An important part of a healthy diet and exercise program is staying hydrated. A few simple tips can help your body stay hydrated and healthy.Our bodies, including organs, are made up of about 70 % water. If it was all drained out we’d almost fit into an average sized washing machine. The average person loses at least 1.5 litres of water every day just functioning: saliva, joint fluid, digestion, circulation, excretion and temperature regulations – more is lost if exercising.

Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Once you feel thirsty, you may already be dehydrated. Try putting yourself on a “hydration schedule” to make it easier to remember to drink enough each day. Here’s how to determine the ideal water intake: divide your weight by two. For example, a 120-pound person should drink 60 ounces of water a day. This amount may need to be increased when spending time in the heat or while exercising. And, it is true that too much water can be dangerous too, but you’ll likely feel saturated before you even get to that point.

Most people are constantly dehydrated, but don’t realize it. With some exceptions, many drinks such as tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, beer, wine, spirits, etc. are all diuretic. This means they cause an increase in the passing of urine. When the body has dropped about 2% below its requirements, early symptoms show up. These symptoms include, dry mouth, thirst, tiredness, headaches and lack of the need to pee. Further dehydration of 5-6% loss, symptoms include, dry lips, flakey skin, yellow or dark coloured urine, grogginess and migraines.

If you are an athlete it is even more important for you to stay hydrated. If you are constantly dehydrated your performance will suffer and you will not be at your best. If you start a session dehydrated, you will finish dehydrated and deplete your energy storage more quickly. You want to sip water throughout the day. Make sure you are drinking enough before, during and after your exercise routine. Exercise produces water loss. This loss needs to be replaced in order to maintain a healthy balance while conducting exercise.

Tips to staying hydrated throughout the day:

  • Keep a bottle or glass of water always at easy reach.
  • Garnish your water with lemon, lime, cucumber slices.
  • Drink your water on a schedule, every couple of hours or so (more frequently when exercising).
  • Minimize your intake of caffeinated fluids as they tend to dehydrate.

Some added benefits to drinking water:

  • Boost your metabolism and helps with weight loss.
  • It regulates your body temperature and keeps you cool.
  • It helps maintain concentration.
  • Keeps your energy levels up.

Use these tips to stay hydrated throughout the day to help stay on track with your healthy lifestyle.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Fun and Exercise

The nice thing about parks and playground is that they are free and accessible for everyone in the community. There are no more excuses for getting fit and you get to have some fun while doing it. And, if you have young kids, it’s a great way to spend some time with your family – you were probably going to take them to the park anyway…Ten Playground Exercises:

  1. Weights: You can work your body using bodyweight or by safely lifting some of the equipment found in the park (if not secured). Pick up a picnic table or bench. Bring along a kettle bell with you and do several arm workouts.
  2. Step Ups: While your kids might be playing at the park, find a step that you can perform step ups on. Alternate between 1 minute of medium paced step ups and 30 seconds of fast paced step ups.
  3. Move Through the Equipment: By actually trying to walk through the playground equipment, the rings, slides, swings and ladders you’ll find it is quite a workout to squeeze in and out of the kid sized equipment set up. Doing this will help to improve your flexibility and mobility.
  4. Chin Ups: This is a more advanced exercise so don’t worry if you can’t perform them just yet. Start with a jumping chin up and get the help from your legs.
  5. Jogging/Walking: Take a jog around the park. Or, if jogging is too much to start, take a fast paced walk with bursts of jogging, slowing extending the length of the jogging portion. Another twist on a walk in the park is adding lunges. Try some walking lunges as you travel through the park – a great leg exercise.
  6. See-Saw: Actually play on the see-saw. This is a great thigh and butt workout.
  7. Kids Games: Hop-scotch and skipping – these are great games that burn calories and get that heart rate up.
  8. Swing: Sit on the swing, hold the chains securely, and lean back. Lift both legs in front of your body to hip height then bring your knees into your chest, sit up to allow your chest and knees to meet. Continue this for several repetitions. You’ll feel this in your abdominal and hip flexor muscles.
  9. Supported Squat: Using the swing for support, place the swing seat on your upper back. Slowly lean back so that you are standing at a 45 degree angle and being supported by the swing. Bend your knees and lower your buttocks towards the ground. Do not bend your knees more than a 90 degree angle. Then straighten your legs back up to the 45 degree angle position. Continue this for a number of repetitions. You should feel this exercise in your hamstrings, quads, and even your buttocks.
  10. Push Ups: Try doing push up with your hands grabbing the swing seat.

