Have you tried to lose weight in the past and failed?
You are not alone!
I have been a personal trainer in San Jose for over 30 years now. By the time someone reaches out to me and my team at our personal training studio, they’re often desperate and tired of having so many failed attempts at weight loss.
Honestly, the physiology of weight loss is rather simple, but the process of putting the pieces of the puzzle together to make it happen and sustainable over time can be quite difficult for many of us.
A common theme I’ve seen that leads to failure in weight loss is trying to do too much too soon, and/or doing things that are unsustainable over the long term.
As I look back over 3+ decades of coaching people, I’ve come up with a list of 5 things I’ve seen work really well for people when they decide that losing some weight is something they need to do.
They are super simple.
They are not drastic.
They are things that you can work into gradually over time — so you just try to do a little better with them each week.
If you’re struggling with weight loss, perhaps some of these tips will help you!
Here we go……..
1) Log your food intake
If you don’t know what you’re eating, you don’t know what needs to be changed! Do you need more protein? Less fat? Or perhaps you’re low on fiber? Yes, it’s tedious to do, but you don’t have to do it forever. Simply log for about 5 days in an online food journal like www.myfitnesspal.com in order to see not only the average calories you eat in a day, but also how those calories break down as far as your protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake. And — don’t forget to see how much added sugar you’re eating ;-). This, right here, can be a game changer for many people and a great starting point for making healthy changes.
2) Pay attention to the calories you drink
Liquid calories don’t fill us up like solid food calories do. Liquid calories are often the “forgotten” calories as well in that we don’t really add them into our mental notes on what we eat on a particular day. However, those forgotten calories may end up on your waistline! Journaling your food will help you see where and when you’re getting liquid calories. Are they adding too much to your daily intake? Are they adding a bunch of sugar to your diet? We’ve seen clients drop several pounds in a month simply by taking soda and juice out of their diet!
3) Increase your vegetable intake
4) Limit take-out and restaurant meals
5) Don’t Diet!
These tips, practiced over time, can yield great weight loss results!
Committed to your success,
Coach Becky