Staying Healthy During the Holidays

There’s eggnog and pumpkin pie and turkey and ham and cookies oh my…Maintaining nutritious eating and a healthy lifestyle during the holidays can be quite a challenge for anyone. There are many parties and other social gatherings for work, family and friends. No one wants to miss these special occasions, so it is important to know ahead of time how to best handle all the temptations of eating, drinking and staying up later than we are accustomed to. Here are some ways to help you stay on course during this year’s holiday season.

  • Get enough rest. Take a nap for even a half an hour before you go out, if you can. Getting enough sleep will help you to eat less and exercise more.
  • Maintain your workout regime. If you can’t make it to the gym, plan a walk, run or some cardio at home. Try to schedule your workouts in the morning, to avoid casually dismissing them when the late-afternoon rush is upon you. Plus, you won’t feel as guilty when you indulge on a sweet or two.
  • Think about what you will do before you arrive. Plan your eating behaviour. Limit the amount of drinks and sweets you’ll have. Eat some healthy snacks before you go so you aren’t hungry when you arrive.
  • Drink lots of water. Have a couple of glasses before you go and alternate higher calorie drinks like alcoholic beverages, eggnog or hot chocolate with water while you are at the holiday party. Drinks can have a lot of hidden calories in them.
  • Be aware of what you are putting on your plate if you are served buffet style. Take a small amount of everything you like so you will not feel deprived. Try to forego the bread baskets so you don’t fill up on too much carbohydrates. Fill your plate with some “good” foods first. Load up the plate with lean meats, vegetables and fruit. Watch out you don’t overdo it on the dips.
  • Walk as often as you can. If you will be at someone’s home for an extended period of time, excuse yourself to go for a walk. Take a break from eating and get some fresh air.

To keep healthy eating habits over the holidays make sure you eat several small meals a day. This old tip holds especially true during the holiday season. We tend to skip meals and indulge in one large holiday dinner with the entire family. Don’t starve yourself all day. Get some snacks in and most importantly start your day with a good healthy breakfast. You will be able to enjoy your holiday more by stabilizing your blood sugar.

Remember the importance of this time of year, friends, family and loved ones. Put your attention on spending quality time with those you love and engaging in fun activities. The holiday season does not have to revolve around eating.

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Fitness After Pregnancy

You have just gone through one of the most stressful processes your body will ever go through. Your body has gone through significant changes during pregnancy and after birth. It is definitely not ideal to engage in diet restrictive weight loss programs during the early days of motherhood. Remind yourself that the weight did not come on in a day;it will take time to lose the weight you’ve gained. You will need all the additional energy and nutrients to meet the extra requirements of feeding and generally looking after your baby. Lose your weight and get fit gradually. Do not use fat burning pills to get the baby fat off. You need to lose weight and tone up through natural methods.

Fitness regime after delivery should include the right amount of exercise along with healthy food habits. Before embarking on your new fitness plan, ensure you talk with your doctor first, discussing when to start, what to eat, and what limitations you have for your situation. Do not try to exercise too much, too soon, as this will ultimately damage your health. It is generally recommended that women wait up to two months before exercising properly. At first, try methods such as going for walks around the neighborhood with your baby in a stroller. You may then begin a regime consisting of simple leg stretches, as well as exercises specifically targeted to tightening the pelvic floor muscle. Sit-ups and planks will also target the abdomen and help you regain strength in your stomach and back muscles and ultimately helping you gain a flatter stomach. Try to work out for about a half an hour each time, aiming to do this around three times a week. It is important to make getting fit after pregnancy fun, so shorter, resistance training exercises can be enjoyable. Relentlessly lifting weights at the gym is monotonous, grinds you down and can end up being counterproductive. Among the best exercises to include in your weight loss regimen are jogging, walking, swimming and playing sports such as tennis and volleyball.