Pick a combination of the workouts above. Mix and match them changing the combinations weekly to keep it fresh. Not only are you getting some fresh air and keeping fit with a healthy active lifestyle, you’re also teaching your kids how to stay fit and showing them how important it is to include and make time for regular exercise in our busy lives.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Step It Up

For a few, working out is fun! For the rest of us, it is a necessary evil as we battle with our scales and feverishly race against the summer clock, praying that this year we will be able to get into that bathing suit and look half decent. While some see working out as a true hobby-one where they actually enjoy feeling the burn, the majority of us just want to hit that target weight.Tweaking your current workout regime is highly recommended in the working if you are aiming to see results sooner rather than later. A few simply alterations can truly make a difference and get you to reach your goals faster. Check out these ho-hum regimes and commit to making modest changes for a fast tracked new program and stellar results.

Current: Dumbbell Work

Bicep curls, shoulder press, tricep extensions, etc. There are many dumbbell exercises that you’ve probably done hundreds of times. You may feel comfortable doing these exercises and have probably increased your weight load many times. The problem is that you’re muscles will get bored and your results will plateau.


Instead of using a dumbbell pick up a kettle bell. By performing the same exercises with a kettle bell you’ll notice two things. One: you won’t be able to use the same amount of weight as you could with the dumbbell. Two: Your muscles will fatigue much more quickly than with the dumbbell. The reason this occurs is because of the change in your grip when holding the kettle bell and the difference in the balance of the weight.

Current: Push- Ups

It may surprise you to know that a large percentage of people doing push-ups, which is a great all over body exercise, are actually doing them incorrectly because they are only utilizing partial range of motion and doing them too quickly. By doing so, the results are nowhere what they could be.


Instead of using the partial range of motion technique, opt for a full range motion and slow down the pace of each push-up. Begin by starting at the floor level and pushing your entire body weight all the way upwards, so that your elbows are able to get into a locked position.

Your elbows should ideally be at a 45 degree angle so that you aren’t overextending. Keep your body flexed and straight in the plank position and as you lower yourself to the floor do so in a count of “three seconds” on the way down and “three seconds” on the way up.

This will target specific muscles and use all of your body weight evenly. Remember to inhale on the way up and exhale as you lower to the floor.

Current: Walking

Walking and running are excellent cardio exercises and they can also help to build muscle. However, leisurely walks offer less results and if you really want to burn calories you need to ensure that your heart rate is elevated or else the walk will accomplish little.


Anyone can turn their walking sessions into a calorie-burning workout by adding these simple tricks:

When walking, be sure to swing your arms constantly. To do this, bend your arms at the elbow at a 90 degree angle and pump your arms as you as you walk. This will burn about 15 percent more calories and will also help elevate your heart rate.

You can also add wrist or ankle weights of two or three pounds which will force you to expend more energy and help with toning the various muscles throughout your body.

Walk different paths occasionally so your body doesn’t hit a boring rut and you will be utilizing different muscle groups. It’s best to choose a path that offers both inclines and declines along the way. This will challenge your muscles groups, elevate your heart and tone the body.

Also listen to music as you walk as the beats will automatically put a little pep in your step.

Current: Sit-ups

We all want flat abs and most of us kill ourselves doing crunches to the point of exhaustion. Recent studies show that crunches are actually less effective than we once thought. The abs consists of many different muscle groups, and crunches only address one.


Ditch the crunches and start doing planks. Not only are they easier on the neck and back, this exercise will target every region in the abdominals at one time and will be more effective.

