Celebrity Trainer Comes To San Jose Boot Camp Location!

Guess what, campers!!?? You’re going to get the opportunity to work out with celebrity trainer, Rocco Castellano, at our San Jose/Almaden boot camp location on Friday, August 14th at 6 am!  I’m opening up this special class to ALL lifeSport boot campers, not just those registered at the Almaden location.

Rocco is ready to give you a workout you'll never forget!
Rocco is ready to give you a workout you'll never forget!

Rocco is a fitness colleague of mine that will be in San Jose for a few days (he’s training a Miss California pageant contestant here), so I asked him if he’d be willing to guest teach at one of my camps.  You can learn more about Rocco here:  www.askrocco.com

Now, I gotta warn you….. Rocco and I have different (WAY different) teaching styles.   Rocco looks and acts like his last name should be “Soprano”. He’s gonna put you through his all body weight, no-muscle-left-untouched workout saturated with Italian anecdote and irreverent candor–and probably a few swear words (considered yourself officially warned 🙂  ). Rocco is pretty hard core, but he’s also very entertaining. You don’t want to miss this workout!

Our Almaden boot camp location is :  1260 Branham Lane, San  Jose 95118.  Class is held from 6:00-6:50 am in the quad.  Don’t forget water and a mat! And don’t even THINK about being late. You don’t want to get on this guy’s bad side ;-).

You can bring a guest. For FREE.  Just make sure they arrive early to fill out our usual camper paperwork.

See you on Friday, August 14th at 6:00 am (and not a second later!).


Now, on to your weekend workout…

This weekend, I’d like ALL campers from ALL locations to get in a basic High Intensity Cardio Interval workout.  You can use a machine at your gym, you can bike, swim or run.  It will take you less than 25 minutes, start to finish.   The mode you choose doesn’t matter as much to me as your INTENSITY during your intervals.  Get it done!

After a 3-5 minute warm up, do your activity for another 2-3  minutes as a steady, moderate pace. From there, crank it up into interval training with this pattern:

45 seconds HARD

45 seconds RECOVERY (easier level, but not “cool down” level)

Beginners should complete 4-6 intervals.  Advanced folks should aim for 7-10 intervals.

Don’t forget to cool down, drink water and stretch after your workout.

Have a great weekend!


Weekend Workout for San Jose and Campbell Boot Camps

July was a great month at our San Jose and Campbell boot camps.  Thanks so much for being a part of them! Please remember to fill out your feedback forms. We really do read them.  In fact, you received an email recently that highlights some pricing options we’re test driving in August. This is a result of customer feedback.

I’ve uploaded a weekend workout for you.  This workout combines short bursts of high intensity cardio work with some full body strength exercises.  When you’re short on time, this is a great workout format.

After a good warm up, perform the cardio intervals for 60-120 seconds at a high intensity (how long you go depends on your fitness level).  Perform 15 repetitions of the strength moves, or as many as you can up to fifteen. Complete the circuit 3-5 times.

The video is only 2 1/2 minutes long, but in case you can’t wait for it to load, here it is in writing:

Jump Rope

“Spiderman” push ups (Beginners:  do these on your knees)

Fast lateral shuffles

Bulgarian Split Squats (15 on each side)

“Quick feet”

Inverted row** (Beginners:  bend your knees)

**If you can’t set this up at home, do triceps dips. Dips work different muscles, but it’s something you can do at  home with no equipment.

If you need some visual aides (and you want to see how “Noah the Wonder Dog” gets into nearly every dang frame of the video) here ya go………….


Don’t forget to cool down, stretch, and drink water after your workout.

A special challenge to anyone who is currently enrolled in an August boot camp:  The first two campers to post a comment here that they have completed the workout win a Prograde Craver! .  In your comment, tell me how  many rounds you did and how long it took you.  Cravers delivered to camp next week :-).

Have  great weekend!


A Calorie Incinerating, No Equipment Needed Workout!

This weekend’s workout comes at the request of Noelle, a member of the Campbell boot camp (who by the way, lost over 2% body fat at camp last month—Yay Noelle! ).  She wanted to make sure to get a good, no-equipment-needed workout in on vacation. So, Noelle, this workout should fit the bill! 

C’mon folks, lets burn some quick calories!

Becky’s 15/50 workout

After a 3-5 minute warm up activity of your choice, do the following exercises with little to no rest between exercises.

  • 50 high knee runs in place
  • 15 push ups (wall push ups or knee push ups are fine–do what you can do!)
  • 50 jumping jacks
  • 15 dips
  • 50 quick feet taps (like you’re tapping a soccer ball with alternating feet really fast)
  • 15 burpees (or 15 alternating lunges if you can’t do burpees)

Rest 1 minute after completing this circuit and then repeat the circuit for 15-20 minutes.  

This is a short workout, but believe me,  you’ll be done at the end of 15-20 minutes!

Leave a comment below and let me know how many rounds of this workout you’re able to do in 15 or 20 minutes!


A couple of boot camp housekeeping items:

-Early bird discount for returning campers ends on Tuesday, June 23rd for Campbell and Willow Glen boot camps, and Wednesday, June 24th for Almaden boot camp.

-Also ending on June 23rd is the “Buy One, Get One FREE” special. This is a special deal that is not advertised at my website.  If you want to take advantage of it, please send an email to [email protected] requesting information, and I’ll tell you how to get the deal.

Times are tough, and money is tight for many folks.  With this deal, I’ve given you the ultimate economic stimulus–bring a friend and you both save BIG!!  Where else are you gonna get a full month of boot camp for about $8 a workout????

-As of this writing, the July Campbell boot camp is half full. Get your registration in soon if you want to attend this camp!

 Have a great weekend!

