no additional sugars and a limited ingredient list.




Yes, generally these foods may be healthy or at least healthier than other foods. But, that doesn’t mean that every version of it sold in stores is healthy too! Thus, the usage of the phrase “healthy foods that really aren’t that healthy.”


Always check the labels when you can to see how much sugar is in the product (or corn syrup). Many times you can even make the food item yourself! Whether that be a bowl of yogurt with fruit, popcorn or even some cookies. Or, you can move towards the more healthier alternative of a product, such as the case of sparkling water in place of soda.


Follow our advice laid out from this article and feel confident in knowing that you are having the best option of that food item possible!

This Myth about Calories Debunked

In last week’s post , we explained how eating too little can stall your weight loss efforts. This week, we’re continuing on with the “calorie” theme to dispel a weight loss myth. The myth about calories is that all calories are created equal and you just have to cut a bunch of them out to lose weight.

Well, we already established that cutting calories too low over a sustained period of time is problematic. But while managing your calories intake and outtake is important, keep in mind that a calorie is NOT just a calorie. 



Now let’s break this down. For about 170 calories, you could eat one Twinkie or 28 almonds.

Same number of calories.

But what did you provide for your body with the Twinkie? A boat load of sugar and preservatives. No protein. Absolutely no vitamins. Zero minerals. NO NUTRITION at all for that 170 calories.

AGAIN, no nutrition whatsoever…

But, with the nuts, you get some healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, a little bit of protein and minerals. You get some decent nutrition as well as a better blood sugar profile AND a better feeling of fullness than you got with the Twinkie.

The moral of today’s story: The quality of the calorie is just as important as how much you eat. The myth about calories = all calories are the same and you can lose weight by cutting calories.

⬆️⬆️⬆️ DON’T DO THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️

⬆️⬆️⬆️ DO THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️

The Science


Different foods act very differently once they are digested and absorbed by your body. 

Foods rich in fiber, healthy fats, and a vast array of vitamins and minerals take longer to digest. 

Because of this, they have a positive impact on your blood sugar (much slower increase) and your feelings of fullness. Plus, these same foods impact your body’s ability to release hormones that boost meal satisfaction, therefore preventing overeating at other meals.

Other certain foods, like protein, may positively impact your metabolism (by speeding it up), therefore boosting weight and body fat loss.

The Takeaway


To conclude, making better choices with your calories will lead to improvements in your level of body fat and the overall status of your health.


If you’re feeling stuck or frustrated and want help figuring out how to reach your health and fitness goals, the coaches at lifeSport Fitness are here to help!

We invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation via phone, Zoom or in-person at our clean, bright personal training studio in San Jose. We’ll answer your questions and help you figure out a nutrition game plan so you can look and feel your best!

Fill out the form below to request your complimentary consultation!

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Is Your Salad Good or Bad?

Salads are often thought of as something bland and boring you have to eat when you’re on a diet. Fast food restaurants have cashed in on this mindset by offering taste-tempting salads that are anything but boring. Unfortunately, they’re also anything but diet friendly, as many of these creations pack more fat and calories than some of the burger and french fry combinations.

But this doesn’t mean that all salads are either boring or diet busters. With the right ingredients, a salad can make a delicious, healthy meal that hits all the right food groups.

Greens are good, but some are better
Of course, having lettuce as a base for your salad is nothing new. But other dark leafy vegetables, such as kale, chard and spinach, would be perfect for a healthy salad. They have lots of flavor and are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Fat – the bad

Where a good salad often goes wrong is when it’s covered in store-bought dressing, deep-fried croutons or chicken that has been breaded, fried or saturated with a high-fat sauce. This is the type of salad you often find at fast food or chain restaurants. However, most places do have healthier options that contain mainly fresh vegetables and lean grilled or broiled meats. Just be sure to steer clear of creamy dressings made from unhealthy oils and chemicals, or skip the dressing altogether.

Fat – the good

What’s surprising to most people is that not all fats are bad. We actually need high-quality fats to help our bodies absorb certain nutrients. These can be added to your salad in the form of eggs, avocados, coconut or olive oil, and other similar ingredients.

Make your own

The easiest way to make sure you’re getting the most nutrition out of your salad is to make it yourself. It’s also the best way to make sure your salad will be a flavorful meal that you’ll really enjoy. Try experimenting with different combinations of all your favorite fresh vegetables and lean proteins. Just be sure to choose organic vegetables and grass-fed proteins to avoid adding pesticides or other toxic chemicals to your healthy meal.

Dress it up

Dressings are often used to add flavor to salads that may not be all that fresh or are lacking quality ingredients. But salads made from fresh and flavorful organic ingredients are often more delicious without added dressings. If you feel the need to add a little something to top of your salad, try mixing up your own dressing using fresh organic herbs and spices with a little olive or coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar.