Another amazing ab exercise is the Pilates Hundred. This also targets all the muscle groups in the abdominal area and will reach the core areas quickly and efficiently. To perform these exercises do the following:

Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and your palms facing down. Gently lift your shoulders off the mat and with your arms still extended out, palms down, pump your arms about six inches up and down in a rhythmic motion, exhaling with each pump. Arms should remain close to your sides and don’t go beyond the six inches with your range of motion.

Continue until you have reached a hundred pumps.

To make this more challenging you can keep your head and shoulders off the mat and at the same time your bent knees can also be elevated off the floor which really targets the core muscles.

Be sure to keep your lower back pressed into the floor and your lower abs should be pulled in tightly for the best results.

By adding these minor tweaks to your regular workouts you’ll break through that plateau and start seeing results faster.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

No More Excuses

We all know that exercise is important, so why do so many of us make excuses not to do it? Exercise and healthy eating will not only make us feel better immediately but it can also extend our lives. It’s time we stop making excuses and start getting fit. Here we’ll learn ways to combat the most common exercise excuses.No Time
Probably the most common excuse that people use to avoid exercise. Between work and family life it can be difficult to find the time to fit in exercise so you have to get creative. Everyone has down time. The important thing is to make good use of your down time. Instead of sitting in front of the TV vegging out in the evening, use that time to exercise. You have many options; go for a walk or run, take a fitness class, pop in an exercise DVD, etc.

Another option is to fit in exercise on your lunch break or before you start work. This is easier if your workplace has a fitness center in the building. If you don’t have access to a gym at work there are still ways that you can add fitness into your daily routine. Park further from the door so you have to walk further. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. There are even some exercises that you can do at your desk to improve your strength and flexibility.

By combining family time and exercise you can teach your family the importance of staying fit while spending quality time together. Going for a bike ride, taking swimming lessons or family yoga are great ways to bond as a family and fit in some exercise.

When it comes to finding time for exercise there is always a way to fit it in. Even if you have to break up your workouts into small increments throughout the day any activity is beneficial. Look into Bootcamps as well, where you can get a full body workout in less time.

Lack of Athleticism
People who aren’t athletic often say that they don’t enjoy exercise. It’s hard to enjoy an activity that you’re not strong at. It may seem like effort. In this case it’s about finding something that you enjoy. Going to the gym isn’t for everyone but that doesn’t mean that not everyone can be active. It’s all about finding what you enjoy. If you don’t like sports but like music, look into a Zumba class or take dancing lessons. That way you can combine your love of music with a form of exercise.

Another way to get over a lack of athleticism is to workout with someone who can teach and motivate you. The best workout partner is someone who is positive and encouraging without being overly competitive. You may find that the best option is to go with a personal trainer whose job is to teach proper form, create workouts and motivate their clients.

“I’m too overweight”
It’s hard to get started if you haven’t partaken in a fitness routine before. Gyms and classes can be very intimidating so it seems easier to just not start exercising. If you’re trying to get started but are worried about what others might be thinking try to put that thought aside. Everyone has to start somewhere. You’ll probably be surprised that most people, especially in a class setting, are really supportive to new participants.

If you’re still nervous than start with a personal trainer. A good option is to work with an independent trainer who can either come to your home or will train you in a private studio. Also, speak to the staff at your local fitness center and find out when the club is quiet and workout at those times until you feel more comfortable.

Doing some workouts at home or on your own to lose those first few pounds can be a great motivator to keep you going. There is lots of help online or through workout DVDs, so there is no excuse for you not to start you weight loss program.

Getting motivated to workout can be difficult, but once you get going you’ll be surprised at how much you enjoy it and how much better you’ll feel. Once you find something you like and establish a routine you’ll forget about all the excuses you used before. Look into your habits and the most common excuses that you’re using to avoid exercise so you can overcome your mindset and start on the road to fitness.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Roll With It

There are many reasons why massaging out the tight knots in muscles is an important part of your workout routine, even if you already stretch regularly. No matter how much you stretch, there is a build of fascia that creates muscle knots that won’t go away, which can lead to many different problems.Regular use of a foam roller can:

  • Help prevent common injuries – foam rolling every day ensures you are massaging away fascia buildup in your muscles, preventing those areas from becoming injury trigger points.
  • Help you de-stress – foam roll your worries away, digging at those knots and releasing tension.
  • Keeps you flexible – building up your flexibility is key for any fitness routine.

