Finding the Time

Still wondering how to fit exercise into a busy schedule? Your days are filled from the time you get up until the time you fall into bed exhausted at night, but believe it or not, you still have time to fit some exercise into your day. Here are six ways that you can use to fit exercise into your already busy schedule.

  1. Make Time.
    Just make the time. Initially, it will be a change, but if you can fit in two or three workouts of just 30 minutes a week, you’ll be well on your way to fitness.

  2. Make lunch hour exercise hour.
    Take a half an hour to do some exercise. You can even make it a social affair and invite your work friends to join you in a walk.

  3. Get a buddy.
    Studies show that when you have an exercise buddy, you exercise more. The thinking is that we will go and exercise so we don’t let the other person down.

  4. Exercise early in the day.
    The easiest way to ensure that you’ll exercise for the day is by getting the exercise in early, usually the first thing in the morning. After a little while, it will become a habit and won’t be as difficult having to get up a little earlier.

  5. Combine activities.
    You can exercise and do something else at the same time. Read, watch t.v., even chat on the phone with a friend, all while you workout.

  6. Involve the family.
    Instead of exercise taking you away from family time, make family time a time for some fitness for all. Go for a walk, play soccer at the park, play a game of baseball in the backyard. You and your family will feel much better.

If you still don’t think that you have time for any of the above, you definitely have time to fit some type of activity in to get you fit. Here are three easy tips: do your exercises during commercials, while you cook and before using the bathroom.

You can easily get in two or three minutes of exercise each time with this method. Do this all throughout the day. Keep doing it day after day and you’ll notice the cumulative effect. And for the most part, you won’t even break a sweat. To top things off, short spurts of exercise are proven to do a better job at speeding up the rate of your metabolism than longer workouts. You can try jump rope, doing situps, pushups, wall squats, body weight squats, or jump on a mini-trampoline.

Do high intensity, short interval exercises for five minutes straight. A great exercise for this would be body weight squats. See how many you can do in five minutes. If you manage to make it through this, you can call it a day for exercise after that. Another option is running up and down the stairs for five minutes straight. Five minutes of this and you’ll know you’ve done something, which explains why you only need to do five minutes of this a day.

It doesn’t have to take a lot of exercise or a lot of time to achieve results. Fit a little something into your busy days and you will be well on your way to getting fit.

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Fitness After Pregnancy

You have just gone through one of the most stressful processes your body will ever go through. Your body has gone through significant changes during pregnancy and after birth. It is definitely not ideal to engage in diet restrictive weight loss programs during the early days of motherhood. Remind yourself that the weight did not come on in a day;it will take time to lose the weight you’ve gained. You will need all the additional energy and nutrients to meet the extra requirements of feeding and generally looking after your baby. Lose your weight and get fit gradually. Do not use fat burning pills to get the baby fat off. You need to lose weight and tone up through natural methods.

Fitness regime after delivery should include the right amount of exercise along with healthy food habits. Before embarking on your new fitness plan, ensure you talk with your doctor first, discussing when to start, what to eat, and what limitations you have for your situation. Do not try to exercise too much, too soon, as this will ultimately damage your health. It is generally recommended that women wait up to two months before exercising properly. At first, try methods such as going for walks around the neighborhood with your baby in a stroller. You may then begin a regime consisting of simple leg stretches, as well as exercises specifically targeted to tightening the pelvic floor muscle. Sit-ups and planks will also target the abdomen and help you regain strength in your stomach and back muscles and ultimately helping you gain a flatter stomach. Try to work out for about a half an hour each time, aiming to do this around three times a week. It is important to make getting fit after pregnancy fun, so shorter, resistance training exercises can be enjoyable. Relentlessly lifting weights at the gym is monotonous, grinds you down and can end up being counterproductive. Among the best exercises to include in your weight loss regimen are jogging, walking, swimming and playing sports such as tennis and volleyball.

