High intensity exercise burns serious calories!

I’ve got a quick, but intense homework assignment for participants in my evening Los Gatos boot camp and my early morning Almaden boot camp.  Make sure you warm up (take a 5 minute walk) before starting this workout!

The 60-25 workout
Jumping jacks- 60 seconds
Walking lunges- 25 out , 25 back
Spiderman push ups- 60 seconds (or to failure)
Ab crunches- 25 reps
Squats (squat jumps for advanced campers)- 60 seconds
High knee run- 25 reps (count “1” each time right leg comes up)
REST:  60 seconds
Repeat this sequence 2 times—or 3 times if you’re feeling beastly!
Participants in my “Fit and Fabulous” Willow Glen camp:  Please do “workout B” on your handout this weekend, plus TWO cardio interval workouts before class on Tuesday.
Have an amazing weekend!
Committed to your success,