Foam rolling is not just a massage tool either. Use it as part of your regular workout routine.

Try adding the foam roller to these common workouts.

  • Plank with a foam roller. Place your palms shoulder width apart on the foam roller. Stabilize the foam roller while you plank and hold.
  • Wall squat with the foam roller. Place the foam roller between your midback and a wall and squat down until the roller reaches your shoulder.
  • Push up and arm lift with the foam roller. Do a push up with one palm on the ground and the other on the roller. Push up and lift the roller until its parallel to your chest. Repeat with your other arm.
  • Bridge on the roller with leg extension. Make a bridge with your heels on the foam roller. Extend a leg straight up. Repeat with other leg.
  • Push up and leg lift. With hands on roller, do a push up. Lower your chest toward the roller, keeping your elbows in. Lift your right leg, and then lower it. Repeat the push-up, and then lift the left leg.

The foam roller is a great exercise tool to help strengthen muscles, prevent injury and can help overall fitness and ability. The more regularly you use a foam roll on your tight muscles, the less painful it will be. Roll with it!

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Do You Need a Workout Makeover?

The responsibility for your workout plan rests squarely on your shoulders. Unless you have hired a personal trainer, there is nobody there to give you advice on whether you need to have a complete workout makeover or not. It is therefore up to you to spot the signs. In this article I am going to run through some of the most common signs that you’re in an exercise slump. If you notice any of these, change your workout, and fast.

Firstly, there is no denying that at the start of your workout plan you are going to be sore. That is the nature of the beast. However, as you continue this pain should start to disappear and you should hopefully end up feeling fantastic. However, if you are waking up sore each and every day, then this is as good indication that the plan is having an adverse effect on your body. Perhaps you are pushing yourself too hard. In this instance you are going to need to change your plan sooner rather than later. The pain can be in the muscles, joints, or pretty much anywhere else. In addition to this, if you have an injury which isn’t healing, despite your workout plan then it is likely you will need to change to something less strenuous.

Another problem is when people stick to the same workout plan. Every single day, they do the same thing time and time again. This is going to get boring, very boring. If you feel that you are bored, perhaps you are skipping workouts then it is time to change to something that is fun. Working out is meant to be a healthy activity but it also has to be enjoyable. If you find it boring, you will give up.

In addition to this, you may get bored quickly if the workout is far too comfortable for you. If you feel as though you don’t really need to put any effort into working out then you will need to push yourself even further. Don’t push yourself too hard though, this will lead to you giving up in your workout because it’s too hard.

Perhaps the biggest indicator that could result in you needing a workout makeover is the fact that you aren’t seeing results. This could mean not achieving the fitness levels that you crave, or simply not losing weight. What you need to realize is that everybody’s body is different. Some may benefit from one thing, another may not. Therefore you will need to be willing to change should you not notice any results. Don’t leave it too long. Especially if you have goals to reach.

Remember, it is important that you give yourself a workout makeover sooner rather than later. After all, if you continue doing something which is causing you pain, or perhaps not allowing you to reach your goals then you will lose motivation. Once the motivation is gone it will be more difficult to get it back to reach your fitness goals.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Fitness Fads Come And Go, But The Swiss Ball Is Here To Stay

What’s hot in the world of abdominal and core training today seems to change as fast as the latest clothing styles. New gurus, new infomercials, new machines – today’s fitness marketplace is all about “what’s new.” I often write reviews about the latest, greatest ab and core training gadgets, usually debunking most of them, but this time I’m actually going to do the opposite.
As new products push their way into the fitness scene, some truly legitimate, cost effective devices get pushed out, forgotten, or even worse – dismissed as “fitness fads.” Such is the case with the swiss ball (also known as a “exercise ball”, “gym ball” or “stability ball”)

Why Some Fitness Experts Condemn The Swiss Ball

Swiss balls have been around a long time in physical therapy and rehab settings and when they crossed over into the mainstream fitness world, they were probably hyped a bit too much. It’s not that they didn’t deserve the attention, its that many fitness “experts” placed the swiss ball up on a pedestal as the end-all be-all of abdominal, core and fitness training, rather than representing the ball for what it really is – a single training tool among many- just like barbells, dumbbells, cables or any other fitness equipment.