Try the following steps to get your body back:

  1. Start with the right diet. Eat balanced meals and snacks with low fat and sugar counts.
  2. Don’t skip meals. Skipping a meal will lead to snacking and eating more at the next meal.
  3. Eat frequently. Eat several small healthy meals frequently throughout the day.
  4. Drink plenty of water. It’s recommended that you drink at least 10 glasses of water daily. Water will flush toxins from your system and keep you feeling satisfied a full between meals.
  5. If you’re breastfeeding, breastfeed as long as you can. Many mothers find it easier to lose weight while breastfeeding. You can easily burn up to 500 calories daily while breastfeeding.
  6. Adequate sleep is essential. Hard to do with a new baby, but if you sleep when the baby sleeps it will help. Sleep deprivation de-regulates the hormones that control appetite and signals hunger to your brain.

For the last 9 or more months you have been caring for your baby. Now it’s time to shift some of your attention onto yourself. Give yourself some time each week to do something for you. You’ll get your body back and also feel healthier, giving you more energy to help with caring for your new little one.

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Brain Fitness

The human brain is the thing which distinguishes human beings from other animals and has enabled human kind to reach astonishing heights. Neurobics is a term to describe exercises that help the brain stay fit.Specific types of sensory stimuli and activities, especially those that involve non-routine actions and thoughts, produce more of the chemicals that encourage growth of new dendrites and neurons in the brain. Routine activities become so automatic that they are completed largely unconsciously. This means they require less activity in the brain, and exercise it less. There are many games and products on the market to improve the brain’s functioning by keeping memory and cognitive skills sharp. However, physical exercise has been proven again and again, to be essential for brain health.

Brain Benefits of Exercise

  • Improves circulation and brings oxygen in to the brain.
  • Increased breathing and heart rate sends more blood to the brain, enhancing energy production and waste removal.
  • Studies with elderly patients show that walking will improve memory, learning ability, concentration and abstract reasoning.
  • Decreases chances of cognitive decline.
  • Those of us who wiggle their fingers and toes before getting out of bed in the morning activate nerves that stimulate the brain and internal organs – helping us feel more alert and active in the morning.
  • Exercisers have better “executive functioning.” This includes planning, organizing, and the ability to take on many intellectual tasks simultaneously.
  • Contrary to popular belief, cognitive decline is not inevitable. A 25 year old brain has a similar amount of brain cells compared to a 75 year old.
  • Exercise improves and even cures mental illness such as depression and anxiety.
  • Neurobic activity should do one or more of the following:

    1. Involve one or more senses in a new context.
    2. Involve your full attention.
    3. Break your routine in a significant way.

    Neurobics do not have to be complicated. They also don’t require that you set aside special times for them. As long as they follow the guidelines above, many simple activities make for good brain exercises, and can be worked into your normal day.

    Some fun games and effective brain routines are Rubik’s cube, Sudoku, using your brain instead of a calculator, memorizing your grocery list, studying a new language, listening to music, engaging in debates/discussions, reading a book or playing chess.

    Fun brain games are a great way for enhancing the reasoning and logic skills. Reasoning and thinking skills are crucial for solving problems efficiently and quickly and also making important decisions in day-to-day life. The most important concepts of reasoning and logic include quick decision-making, abstract thinking and selecting the best options. Brain games tend to test your brain and force it to use its capabilities.

    What we eat every day affects the performance and long-term condition of our memory. Surveys in recent decades have shown that certain foods can contribute to the better functioning of the neural circuits of the brain that control memory. Fish and foods that contain a lot of omega oils nourish the brain, and this can help improve your memory. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet and avoids foods that are high in sugar.

    Maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right and get your daily exercise. Ensure that you indulge in the brain workout regularly because if the brain is not challenged for a long period of time it tends to reduce its capacity to work efficiently. The brain is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

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Helping With Postpartum Depression

Giving birth is a life changing experience for a woman, whether it is her first time or not. After giving birth, your partner will have intense emotions and may feel tired or tearful for no reason. These symptoms are known as baby blues, and will pass within a few days. However, when your partner is still moody or withdrawn days later, postnatal depression can often be the cause. PND is an illness that will not suddenly disappear, and your partner will need your understanding and your help.