Try the following steps to get your body back:

  1. Start with the right diet. Eat balanced meals and snacks with low fat and sugar counts.
  2. Don’t skip meals. Skipping a meal will lead to snacking and eating more at the next meal.
  3. Eat frequently. Eat several small healthy meals frequently throughout the day.
  4. Drink plenty of water. It’s recommended that you drink at least 10 glasses of water daily. Water will flush toxins from your system and keep you feeling satisfied a full between meals.
  5. If you’re breastfeeding, breastfeed as long as you can. Many mothers find it easier to lose weight while breastfeeding. You can easily burn up to 500 calories daily while breastfeeding.
  6. Adequate sleep is essential. Hard to do with a new baby, but if you sleep when the baby sleeps it will help. Sleep deprivation de-regulates the hormones that control appetite and signals hunger to your brain.

For the last 9 or more months you have been caring for your baby. Now it’s time to shift some of your attention onto yourself. Give yourself some time each week to do something for you. You’ll get your body back and also feel healthier, giving you more energy to help with caring for your new little one.

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Germ War

Want to keep those germs away to prevent getting colds and the flu? There are several ways to keep you and your household healthy.

  1. The best prevention is hand washing and proper hygiene. Avoid touching your face and mouth. Wash your hands and your children’s hand on arriving home and after coughing sneezing, before preparing food and before and after eating. Occasionally wiping off door handles, light switches, steering wheels, keyboards and commonly handled items.
  2. Get enough sleep. Sleep is when the body heals and people who don’t get enough sleep are at a higher risk of catching a cold. Make sure you feel well rested in the morning, if not, you’re not getting enough sleep.
  3. Go outside. Your body needs a minimum of 20 minutes of daylight per day to make the correct hormones that govern much of your health, including your immune system.
  4. Exercise in moderation. Research shows that exercising 30-60 minutes five days per week increases immune function and reduces your chances of picking up that cold that everyone else seems to have.
  5. Consider a homeopathic flu shot. Homeopathic flu shots enhance the body’s natural defenses and healing processes. They are extremely diluted so the risk of falling ill due to the flu shot is nonexistent. Some brands include Echinacea in the flu shot to help give the immune system an added boost.
  6. Use hydrotherapy. Hot and cold showers cause a change in temperature which then triggers the immune system. At the end of your regular shower, try 3 minutes of hot and 30 seconds of cold; repeat this hot/cold process two times. Always end with cold water.
  7. Clean. Use a chemical free steam machine to kill the germs on hard surfaces like toilets, toothbrushes, sinks and cups in the bathroom.

There are lots of contaminated areas. Take note of the top 8 areas where you find germs at work.

  1. The bathroom
  2. Door handles
  3. Carpeting
  4. Communal coffeepot
  5. Microwave oven
  6. Water coolers
  7. Shared phones and keyboards
  8. Pens and pencils

Many times, when we get sick, we have come into contact with some type of germ that we didn’t even know about. Germs are everywhere, and in certain situations, precautions can be taken to reduce the chances of being sick.

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Fountain of Youth

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Despite being the first line of defense for your body, skin itself is actually pretty fragile. As you age, your skin starts to lose its elasticity, and wrinkles develop. The biggest reason for skin aging is the loss of vital youth giving proteins called collagen and elastin from your skin. They are responsible for giving us firm, elastic, pliant and supple skin.As you begin to age (around the late 20s) your skin begins to lose around 1.5% of its collagen and elastin fibers each year. Wrinkles are one of the leading reasons why you might appear older. Thus, the best skin care tips to keep you looking young involve protecting your skin to keep it wrinkle free.

  1. Sun protection –
    Of all the beauty skin care tips for staying young, one of the most important involves using sun protection. Ideally, you should stay out of the sun as much as possible – this includes tanning. If you cannot avoid going out, make sure that you wear plenty of sunscreen. Many beauty skin care products are now starting to include minimal sun protection elements in them to make this easier.