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Choose Natural and Organic to Fuel up Your Workout

The importance of eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise have been promoted to the general public for some time now. Consumers seem to be getting the message and are hitting the gym in record numbers. But the health benefits of daily exercise may be hampered by the fact that most consumers’ balanced diets don’t actually include very much real food.

As crazy as that sounds, it’s true. Mechanized farming and genetic modification have actually reduced the overall quality and antioxidant value in many of the fresh fruits and vegetables we consumer. But what’s even worse is that many time-strapped consumers turn to prepackaged, processed foods and drive-thru restaurants for a majority of their meals. This is not real food.

What’s the difference?

Conventionally grown fruits, vegetables and grains are typically genetically modified and use dangerous toxins such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and traditionally produced meats and seafood often contain added growth hormones and antibiotics. Consuming such toxins is something everyone should avoid, not just athletes and gym goers.

In addition, processed foods tend to be high in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats, which have been linked to increases in obesity, various diseases and chronic ailments.

However, real foods, such as organic fruits, vegetables and grains, grass-fed meats and wild-caught seafood do not contain any of these toxins, and in some instances may have higher nutritional or antioxidant values.

Why we need real food

Food fuels our bodies, and while the quality of foods we choose is important for everyone, it’s especially important for athletes and exercise enthusiasts who need to replace vital nutrients and energy expended during a workout.

In addition, consuming high levels of antioxidants has been shown to decrease the risk of certain diseases.

What you can do

Increasing your daily intake of real foods isn’t all that difficult. A good place to start is by choosing organic fruits and vegetables. While organic produce can be a little more expensive, it’s easy to mitigate the higher costs by buying what’s in season in your area instead of paying extra for out-of-season produce that had to be transported.

Another good idea is to avoid processed foods whenever possible. While this may mean a bit more meal planning and cooking at home, you’ll likely see an increase in your energy level, which will make it well worth it.

Lastly, try to stay away from foods that are high in unhealthy fats, salt and sugar. This is a tough one for most people, as it usually means avoiding fast food altogether, but you’ll see big improvements on the scale if you’ve been working out in an attempt to lose weight.

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Prepare to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

We hear it all the time. Everyone should eat more fruits and vegetables. In fact, the Center for Disease Control suggests that eating a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables could lower the risk of certain diseases. So why is it that we often reach for a sugary snack or other high-calorie foods when we’re in a hurry and hunger strikes?

More often than not, it comes down to convenience. You try to eat healthy, but when you’re crunched for time it just seems easier to grab a granola bar (which are often high in fat and sugar) or rip open a bag of chips.

Busy shouldn’t mean unhealthy

It doesn’t help that today’s food manufacturers are well-aware of our busy lifestyles. They cash in on our need for eating on the go by selling bite-sized snack foods in individual-serving sized packages. While this sounds great, it makes us far more likely to keep a few packs of high-sodium cheese crackers or miniature sandwich cookies in our gym bags, instead of a banana or an apple.

While there are some companies that offer pre-cut fruits or veggies, they are often much more expensive than buying the whole fruit and may even contain preservatives to keep them fresher longer.

Fortunately, with a little preparation, eating more fruits and vegetables isn’t that difficult, and it can even be less costly than some of those pre-packaged snacks.

A better plan

The key is to plan ahead. Yes, you will need to spend a little time in the kitchen, but it is well worth the effort and will quickly become part of your regular routine.

Start by heading to the produce section of your favorite grocery store or a nearby farmers’ market. Take a look around to see what types of fruits and vegetables they offer, and be sure to look for any special sales they may be having. Buying featured sale items or produce that’s in season is a great way to keep your costs down and will also help you add variety to your diet, as the sale items are likely to change each week.

Another way to keep costs down is to only buy as much as you think you will eat within a few days to a week. Because fresh produce doesn’t contain any preservatives, it doesn’t have as long of a shelf life as most pre-packaged snacks.

Take stock to avoid waste

Once you get your items home, take a quick inventory of your purchase and make a plan for how/when you’ll be eating each item. If you just throw everything in the fridge, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be throwing it all in the garbage next week. But don’t worry, putting a plan together is simple.

For breakfast, fresh blueberries can be used for your morning cereal without much prep work at all. Just wash and store them in the fridge and grab a handful each morning.

For lunch, instead of having those single-serve bags of chips with your sandwich, cut green peppers into wedges or slice carrots into sticks and pack them in sandwich bags. They’ll stay fresh in the fridge for the work week, so you can just grab a bag or two when you pack your lunch.