What is postnatal depression?

Unlike the baby blues, PND is a long term illness that is more common than one might think. With around one in eight moms now being diagnosed, this illness is indeed very real. Signs that your partner may be suffering from PND include her being tired all the time, sad, withdrawn and even feeling guilty. She may feel that she is an inadequate mother and feel hopeless all the time. When you partner is suffering with PND she will require professional help as well as a strong commitment from yourself.

Never be too hasty to presume that your wife is suffering from postnatal depression; after childbirth it is only normal that she will be suffering from at least one of the aforementioned symptoms. However, PND will not always develop straight after birth, and in many circumstances it will not develop until well into the first year post partum.

Causes of PND

There is no one reason why a woman will suffer from post natal depression, and not all women will show the same symptoms. A woman who already has a child and showed no signs of depression may develop PND on giving birth for the second time and vice versa. There are no rules that define who should develop post natal depression and when, although women who have suffered from depression during pregnancy are more likely to develop PND. Other common causes will be a traumatic birth, difficulty in bonding with your child, or outside influences such as financial worries or the lack of a family network for support.

How to get help for your partner when she is suffering from PND

If you suspect that your partner is suffering from post natal depression, it is vital that you see your health visitor or family doctor. Mild cases may be treated with self help strategies, but one of the most important things to remember is that is you want your partner to get better, that you should be as supportive as possible at all times. Try and understand your partner and how she is feeling, and never get angry with her or blame her.

Living with a partner who is suffering from PND will be extremely difficult at times, but with help and perseverance she will get better. Help as much as you can with night feeds, diaper changes, and the everyday running of the household. Never judge her parenting skills and never scorn her for not keeping a tidy home. Where at all possible, make sure she is not left alone, and encourage family and friends to visit as often as possible.

In the case that she has been prescribed medication for her PND, encourage her to take her medication and remain positive about her future. Interacting with other new mums is essential, especially those that are also suffering from depression. In short, put your own needs and also your sexual desires to one side, and focus on your partner and your new baby and be encouraging and positive every step of the way.

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Charity Challenge

Charities have been a part of society for many centuries now, helping those in need and less fortunate than you. Run by staff as well as volunteers, there are many ways that charities will raise money for their concern. When you think about charity, you may think about the church or a charity shop in your town; but charities these days are taking on more and more exciting challenges in order to raise money.

Both volunteers as well as members of the public take part in charity challenges throughout the year to keep a constant stream of funds coming in and you too can participate, or make a donation no matter how large or small. Favourite charity challenges will include sponsored walks, runs, or even huge feats such as walking the wall of China from end to end. What is most important with charity work is that no one is exempt, and anyone can help in any way they can. More elderly members may choose to walk instead of run, or simply help with the day to day running of the organization.

Getting involved with a charity is far more interesting than just volunteering in a shop or making an annual donation; in fact you can give your own input and ideas for forthcoming events. Annual fetes and fairs are an excellent place for charities to set up a stall, the fee most often being waived and all profits going directly to a great cause. From tombolas to charity galas and from a sponsored walk to a two day bike ride, there is something for everyone to get involved with.

For the more adventurous you may like to run a marathon in a costume, or even challenge yourself to walk up the CN tower stairs. People abseil for charity, others dance; and what they all have in common is that they have fun. Getting involved with a local cause will give you a sense of self achievement as well as making yourself and your family proud. Even if you just attend a charity event and buy a calendar, you are contributing to a great cause that needs more and more people like you.