  2. Exercise and relax –
    You might not think of exercise as a skin care beauty tip, but regularly exercising the muscles of your face has the same effect as regularly exercising the other muscles of your body – it helps to keep them limber and toned. Strong facial muscles will help to reduce the look of lines and wrinkles. By the same token, you should also relax the muscles of your face several times a day. If you spend a lot of time frowning, for example, you will start to develop frown lines along the muscles in your forehead. Squinting your eyes is one of the leading causes of crow’s feet.

  3. Keep your hands away –
    Many people have the bad habit of rubbing their eyes or sitting with their face in their hands. If you are one of them, stop now! This beauty skin care tip will help you avoid pushing your skin out of its natural position, which stretches the skin and can lead to sagging and wrinkles later on.

  4. Eat healthy and maintain a stable weight –
    Eating healthy is a great beauty skin care tip for several reasons. First, eating healthily helps to make sure that you get all of the nutrients that your skin needs to stay young and healthy. Avoiding high fat foods will also help to keep you appearing young. Plus, eating healthy means that you will stay at a stable weight – rapid weight gain or weight loss can cause skin to become overstretched, making it difficult to bounce back and causing wrinkles.

  5. Moisturize –
    Healthy skin needs moisture to stay supple and prevent wrinkles, so a fifth beauty skin care tip is to make sure that you use your moisturizer regularly. When you put on a moisturizer, always stroke upward and avoid tugging at the eye area. This will help you to avoid damage and keep your skin looking tight and young.

  6. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes –
    Smoking reduces blood flow, and a reduction of blood flow equals a reduction in nutrients that skin needs. Oxygen is also necessary for the skin and other organs to function properly. Alcohol can dehydrate you, which in turn can have severe effects on your skin. Plus, this beauty skin care tip will have far reaching effects on your overall health.

Keeping your skin young is all about keeping your skin healthy. The more you do, the better your skin will feel.

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Exercise and Sex

It’s no secret that exercise boosts your mood, jump-starts your sex drive, and improves your overall health. If you are considering different ways to improve and enhance your sex life, exercise is one of the best methods to help you get the energy to have more sex, enhance your sexual drive and of course, make sex an enjoyable activity.There are several rational reasons why a physically fit person is more likely to fully enjoy sex compared to a non-fit person. For instance, improved muscle tone can increase sexual gratification since orgasms depend on multiple muscle activity. In the case of the more mature man, improved cardiovascular fitness can be critical for maximum sexual function.

Focus in on the following exercises to help you perform better.

We have heard all the obvious benefits of yoga that if can give you greater flexibility, better muscle tone, increase weight loss, stress relief, and maybe even enlightenment. However, you may not know that it has been proven to enhance your sex life. Yoga offers countless physical and emotional benefits that can heat up your bedroom experience. Yoga is relaxing which can help you reduce fatigue and get you in the mood.

Kegel Exercises
Many factors can weaken your pelvic floor muscles, including pregnancy, childbirth, surgery, aging and being overweight. Kegel exercises lead to more enjoyable sex, easier arousal, stronger orgasms, more pleasure.

Core Strength
Abs are a critical sex-boosting body area to work on. You have to use your abdominal muscles during sex, especially for men because they use lower abs and back muscles for thrusting. A great way to start your ab workout is with good old-fashioned crunches.

Aerobic Exercise
Cardiovascular training improves sexual prowess and the way you enjoy the experience in many ways. Sexual performance is largely determined by your overall general health, and the more you can do to improve your fitness level, the better your sex life can be. You’ll need to build cardio endurance. It makes your heart strong and keeps your body going. Try for 3 or 4 days of cardio exercise (running, walking, swimming, sports).

Weight Training
Sometimes sex requires you to hold positions for periods of time. Weight training can help to condition your body muscles for longer lasting sex. Your basic strength workout will help you build more strength; just make sure you challenge your muscles with enough weight. You should use enough weight that your last rep is difficult, but not impossible.