As a result, entire training systems were built around the swiss ball (neglecting other forms of training), and people misused and overused the ball. Some trainers used the ball for “exercises” that were nothing more than circus acts. I’ve seen it all – everything from standing on top of the ball and squatting to bench pressing on the ball with 400 pounds..

As a result of the over-hyping and misuse of the swiss ball, some coaches and trainers have recently spoken up and publicly renounced the ball as a ” gimmick.” This has caused a flood of emails to pour into my office as consumers and fitness enthusiasts have become more confused than ever.

It’s no wonder: Trainer A says, “The ball is the best thing since sliced bread” and trainer B says “the ball is and always was a gimmick.” I believe the ball is a very valuable training tool and that the truth is somewhere in the middle, so I’d like to help put things back into proper perspective.

Swiss balls are powerful, portable, inexpensive and versatile training tools

I use swiss balls nearly every day in my own workouts and in workouts for my clients. The versatility of the swiss ball is simply unmatched as proven by the fact that I can use a swiss ball to help a 65 year old sedentary woman overcome muscle weakness and improve balance or use the same ball to help a professional boxer build stamina and add power to his punches. I can also show you how to use the swiss ball to develop “six pack abs” as well as train literally every muscle in your entire body.

New Research Reveals That The Swiss Ball Can Make Abdominal Exercise Up To 104% More Effective

To give you a research-proven example of just how effective a swiss ball can be, let’s focus on one of the most basic and well-known of all abdominal exercises: The Crunch

As most people know, the crunch is a modified (partial) sit up that involves raising the head, neck and shoulder blades up off the floor. Many personal trainers believe that the crunch is highly overrated and overused. I won’t argue, as I agree there’s a lot of truth to that. However, the crunch can be greatly improved with one simple change: Do your crunches on a swiss ball.

Electromyography (EMG) studies have demonstrated that the swiss ball crunch (unstable surface) effectively recruits more muscle fibers than the floor crunch (stable surface). This leads to greater strength, stability and muscle development in your core region.

In 2000, a study by Vera-Garcia and colleagues showed a significant increase in muscle activity in the core area while performing a crunch on the swiss ball, as compared to a floor crunch. The swiss ball improved the level of muscular activity as well as the co-recruitment of spinal stabilizers. The researchers said:

“Performing the curl over the gym ball with the feet on the floor doubled activity in the rectus abdominis muscle, and activity in the external oblique muscle increased approximately fourfold.”

Although research results have been mixed in the past, the studies showing no increase in abdominal muscle activity using a swiss ball may have been due to the exercise technique used on the ball, including velocity and body placement on the ball. Earlier this year, Dr. Eric Sternlicht and colleagues at UCLA designed a study to test this hypothesis and they measured for differences in muscle activity while using different positions on the ball.

The EMG analysis confirmed their hypothesis and demonstrated that body position on the swiss ball could decrease or increase the amount of muscular activation. When the ball was positioned with the upper back high on the ball (just below scapulae), the muscular activity was less than a floor crunch. But by strategically positioning the ball so it was firmly placed at the lower lumbar region, there was a 66%, 93% and 104% increase in upper abdominal, lower abdominal and external oblique activity, respectively.