Charity challenges can be as energetic as you make them, allowing you to work at your own pace. A favourite charity challenge that is popular all over the world these days is a zumbathon, dancing your way to raise funds for a well known cause. Charities may be small or large, local or International, but all of them need your help. Helping a charity doesn’t necessarily mean giving money; volunteering your time is as valuable as writing a cheque.

They say charity begins at home, so the next time you see a charity challenge advertised locally, sign up and spend time giving to those who desperately need your help and dedication. Whether you choose to dress up for a gala or sprint your way around the park, your contribution and donations will never go unnoticed and for the more daring, why not sign up for a two day bike ride or a mountain hike!

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Germ War

Want to keep those germs away to prevent getting colds and the flu? There are several ways to keep you and your household healthy.

  1. The best prevention is hand washing and proper hygiene. Avoid touching your face and mouth. Wash your hands and your children’s hand on arriving home and after coughing sneezing, before preparing food and before and after eating. Occasionally wiping off door handles, light switches, steering wheels, keyboards and commonly handled items.
  2. Get enough sleep. Sleep is when the body heals and people who don’t get enough sleep are at a higher risk of catching a cold. Make sure you feel well rested in the morning, if not, you’re not getting enough sleep.
  3. Go outside. Your body needs a minimum of 20 minutes of daylight per day to make the correct hormones that govern much of your health, including your immune system.
  4. Exercise in moderation. Research shows that exercising 30-60 minutes five days per week increases immune function and reduces your chances of picking up that cold that everyone else seems to have.
  5. Consider a homeopathic flu shot. Homeopathic flu shots enhance the body’s natural defenses and healing processes. They are extremely diluted so the risk of falling ill due to the flu shot is nonexistent. Some brands include Echinacea in the flu shot to help give the immune system an added boost.
  6. Use hydrotherapy. Hot and cold showers cause a change in temperature which then triggers the immune system. At the end of your regular shower, try 3 minutes of hot and 30 seconds of cold; repeat this hot/cold process two times. Always end with cold water.
  7. Clean. Use a chemical free steam machine to kill the germs on hard surfaces like toilets, toothbrushes, sinks and cups in the bathroom.

There are lots of contaminated areas. Take note of the top 8 areas where you find germs at work.

  1. The bathroom
  2. Door handles
  3. Carpeting
  4. Communal coffeepot
  5. Microwave oven
  6. Water coolers
  7. Shared phones and keyboards
  8. Pens and pencils

Many times, when we get sick, we have come into contact with some type of germ that we didn’t even know about. Germs are everywhere, and in certain situations, precautions can be taken to reduce the chances of being sick.

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Healthy Scalp = Beautiful Hair

No matter if your hair is worn long, short or somewhere in between, healthy hair is always in fashion. Indeed, beautiful, shinning hair is a valuable asset. Scalp health holds a lot of significance in terms of hair care as it determines the volume and shine of your hair. There are several scalp circulation and health factors that need constant care and attention to help sustain the condition of your scalp and hair.

Hair follicles are amazing little hair production factories which thrive on a constant supply of healthy, oxygenated blood delivered by a circulatory system in good working order. Drawing the nutrients and oxygen needed for new cell creation, these new cells push up through the hair follicle where they eventually die and harden to form new hair.

Here are ways to keep a healthy scalp:

Vitamin A helps to protect hair by keeping free radicals from damaging hair. It’s also helpful in healthy production of oils from your scalp. Choose foods high in vitamin A such as dark leafy greens, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, carrots and cantaloupe to name a few.

Scalp massage helps maintain a healthy blood circulation so the hair follicles get what they need. Massage your scalp with coconut oil to stimulate and moisturize your scalp.

Stop Smoking. Smoking affects health on drastic scale. However, an important aspect of it is that smoking reduces the flow and circulation of blood to the scalp. This generally results in hair loss.

Cover up from the Sun. Sunburn on the scalp can results in skin cancer but when it occurs repeatedly, it results in shrinking of the cells that produce hair growth. It can also speed up sun damage and hair loss on an extensive scale.