If you hope to improve your sex life through exercise, you should carefully consider adopting a more comprehensive healthy lifestyle in order to increase the possibility of fully experiencing your sexual peak. Being strong and flexible with lots of endurance will put the spunk into sex for you and your partner. Start working out today so you’re ready for tonight!

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Probiotics are essentially, good germs. The body is an ecosystem with millions of bacteria aiding digestion, manufacturing food for the body, killing unfriendly bacteria and maintaining balance with fungi. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in our bodies. There are more of these bacteria living inside of us than there are cells that make up our body. An estimated 500-600 trillion live cultures of probiotic bacteria live inside the body.

Probiotics, a dose of good germs, is a recently recognized treatment for some of our problems. The term probiotics refers to the various bacteria that live inside our intestinal tract. These bacteria are actually useful to our bodies, providing a variety of functions. These bacteria are beneficial to our immune system, and research is bringing to light how powerful these helpful bacteria can be. These good bacteria can help prevent infections by outnumbering and crowding out the bad guys (unwanted bacteria or other infectious diseases). Probiotics also help to bolster the immune system throughout the body.

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are the most common used probiotics. Prebiotics are the foods that support the growth of probiotics. Sauerkraut, yogurt, wine and cheese use the activities of these friendly bacteria in their creation. These foods supply not just probiotics but the food source for the good bacteria.

One present use of probiotics is combating digestive problems and yeast infections caused by antibiotics. Probiotics also have potential for treatment of tooth decay, periodontal disease, ulcers, IBS, respiratory and skin infections.

Traditional use of probiotics has been to help problems with the GI tract. Irritable bowel, bloating and diarrhea are common symptoms where probiotics may be used. Probiotics are commonly used to help children and adults when infectious viruses. The probiotics themselves do not necessarily kill the bugs, but help the body through the infection. The probiotics do seem to help prevent reinfection and may even help the body produce antibodies against the infectious bug. Probiotics have also improved treatment rates against bacteria suspected of causing stomach ulcers. It is no surprise that given the billion plus numbers of good bacteria in our intestinal tract, these important bacteria play a critical role in keeping this environment healthy.

Besides the benefits of probiotics with helping in the intestinal tract, the good bacteria help with preventing respiratory infections such as the cold and flu. Probiotics have helped reduce potentially infectious bugs like staph and strep from colonizing in the nose. Probiotics can also help prevent vaginal infections as well as bladder infections. Probiotics are often suggested to be taken during the course of treatment with antibiotics to prevent the loss of the good bacteria in the intestines.

Probiotics are important in re-colonizing the intestine with good bacteria. They can quickly identify harmful bacteria or fungal overgrowths and work to eradicate them. With poor lifestyle choices, food processing, pollution and antibiotic therapy, the numbers of good bacteria living naturally in our gut are reduced, and research has shown the active consumption of bacteria increases the size of intestinal colonies, thereby improving digestion of food.

Whatever the strategy, smart probiotics microorganisms work collectively and synergistically with the other components of our immune system. Our probiotics system works within the non-specific immune system to help protect the body for invasions. Probiotics live within the oral cavity, the nasal cavity, the esophagus, around the gums, and in pockets of our pleural cavity (surrounding our lungs). They dwell within our stomach, within our intestines, within the vagina and around the rectum and amongst other pockets of tissues. This means that for bacteria to invade the bloodstream, they must first get through the legions of probiotics bacteria that populate those entry channels-assuming a healthy body of course.

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Short Cuts

Wouldn’t it be nice, if you could simply pop a pill or drink a yummy drink and be slimmer. There are a lot of fat loss pills and drinks on the market, some more effective than others. But, the general consensus is that none of them are completely safe. Even the all-natural weight loss pills contain a combination of a large number of ingredients and how they interact with each other and your body is not information that is easily obtainable or, most of the time, entirely predictable.

