Choose more veggies

Do We Really Need Nutrition Supplements?

You can’t go down the street or through a shopping mall without seeing a nutrition supplement store these days, can you? With all those stores out there, it must mean supplements are important and we should all be buying them, then, right?

Well ……..maybe. I’ll get to the answer in just bit.

I’m an exercise expert who knows a good deal about nutrition, but I would never claim to be a nutrition expert myself. When I need answers to important nutrition questions I can’t answer, I look to other colleagues I consider experts in the nutrition field.

One of my go-to people for all things nutrition is Registered Dietician, Jayson Hunter. Jayson is one of the founders of the JayLabPro nutrition supplement company (formerly Prograde Nutrition). He has been a great source of advice and support to lifeSport Fitness for over 10 years. Now, you might be wondering, why would a Registered Dietician start a supplement company? Shouldn’t he be consulting with people about real food!!??

Yes—he should, and he does. But he decided to take it a step further. Jayson got frustrated with the lack of quality, science-based products on the market about 10 years ago and decided to team up with a couple of other fitness colleagues to develop products that were safe, effective and high quality. He also believed that many people were OVER-supplementing their diets and wanted to create a company that promoted a “food first” philosophy with supplementation as a secondary measure. JayLabPro puts a lot of effort into nutrition education so that their customers can become better eaters. I have to admire that.

This is one reason we’ve been recommending JayLabPro products for many years. Quality people with high integrity making quality products, and providing solid consumer education. What they say is in the bottle really IS in the bottle. I know that I am sending our clients to a solid resource.

So – about the question at hand: Should we all be supplementing?

Our answer: Yes— but food comes first.

Your first defense against obesity , poor health and chronic disease is solid, whole food nutrition. Supplements won’t do much for your health if you have a poor diet (aside from protect you against deficiencies). Jayson’s mantra is: “Build a decent nutritional foundation through food first before you take any supplements, or the supplements won’t help at all”

Even though we all try to eat healthy, Jayson believes there are 2 areas in our nutritional foundation that are often the weakest points (and this has been backed up by the USDA and other nutritional organizations)

1. Vegetable intake: After all these years of teaching the importance of an abundance of vegetables, society still only eats about 2 servings a day instead of the recommended 6-8. Even the best of eaters still struggle with getting in a wide variety of colorful vegetables daily.

If you’re not getting a consistent 6-8 servings of vegetables every day, Jayson recommends a solid multivitamin that contains fruit and vegetable extracts. He still stresses food first – but suggests the supplement to get additional nutrients that you’re missing due to having a lower intake of vegetables.

2. Omega-3 fatty acid intake: There are thousands of research studies that have shown the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and how our current intake is lopsided with a 30 to 1 ratio of Omega-6 fats(disease promoting) to Omega-3 fats.

Consuming large quantities of Omega 6 fats, scientists believe, may trigger inflammation (which can lead to disease and poor health). By consuming minimal Omega 6 fats and increasing Omega 3 fats in our diet, we may be helping to decrease internal inflammation.

Jayson recommends consuming cold water fatty fish 3-4 times a week along with other foods that contain Omega-3 fats (like Chia seeds). For people who don’t eat fish often, a good Omega-3 supplement is beneficial in strengthening that weak point of our nutritional foundation. Food first — eat some fish and other Omega-3 containing foods, but supplement to make that Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio healthier.

The moral of the story: Food first to the best of your ability, and supplement where your own personal diet falls short.

If you want to save 18% on JayLabPro products, Jayson has given me a coupon code to offer you — but it’s only good until Monday, August 7th at midnight!

Head over here:

And use the code AUG18 when checking out.

Yours in health,


Short Cuts

Wouldn’t it be nice, if you could simply pop a pill or drink a yummy drink and be slimmer. There are a lot of fat loss pills and drinks on the market, some more effective than others. But, the general consensus is that none of them are completely safe. Even the all-natural weight loss pills contain a combination of a large number of ingredients and how they interact with each other and your body is not information that is easily obtainable or, most of the time, entirely predictable.

Diet pills, including metabolism boosting, fat absorbing and carbohydrate blocking types really only work if you include them in a healthy diet with good nutrition and regular exercise. And, that is assuming that these pills will not seriously damage your health along the way. Diet pills and diet drinks are not intended to be used on a long term basis. If you need to use them to help aid in weight loss through natural means, make sure not to go longer than 3 months and make sure you consult with your doctor first. These “quick” products will not produce lasting weight loss – unless you have made a lifestyle change. In fact, study after study proves the vast majority of all people taking these products do not lose any weight at all.

Diet pills and drinks will work in the short term. They often work on one of two principles; starvation or fluid loss.

Some of these diet pills and drinks cause a feeling of “fullness” so that you don’t eat as much. This is “tricking” your body into thinking it is full. This is not much different than a starvation diet. Which we know doesn’t work. While you are on these pills, your body is being starved and will grab any food it can get and process to store in your body in the form of fat. The idea of course is that while you are on the pills, you aren’t giving it enough food to convert into fat. But when you come off these pills, your body is still in the mode of “grabbing” everything it can get and storing as fat.

The other type of diet pills available work on the fluid loss method. They work by causing your body to lose fluid (not fat). Losing fluid definitely will result in you dropping weight, but weight you shouldn’t be dropping. Your body is made up of 70% fluid and it is supposed to stay that way. Fluid loss diets result in a short-term weight loss and no fat loss at all. In fact, when you come off the diet your fat will still remain, plus anything additional you’ve added and all your fluid will return. You will actually be heavier than when you started.

Remember these truths:

  • Metabolism boosting pills, natural or not, stress your central nervous system and increase your risk of heart attacks, seizures, strokes or even death.
  • Fat absorbing pills are proven 100% useless and shown to damage the intestines in double-blind research studies.

The real truth is that losing weight isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about making lifestyle changes to become a healthier person overall. How you lose weight will dictate whether you gain it back or keep it off permanently. There still isn’t a miracle pill out there that will turn us thin.

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