More Proof That Form Is Everything And Little Things Make A Big Difference

For years I have preached about proper form on all abdominal and core exercises and I have taught my clients “little tweaks” and “tricks” in technique that look minor, but which can lead to huge improvements in results. This new research is proof. It also reveals how the ball is a versatile tool for exercise progression: The high on back position is easier, while the ball lower on the back is more difficult, accommodating for different strength and fitness levels. Further progression can be added by using resistance (dumbbell or weight plate held on chest or at arms length from chest).

Swiss balls are only one of many training tools, but in my opinion, when used properly, they are one of the best of the bunch. I created an entire core training system that uses the ball for many of the exercises, I put all my clients on swiss balls and I highly recommend that you use the ball as well. Just remember, the swiss ball is only a tool – it’s not the “end all be all” of core training and it can’t work miracles. It will also not burn fat off your stomach – you need a caloric deficit to achieve body fat reduction.

Use the ball as one part of a balanced training program that includes other tools such as free weights, cables and your own body weight. Forget the potentially dangerous “circus act” swiss ball stunts, use good exercise form, purchase only quality, high-strength exercise balls, use them in a clear area, clean them often, check them for leaks and I promise you will have a fantastic versatile training aid that will last you for years and never go out of style. Fitness fads will always come and go, but the swiss ball is still a winner.

Coach David Grisaffi,
Tacoma Washington

About the Author:

David Grisaffi majored in physical education and is a certified high performance exercise kinesiologist with the CHEK institute. David holds a total of 6 certifications, he is a high school wrestling and baseball coach as well as an independent trainer and strength coach, known especially for his work with professional boxers and golfers. David is the author of Firm And Flatten Your Abs, an online best seller which teaches you how to lose body fat and develop “six pack abs’ while improving strength, function and athletic power at the same time. You can contact David or learn more about his programs at www.flattenyourabs.net

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Russian Kettlebells Vamp up Your Workouts

By now we all know that in order to lose weight we need to be conscious about what we eat and integrate some exercise into our daily routines. Fewer people however place as much stock into strength training, but the fact is, by adding this to your workout regime, you can increase your fitness results by an absorbent amount.The latest technique, which has its roots in Russia, is known as Kettlebell Training and it is quickly becoming one of the most popular and effective training programs in around the World.

What Are Kettlebells?
Kettlebells are constructed of heavy cast iron and very much resemble a typical cannonball but also include a thick handle for gripping. Because of their weight, some may find it challenging to work with them at first, but their benefits are many.

Utilizing the kettlebell requires a lot of strength and balance and it is within those aspects that the myriad of benefits can be reaped. When exercising, the more we engage our core muscles and focus on stabilization and balance, the more toned those muscles become. When combined with the calories burned, weight loss happens at a much more rapid rate, so you are toning and burning fat simultaneously.

Kettlebells come in weights that begin at 8 pounds and are upwards of 105 pounds. Until you get used to working with them, experts recommend beginning with the smaller weights in order to avoid injury.

Incorporating Kettlebells into Your Regime
The added weight of the kettlebell and the techniques that one needs to implement when using them ensures that not only is the exercise more challenging but they also promote proper body alignment. The shape of the equipment forces the user to keep it close to the body when conducting the exercises which means they are using movements that are naturally aligned with how we should be moving and helps them to stay within the natural range of movement.

Although challenging, using this piece of equipment is simplistic especially if one has ever worked with similar equipment like dumbbells or free weights. Many of the exercises are the same, as are the movements. The main difference is that the kettlebell does not provide as much free reign of motion that other equipment does, so the movements are more challenging and restrictive, which promotes better toning and faster weight loss.

Just with any other strength training, professionals recommend incorporating kettlebells into your routine a couple of times per week and in between your cardio days. Below are some of the exercises that beginners can start with.

Kettlebell Swing
This is a basic kettlebell move that all beginners can perform easily. The movements will engage your core muscles in the shoulders, abdomen and thighs. Remaining in proper form is essential so injury doesn’t occur so focus on your stance and movements as you learn.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your back naturally curved and balancing your weight on your back heels. With your knees slightly bent (as if you were performing a squat) take one or two kettlebells in each hand and bring it up to chest level. With your elbows remaining tightly enclosed to your body.