Also, dandruff, itching and tingling are major issues faced by the scalp that ultimately affect the condition of your hair. Therefore, it is important to protect your scalp to enhance the condition of your hair.

Try this scalp massage – The Kneading Massage

  • Use the balls of the fingers of both hands (not the finger tips) and spread them out over the scalp.
  • Press firmly and rotate the skin. Do not move the fingers over the scalp. Rotate the skin in one area then move to another area of the scalp until the whole area is covered. This should be a slow, firm kneading movement.
  • Rotating Action: The fingers of one hand can move in one direction, e.g. clockwise, and the fingers of the other hand can move in the other direction. Keep the fingers of one hand still while the other rotates and visa versa.

Perform a scalp massage each day and follow the healthy scalp care steps above and enjoy the benefits with great looking hair. Healthy hair is the result of proper diet and exercise to make sure the body is working well on the inside as well as proper care and attention to the scalp and hair on the outside.

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Coming Back From Injury

If you’ve been inactive for a while due to injury you have to plan your re-entry into a fitness routine carefully. Make sure you have the approval of your Doctor before you start back into any workout routine. Start slow – it will probably feel like you are starting from square one again – and you are, but it won’t take you as long to get back to where you were before the injury. Give yourself time to get back into it. If you lost a month, plan on giving yourself a month to get back on track. You’ve likely lost some strength from being out of your regular workout regime. Start slowly and get reacquainted with your body. Allow your body to tell you how hard to push and when to pull back. For the first couple of weeks back, err on the side of caution. Focus more on getting healthy than losing weight or being able to do what you used to.

Even though your Doctor may have given you the green light to go and return your workout routine, you may feel a little afraid to it in the beginning, worried about re-injury. A great way to get started again is a workout routine in the swimming pool. Start using the resistance of the water to start redeveloping your strength and confidence in your healed injury. Once you feel confident you can start doing activities out of the water.

Get your motivation back. Find a friend to workout with you. A workout partner can help provide you with the encouragement you need to keep up with the everyday or every other day routine. They can also spot you when doing certain exercises so you don’t re-injure yourself.

7 Recovery Steps:

  1. Nutrition – Eat right. A good diet of low starch and sugars, high protein and fiber.
  2. Rest – Get enough sleep so your body can recover.
  3. Warm-up and Cool-down – stretch before and after your workout.
  4. Stick to it – stay motivated and keep up with your routine.
  5. See your Doctor – continue with your appointments and check-ups with your Doctor and any therapy you are receiving.
  6. Mentally Prepare Yourself – stay positive. Tell yourself you will get better and get stronger.
  7. Hire a Trainer – trainers will be able to help you adapt your workout routine to help in the strengthening of your injured area and what to do to prevent re-injury.

With a little commitment and time, you will be pleasantly surprised with how quickly the body will respond to the increase in activity. Soon you will back to your fit and energetic self.

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Staying Fit: Exercise for Seniors

Being healthy and active will help us all live longer. It is important to keep up with an exercise program as we get older. The benefits of exercise for senior citizens can be truly life changing. Even a small amount of increased physical activity can benefit your functional health as a senior. Improve your mental functions, socialize with friends and help prevent injury and falls – what better reasons do you have as a senior then to stay active and exercise.

There are four basic components to correct exercise for seniors that will lead to healthy living: cardio, strength, flexibility and balance.

Cardio Training
Cardio training is an activity that increases the heart rate. Good exercises that are appropriate for seniors include: walking, swimming and bike riding. All are gentle on the joints. Doing this type of exercise 3 or more times a week is essential.

Strength Exercise
Strength building exercises are also important for seniors. As we age our muscles slowly begin to decline in their size. The more a muscle is not used, the more it will shrink. It is important to exercise with light weights a few times a week to keep the muscles strong.

Flexibility and Stretching Exercise
For good posture and healthy joints it is important for seniors to undertake a few minutes each day or every other day and include a regime of stretching exercises. Exercises that involve stretching help keep the body flexible.