Diet pills, including metabolism boosting, fat absorbing and carbohydrate blocking types really only work if you include them in a healthy diet with good nutrition and regular exercise. And, that is assuming that these pills will not seriously damage your health along the way. Diet pills and diet drinks are not intended to be used on a long term basis. If you need to use them to help aid in weight loss through natural means, make sure not to go longer than 3 months and make sure you consult with your doctor first. These “quick” products will not produce lasting weight loss – unless you have made a lifestyle change. In fact, study after study proves the vast majority of all people taking these products do not lose any weight at all.

Diet pills and drinks will work in the short term. They often work on one of two principles; starvation or fluid loss.

Some of these diet pills and drinks cause a feeling of “fullness” so that you don’t eat as much. This is “tricking” your body into thinking it is full. This is not much different than a starvation diet. Which we know doesn’t work. While you are on these pills, your body is being starved and will grab any food it can get and process to store in your body in the form of fat. The idea of course is that while you are on the pills, you aren’t giving it enough food to convert into fat. But when you come off these pills, your body is still in the mode of “grabbing” everything it can get and storing as fat.

The other type of diet pills available work on the fluid loss method. They work by causing your body to lose fluid (not fat). Losing fluid definitely will result in you dropping weight, but weight you shouldn’t be dropping. Your body is made up of 70% fluid and it is supposed to stay that way. Fluid loss diets result in a short-term weight loss and no fat loss at all. In fact, when you come off the diet your fat will still remain, plus anything additional you’ve added and all your fluid will return. You will actually be heavier than when you started.

Remember these truths:

  • Metabolism boosting pills, natural or not, stress your central nervous system and increase your risk of heart attacks, seizures, strokes or even death.
  • Fat absorbing pills are proven 100% useless and shown to damage the intestines in double-blind research studies.

The real truth is that losing weight isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about making lifestyle changes to become a healthier person overall. How you lose weight will dictate whether you gain it back or keep it off permanently. There still isn’t a miracle pill out there that will turn us thin.

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An important part of a healthy diet and exercise program is staying hydrated. A few simple tips can help your body stay hydrated and healthy.Our bodies, including organs, are made up of about 70 % water. If it was all drained out we’d almost fit into an average sized washing machine. The average person loses at least 1.5 litres of water every day just functioning: saliva, joint fluid, digestion, circulation, excretion and temperature regulations – more is lost if exercising.

Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Once you feel thirsty, you may already be dehydrated. Try putting yourself on a “hydration schedule” to make it easier to remember to drink enough each day. Here’s how to determine the ideal water intake: divide your weight by two. For example, a 120-pound person should drink 60 ounces of water a day. This amount may need to be increased when spending time in the heat or while exercising. And, it is true that too much water can be dangerous too, but you’ll likely feel saturated before you even get to that point.

Most people are constantly dehydrated, but don’t realize it. With some exceptions, many drinks such as tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, beer, wine, spirits, etc. are all diuretic. This means they cause an increase in the passing of urine. When the body has dropped about 2% below its requirements, early symptoms show up. These symptoms include, dry mouth, thirst, tiredness, headaches and lack of the need to pee. Further dehydration of 5-6% loss, symptoms include, dry lips, flakey skin, yellow or dark coloured urine, grogginess and migraines.

If you are an athlete it is even more important for you to stay hydrated. If you are constantly dehydrated your performance will suffer and you will not be at your best. If you start a session dehydrated, you will finish dehydrated and deplete your energy storage more quickly. You want to sip water throughout the day. Make sure you are drinking enough before, during and after your exercise routine. Exercise produces water loss. This loss needs to be replaced in order to maintain a healthy balance while conducting exercise.

Tips to staying hydrated throughout the day:

  • Keep a bottle or glass of water always at easy reach.
  • Garnish your water with lemon, lime, cucumber slices.
  • Drink your water on a schedule, every couple of hours or so (more frequently when exercising).
  • Minimize your intake of caffeinated fluids as they tend to dehydrate.