Once your arms are parallel to your chest area, pause with the kettlebells for 5 seconds and then release them back to starting position. Keep your abs tucked in tightly and make sure you are pulling the kettlebells with your shoulders and arms, not your back. Do 10 reps to start with and then gradually increase to 3 sets of 10.

Turkish Get-Ups
Lie on your back while holding one kettlebell straight up in the air with your left hand. Your elbow should remain in a locked position and the kettlebell should rest on your forearm. Using your right hand for balance and to prop your body up, swing your left leg toward the butt area while putting your right knee on the ground.

This will put you in a half-kneeling position and is needed for stabilization as you complete the exercise. Keeping your arm straight, stand up while looking at the kettlebell. This stand up transition should be slow and deliberate as it is meant to work all the muscles in your core areas including the back, abdomen and thighs. That is one complete rep.

Start with 10 reps and then gradually work your way to 3 sets of 10.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Technology and Weight Loss: The Smart Phone Apps You Should Be Using

Finding time to exercise isn’t just a chore; it can be downright impossible in today’s hectic world. Thankfully, the technological gurus we love are on it, and when it comes to weight loss, yes, your smart phone has an app for that. In fact, it has hundreds, if not thousands. While some of them are silly and others difficult to navigate, there are many that are fabulous, easy to install and user friendly so you can get a head start on a gorgeous, toned summer body. Check out these apps that have people talking and moving!

Know Before You Download
Not all apps are created equal so before you choose one, knowing what makes a great app is essential. Steer away from gimmicky apps that promise weight loss with radical (and ludicrous ideas) such as those that promote things like putting your phone on vibrate for hours at a time and promise to break apart fat cells.

By exploring the apps you’ll see that there is some solid, research based information on them, with driven and proven results. There are many smart phone apps that are backed by professional organizations with strong research behind them. These are the types of apps that you should stick with.

The best apps to use are those that align themselves with weight loss theories and promotions from agencies such as The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Essentially an app should promote such things as:

  • Moderate weight loss (1-3 pounds per week)
  • Promote exercise and healthy eating
  • Promote calories eaten versus calories burned
  • Includes a food diary component

Steer clear of any app that promotes unhealthy or radical weight loss and certainly those that sound too good to be true. The apps below are all scientifically tested and have evidence based published studies that support their legitimacy and are great places to start.

SparkPeople is a free weight loss app that has been tested vigorously by a multitude of companies and one study recently published in Journal of Translational Behavioral Medicine in September of 2012 showed that it met 12 of the 13 components that should be included in a reliable app.

The site includes resources and tools for weight loss and also has plenty of downloadable apps which will help members lose weight effectively and safely. One specific app is the ‘Fitness and Food Tracker’ will allow you to track your food intake on the go and features a custom, built-in fitness program that you can design or have designed for you.

They also have links to other reputable apps, free resources on preparing meals and how to shop for healthy food, as well as a community forum for members to share tips, tricks and recipes. Their apps work with iPhones, Androids, Blackberry and iPad.

CSPI Chemical CuisineNike Training Club
Nike is one of the most trusted brands and their new smart phone app has people talking. This is a free app for smart phones which has been dubbed as ‘a personal trainer in your pocket.’ Not only does it have the usual food diary components as other apps do, it also have 30 and 45 minute workouts which include cardio sessions, toning and another key feature that includes music for you to work out to from your own playlist that you can create or take from an existing iPod.

The app is also able to be shared among your social media outlets like Facebook so those who want to be held accountable can link their goals and results for friends to see and follow. There is also another cool feature, unique to this app that allows the user to access the reward features. This works by making a game out of the workouts the user does and for every level they complete, they can then access new workouts hosted by celebrity trainers and world known athletes.

My Fitness Pal
This app has also been on the top of smart phone apps lists including Forbes top 10 weight loss apps for smart phones. Completely customized, it starts tracking your goals from the get-go including your weight, height and lifestyle habits and right away it will start recommending some weight loss tips and tricks.