For dinner or an evening snack, slice a pineapple into cubes and store it in a container in the fridge. They’ll go great with your favorite rice dish, or put some on a skewer if you’ll be firing up the grill. They also make a great evening snack when you feel like something sweet but want to keep it healthy.

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Don’t Give in to Those Cravings

It happens to the best of us. No matter how healthy you eat or how much you exercise, every now and then you get hit with an insatiable craving for something you know you’ll regret eating. Whether it’s a cheesy pizza with all the toppings or triple fudge sundae, there are a few things that can help you fend off the temptation.

Walk it off

Of course, regular aerobic exercise can boost your metabolism, which is good for burning calories. But the next time you’re craving a less-than-nutritious treat, try taking a quick walk. Not only will it take your mind off of eating, you’ll feel invigorated afterwards. If you’re at work, try a fast loop around the parking lot-you’ll likely be more productive when you return to your desk.

Drink up

Staying hydrated is an important part of any weight loss program. But if you’re not get enough water, you can feel tired or sluggish. Making sure you have access to water throughout the day is a great way keep from reaching for a quick boost from an unhealthy snack. However, if you’re one of those people who just aren’t fond of water, try adding a few mint leaves or a slice of lemon to liven it up without adding calories.

Sleep matters

Just like when you’re dehydrated, if you’re not getting enough regular sleep you will likely feel tired and sluggish. If taking a nap during the day isn’t an option-which it isn’t for most-try working on getting to bed earlier and getting a full night’s sleep on a regular basis.

Keep healthy snacks on hand

So you’re well-hydrated and getting plenty of sleep-maybe you are just hungry. When hunger hits, if you’re not prepared with a healthy option on hand, you’re much more likely to head for the junk food. Keep cut fruits and vegetables ready to go, as these are high in fiber and will take longer to digest than sugary cookies or high-sodium pretzels.


Being under a lot of stress can also make you vulnerable to cravings. While exercise is one of the best ways to de-stress, if time is limited, even a few stretches can help. In addition, just taking a break from whatever you’re doing can make a big difference. Try gazing out of a window for a minute or two, flipping through a magazine you’ve been meaning to read, or calling a friend to catch up.

Give in?

As strange as it sounds, sometimes just having a small taste of whatever you’re craving will make it go away. The important thing here is to have a healthy snack as well. That will take care of the hunger and keep you from over doing it. But if you don’t think you have enough willpower for this one, it might be best to stick with some of the other options.

Whichever method you choose, the important thing is to stay aware of what your body is telling you and eliminate any outside factors that could be causing your cravings. Even if you slip up now and then, at least you’ll have an action plan to get you back on track.

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Eliminate soft drinks and processed foods from your diet to improve your heath

It’s funny how we live in a society that condemns the use of certain illegal drugs, but people seem to glorify the consumption of junk food and soft drinks. Fast food chains are popular and they make billions each year. This is something that is causing obesity and a large number of serious illnesses that lead to death.

There is no question that we are living in a very hectic world now and it can be easier for anyone to purchase fast food than cook a meal. It just seems like we don’t even have the time to prepare a nice healthy dish anymore and this is the reason why the consumption of junk food has become so common.

You need to take the time to analyze your situation and consider how dangerous it can be for you to continue to neglect your dietary habits. Would you rather invest an extra half hour a day preparing a heathy meal, or end up suffering from a serious disease down the line?

A disease that will force you to start taking all kinds of expensive medicine just to survive. Do you really think that the sacrifice of cutting back on junk food is not worth your time? Think again, because your life might depend on it.

If you feel like it will be hard for you to eliminate junk food completely, you should at least come up with a nutritional plan that will allow you to cut back on the processed food significantly. If you have no time to prepare good meals, at least start to look for healthier options to eat in your area. Replace the pizza and hamburgers with some healthier choices, like turkey sandwiches and tuna salads. They might be a bit more expensive, but this is an investment worth making and there are plenty of restaurants that provide that kind of service.

People don’t even realize how much they damage their bodies with products that are very high on sugars. A 20 ounce bottle of soft drink can contain up to 69 grams of sugar and that is terrible for the body. You are always going to exceed the amount of sugar consumption you need, as long as you continue to drink these kind of beverages on a daily basis.

Also remember that all those products that claim to help you with your dieting, are actually going to be doing more harm than good. All the artificial sweeteners are just as damaging and they can lead to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This is the reason why we strongly recommend that you avoid those products completely. They are worthless when it comes to helping you lose weight and they are not a healthy replacement in any way.

There is a collapse happening in the processed food industry. It’s not happening fast, but people are waking up to the truth about the terrible effects that this kind of food has on their health. Maybe twenty to thirty years from now, there will be a law that will consider junk food to be too hazardous for consumption and this is going to change the way in which we eat forever, but until then, it’s up to you to make that change and save your own life.