Some added benefits to drinking water:

  • Boost your metabolism and helps with weight loss.
  • It regulates your body temperature and keeps you cool.
  • It helps maintain concentration.
  • Keeps your energy levels up.

Use these tips to stay hydrated throughout the day to help stay on track with your healthy lifestyle.

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Man’s Best Friend

It is often said that a “cat has nine lives” and unfortunately we humans only are gifted with one. Though we don’t have the said nine lives of cats, owning a cat, or any pet for that matter, has been proven to be helpful in sustaining and improving our lives and health. Various studies have been conducted to show how pet ownership can greatly contribute to the health of humans and all of them have turned out remarkable results. A lot of our health depends on lifestyle choices, but our genetics, biology and chemistry also dictate how long and fruitful our lives are. As it turns out, our furry friends can vastly affect our chemistry and moods, thereby allowing us to live longer and be more emotionally stable.

Watching Animals Adds Years to Your Life
Anyone who has sat and just watched their animals frolic about and play will probably tell you that a feeling of calm has come over them. It’s not just the jolly playfulness that makes us relax and smile. Each time our moods shift, so too does the cortisol level within our bodies, especially when we feel happy and calm.

Cortisol is a natural hormone within the body and it is directly associated with the level of stress we feel when overwhelmed. A few minutes of watching your animal at play or playing with them can increase or balance our cortisol levels, giving us a peaceful feeling or diminishing the amount of stress we feel at that moment. The less stress we feel, the less instances of wear and tear our bodies experience, adding years to our lives over the long-term.

Lower Blood Pressure
Studies conducted by the American Heart Association have concluded that pet owners, specifically those that own dogs, have shown that individuals who own pets often have lower cholesterol levels as well as blood pressure levels that are lower.

One recent study showed that of the 5,200 adults, 54 percent who were dog owners had lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels than those who were not dog owners and in addition these owners were also less likely to be obese as their activity levels were higher than non-canine owners. Researchers have long noted lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in those with pets which is thought to be because pet owners often have less sedentary lifestyles than those who do not own pets.

Less Instances of Depression
This is not to say that some who deal with diagnosed depression should not seek out medicinal remedies such as therapy and medications which can help alter and balance the chemicals in our brains that contribute to depression and mania. However, many therapists and medical professionals often will prescribe pet ownership as another tool to combat these conditions and assist in recovering from depression.

In various studies, those who owned pets and spent time with them either talking or playing with them (or both!) reported that they felt better emotionally and that it also gave them added responsibility so there was less focus on being sad and more reason to get out of bed during the day.

Even simple acts such as petting a dog or cat was found to have a lasting and calming effect on those with depression as the focus of hardships is placed on the back burner and instead they are able to enrich their pet’s lives and their own at the same time.

Better Physical Fitness
This works more with dogs than other animals, but the FDA recommends that everyone get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise each day. Owning a dog that requires walking each day for better health can also ensure that the pet owner meets these minimum requirements as well.

As an added benefit, weight loss often occurs but more importantly, when we walk our blood and circulation improves which contributes to better heart health overall. Your pet will appreciate the exercise and live longer themselves and they make excellent workout companions.

Fewer Strokes
Research has been done on cat owners and these studies show that those who spend a lot of time stroking and petting their cats have fewer instances of stokes. Though it isn’t entirely understood what the correlation is, some schools of thought include believing that the stroking assists in the blood flow and increases circulation, both of which can contribute to less instances of strokes.

Better Emotional Stability
We can’t help but talk to our furry friends and communication and interaction does wonders for the soul and mind. Studies show that conversing with our pets and interacting with them naturally makes us feel more calm and relaxed, and increasing our social interactions also increases the serotonin in our brains. Serotonin is responsible for the “good feelings” we have and thus by increasing the level, we naturally feel more at ease and happier.