Users can set goals in increments of their choice while also accessing the app’s calorie counter. An added bonus is the app’s calorie counter for many of the well known restaurants so users can input what they are ordering and the app will figure out the calorie and fat content of those meals.

All fitness goals and results can be shared on social networks and there are a stream of exercise videos and tutorials on the app as well. The app is free and is listed as one of the most comprehensive apps available for smart phones today.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Yoga for Pain Relief

Is your body beginning to experience aches and pains on a mild to severe degree?  Try yoga for pain relief. The ancient practice of yoga has been attributed to relieving depression and fatigue, weight loss, overall body strengthening and relieving pain. Yoga  involves a series of stretching, toning, and meditative practices. Combining specific poses with breathing exercises is an effective way to reduce pain and decrease inflammation within your body.

Yoga utilizes deep, slow breathing techniques.  Research has shown that when you slow your normal breathing patterns, you also trigger certain nerves within the sympathetic nervous system. It is here that your brain registers how much pain you are feeling and the rate at which the pain is released. Many of the techniques are the same as those used in Lamaze breathing which women in labor practice to curb contraction pain.

The fibers found in the central nervous system also regulate skin temperature and the rate of blood flow. Studies and research have shown that  by adjusting your breathing,  you are simultaneously reducing the amount of pain felt within the sympathetic nervous system; therefore, ensuring that the pain felt will be less acute.

You engage in approximately 15 to 18 breaths per minute and sometimes more when you are having a high rate of pain. As your stress levels increase (which often happens when we feel pain) your breathing becomes quicker and shallower, thereby, increasing your blood flow and triggering your nerve endings. At this point, the pain you are experiencing will also increase.

When engaging in Yoga it is recommended that you slow your breathing down to 6 to 10 breaths per minute. This will calm the sympathetic nervous system, decrease stress levels and ultimately reduce the amount of pain felt.

Yoga breathing is often referred to as pranayama.  When practicing this as a method to reduce pain, first find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lay. Then focus on your breathing and slowing it down. Begin at the top of your head and concentrate on relaxing each part of your body until you have reached the tips of your toes.

Count your breaths quietly.  Practice inhaling deeply to the count of 5 and hold your breath for a moment or two. Then slowly exhale the breath in a slow, rhythmic pace to the count of 10. It may take several sessions but this will help you practice slower breathing.

One of the most popular yoga poses for reducing pain is called the ‘snake pose’ or ‘cobra.’ If you suffer back pain, this is a great pose. To do this pose, find a comfortable place on the floor and lie down on your stomach while extending your legs fully. The tops of your feet, stomach, thighs and groin should also be touching the floor. Extend your arms reaching forward.

As you inhale deeply, keep your arms straight and then gently begin to lift your chest off the floor and hold the position for a few moments. Lift your chest only as high as is comfortable for you. Release the position and return to the starting position. Repeat this stretch a few times while maintaining your deep breathing the entire time.

The ‘dolphin’ pose is also helpful in alleviating pain especially if you suffer from fibromyalgia. This pose will help you strengthen your core muscles. To do this pose, get into a cat-like position with your hands and knees firmly pressed to the floor. Your knees should be aligned with your hips and your hands aligned with your shoulders.

Begin your deep breathing and at the same time, gently and gradually lift your knees up off of the floor while keeping your back straight. Be sure to keep your hands flat to the floor for support. Straighten your knees as much as is comfortable. When you have reached the point to where you can’t straighten them anymore without discomfort, hold the position for a few moments. Continue to breathe deeply and upon your last exhale, release your knees and return to your starting position.

This movement should be slow and steady and may take some practice, as it requires some balance and utilizing your core muscles. Repeat the exercise a few times or for as many as you can comfortably do. This is a great exercise for reducing tension in the neck and shoulder area known to cause headaches as well as assisting in reducing the inflammation around the disks in the back.

Here are three yoga studios located in the South Bay you may want to visit to experience yoga for yourself:

In addition to yoga, the simple act of stretching can help improve flexibility. Try self myofascial release with a foam roller to ease aches and pains.

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com