Balance Exercise
Balance exercises are often overlooked. However, it is very important for helping prevent slip and fall accidents.

Benefits of Regular Exercise

  • Improved Overall Health
  • Smaller Waistline
  • Lowered Risk of Bone Fracture (including Hips)
  • Lower Risk of Lung, Breast and Colon Cancers
  • Stabilized Blood Sugar Reducing Type II Diabetes
  • Better Balance and Bone Strength

Here is 4 easy stretching and fitness exercises to get you started.

  1. Shoulder Rotation – Stretch your arms downwards, stretch your hands open and hold for a few seconds. Switch and stretch arms upwards and hold for a few seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Walking – Walking is a great form of exercise that can be done by most people. Join a walking club, or walk with friends in your community. Try for at least 30 minutes at a good pace.
  3. Balancing – With a table, railing or chair nearby for aid, slowly rise up on your toes and hold for several seconds. Slowly lower yourself back onto your flat footing. Repeat 10 times.
  4. V – Shaped Stretch – Reach up with both hands straight above the head. Slowly bend at your waist so your hands reach towards the floor. Hold for several seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Find an activity you enjoy and get out there, invite friends to join you and make it even more fun.

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All Hail Kale

As one of the most prominent leafy vegetables in Europe, kale is a wondrous food with a plethora of beneficial qualities. Despite its amazing health benefits and international allure, kale still remains largely under the radar in North America. As a super raw food that is fairly inexpensive and easy to source, there is no reason why we all should not be cooking with this leafy green more often.

Kale is in the cabbage family and comes in green or purple headless leaves. Other colour variations may consist of whites, yellows, blues and reds. The vegetable has a mild earthy flavor and can become even more pronounced after being frozen or exposed to frost. The plant also grows very well in wintry and harsh climates making it very versatile as far as cultivation is concerned. Vegetables in the same family as kale are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi, rapini, collard greens and brussel sprouts. Kale is viewed as a superfood with many healing qualities. One interesting characteristic about kale is that you can harvest the outer leaves as you need them without harming the plant or the future growth of more inner leaves. Kale is very simple to grow and is a great addition to any vegetable patch. The tender young kale leaves are best for salads while the mature leaves are best for cooking. The best way to prepare kale is to steam, stir-fry or eat it raw.

Kale stands out as a power vegetable because of the incredible amount of nutrition packed into each curly dark green leaf. Kale is a great raw food as it is high in fiber, rich in beta carotene, vitamins A, C, E, and K, lutein, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium as well as other important nutrients. It is these facets of kale that are known to prevent and fight against such medical issues as cancer, cataracts, emphysema and rheumatoid arthritis. A regular serving of kale is 1 cup and contains 40-60 calories, making it a great weight loss aid. Due to the overwhelming amount of antioxidants, compounds, minerals and nutrients, kale is also successful in preventing colds, improving skin tone and augmenting energy levels.

Kale is an excellent food to add to your diet. Recipes are rarely complicated and the food is so flexible it can be used in smoothies, soups, salads and even as a part of a main dish. Eating kale raw will only increase its potential in aiding a healthy body. Wash your kale leaves well. The curls in the leaf tend to hid dirt, sand and maybe some bugs.

Try these kale recipes to get you started working with kale in your kitchen:

Kale Smoothie

2 cups water
4 bananas
3 yellow mangoes
1 cup of raspberries
1 cup of red grapes
6-8 kale leafs
A few mint leafs

BLEND ingredients well.

Kale Soup

1 Bunch of Kale leaves
¼ Avocado
¼ Lemon (peeled)
1 Roma Tomato
2 Cloves Garlic
2 cups water (lukewarm)
A sprinkle of red pepper flakes
Salt, Pepper and Onion Power to taste

BLEND all the ingredients in the warm water to get your desired consistency.

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