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Food Combinations For A Healthier Lifestyle

There is a lot of research that educates us on how to be fit and healthy as well as offer information on what to eat and what to avoid. Usually we end up with regurgitated material that inevitably says to eat more fruit and veggies and lay off the high caloric, high fat snacks. By now, this should be common knowledge but the newest rage is food combination tricks which can help with weight loss, improved health and better digestion.Why We Need Better Digestion
How we process and digest our food is very important for weight management but also for overall health. When our body starts the digestion process, it is expending a lot of energy while at the same time it is speeding up our metabolism and burning calories. Poor digestion can also give us that uncomfortable, full feeling and lead to a host of health issues. So, it should be a goal to combine our foods in a way that allows for optimal digestion and maximum energy output.

When food isn’t digested correctly, much of the undigested food will remain in the digestive tract which will then create toxins in the body. Such toxins can lead to health problems and damage your internal ecosystem to varying degrees. The latter can cause a series of other health problems particularly later in life when the aging process happens and our metabolism slows naturally.

By practicing proper food combinations, the digestive system will work easily and at full force so that your body absorbs the necessary nutrients, your energy level is increased and you are less prone to illnesses.

The Basics of Food Combination

Fruit Consumption

Fruits should always be eaten on their own and on an empty stomach. Additionally, everyone should eat only natural fruits rather than those that are processed and canned in syrups as these tend to be loaded with additional sugar and calories.

Fruits such as berries, apples, bananas and pomegranates are great as they have antioxidants, are lower in sugar and easily digested. You can also eat grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple and strawberries in larger quantities but always by themselves and not in conjunction with other foods during that snack time.

Combining Proteins and Vegetables

For proper food combination it is also good practice to eat a lot of protein but to combine such proteins with non-starchy veggies. The stomach uses hydrochloric acids and enzymes such as pepsins to break down proteins such as poultry, eggs and other types of meat which can create an acidic realm.

When we eat heavy starches such as potatoes and pasta the stomach will also create what is known as the enzyme ptyalin which on its own has great digestive powers. However when it is combined with pepsins, both of these enzymes will counter one another and decrease how the digestive system works. In addition, once mixed together, the digestive system becomes stagnant and this creates a highly acidic environment in which toxins will multiply and disease can form.

Instead of combining proteins and starches, eat them separately and instead combine proteins with leafy and non-leafy veggies so that the digestive system can perform at its peak. The best protein and vegetable combinations are those that include lean meats, fish and poultry and then adding in veggies such as leafy and dark greens like spinach, asparagus and green beans but also other vegetables such as turnips, squash, zucchini, beets, broccoli and cauliflower.

It is always best to steam vegetables lightly so that they retain their nutrients and refrain from frying. Instead steam or sauté in a light olive oil or low sodium broth for added flavor.

Separate Grains and Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables such as butternut squash, lima beans, peas, corn and potatoes are difficult to digest and are also higher in carbs than leafy vegetables. Since grains are also heavy and not easy to digest, it is best to eat them separately. Grains composed of white flour are most difficult so it is better to choose brown or wheat based rather than those made with white flour which are high in sugar.

Other Food Combining Tips

The fats you include in your diet should be non-saturated fats and aim to cook with organic or unrefined oils such as olive, pumpkinseed or flax seed oil instead or corn or vegetable oils.

For healthy fats combine a good amount of seeds and grains along with vegetables such as water cress, kale and avocado which have healthy fats that the body needs for fuel and energy. Avoid fats found in mayonnaise and limit the amount of salt intake as this will cause the digestive system to retain water and slow down.

For a quick cheat sheet you can follow these basic rules:

  • Greens and non-starchy vegetables combine well
  • Lean proteins should be eaten with green veggies and non-starchy vegetables.
  • Starches and starchy proteins should be eaten with greens, non-starchy vegetables and fats.
  • Fats and fatty proteins should be eaten with greens, non-starchy vegetables, and starches.
  • Fruits should be eaten alone.
  • Sweeteners are best eaten on their own or not at all as some contain cancer causing chemicals.

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