Some people might think that this is an exaggeration, but processed foods and junk food in general are killing you. It might take one or two decades, but if you consume a lot of processed foods, you will suffer serious health consequences at some point and they will closely related to your diet.

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Greens Are Good

Eating well is key to a healthy lifestyle. Adding greens to your diet can help you pack some powerhouse nutrients into your meals. Leafy greens like kale, collard greens, chard, bok choy, arugula, and spinach just to name a few, are great greens to introduce to your daily diet. Green vegetables are loaded with protein and contain a ton of micronutrients, including folate, carotenoids, such as lutein and zeazanthin (promoting healthy vision), calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids. These leafy greens have the potential of warding off many types of cancers and are very good for your heart health.

Eating a huge salad everyday does not sound like a fun way to get greens into your diet. There are many ways to include these important greens in your meals, without having to endure a large salad every day. Try some of these tips to enjoy the nutrients of green vegetables in your every day.

This is an easy way to include leafy greens into your dishes. Simply lightly steam the green you’re using then puree it with a bit of stock water until it is smooth. Once it is smooth, simply add it to the recipe. At this point, you can also freeze some in ice cube trays to use in recipes down the road. Add the leafy green puree to your soup, chili, pasta sauces, stew or even scrambled eggs.

Another easy way to get a serving of greens into your diet is to drink it. Just toss a few fresh leaves of silverbeet or arugula into your juicer.

Mix in some greens with your fruit smoothie. Adding some leafy greens with the blended fruit will give you the nutrients you need in a delicious morning drink.

Steaming is a great way to get greens from counter to table with little time required. Don’t overcook them or most of the nutrients disappear into the water below. When they are done, top them with a bit of garlicky olive oil and sea salt.

Toss the greens into a hot pan with a drizzle of olive oil and some additional spices or ingredients. Saute the greens and add to your dish. If greens are tough, like kale, you may have to steam them a bit before transferring them to the pan.

By using these tips to add greens into your daily routine, you’ll end up flooding your body with the beneficial disease fighting nutrients, sometimes without even knowing you’re eating them.

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Quinoa–A Great Super Food!

For breakfast, lunch or dinner, quinoa is a healthy option to add to your diet. Quinoa is a seed grain that has been cultivated in the Andean region for over 7,000 years and was considered sacred by the Inca Empire. It was later replaced almost completely by cereals such as barley, wheat and corn.

I consider quinoa  a “superfood” because it is a complete protein, and it’s packed with fiber and other good stuff. Quinoa is a slow releasing carbohydrate that gives you a full feeling for a long time.  This is ideal for weight control and to maintain adequate blood sugar levels. It is a complete protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids, and includes lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair.

A cup of quinoa contains about 8 grams of protein, about twice that of other grains. Quinoa is a very good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus, making it especially valuable for persons which migraine headaches, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. It is a good source of riboflavin, which is necessary for energy productions within cells. Quinoa is gluten-free and is a great source of fiber.

Cooking with quinoa is simple and is just like cooking rice. The most basic method of cooking quinoa is to boil it in water and simmer for 10-12 minutes. You need 1 measure of quinoa to 2 measures of water. All the water will be absorbed by the quinoa. Some quinoa has a coating of bitter tasting saponins. In that case, you need to pre-rinse the quinoa to remove this coating before cooking.  Once you have cooked the quinoa you can add it as a base for meat dishes instead of rice. You can also include it in salads and soups. I recently used it in Minestrone soup in place of pasta. It will take on the flavor of the foods you cook with and adds its own little bite to the taste.

Another way of incorporating quinoa in your meals is in the form of quinoa flour. Quinoa flour has a pleasant, nutty taste. It makes delicious bread, muffins, pasta, pancakes and more. When using quinoa flour in baking, substitute half the amount of all-purpose flour with quinoa flour, and then use all-purpose flour for the remaining half. Depending on the taste you are looking for in your baked good, you may want to use less quinoa flour than all-purpose. Experiment yourself and find what suits your taste buds best.

Try this easy Quinoa Recipe

2 small onions, finely chopped
1 large red pepper, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
Sea salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 cup of Quinoa
2 cups of water
2 vegetarian soup stock cubes

First add the finely chopped onions, the minced garlic and sea salt to the olive oil in a pan or wok.
Saute until onions are slightly brown. Then add chopped red pepper and continue to sauté until onions are caramelized. Add water, then the stock cubes and quinoa and bring to a simmer. Stir once after 5 minutes then simmer for 15 minutes until water has been cooked in.

Enjoy Quinoa in your diet. Experiment by adding it to dishes where you normally use rice (think stir fries or soup). You’ll find it is a healthy, tasty addition to your meals!

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