There are hundreds of supplements available on the market that make promises of being the best supplements for fitness and health. Aside from the fact that many don’t live up to their claims, consumers also have to sort through the flurry of information on each of them in order to conclude which will actually benefit them. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, this task can be challenging as not all products are created equal and many are tailored to produce specific results. The first thing that should be considered when choosing a supplement is gender. Men and women’s bodies are vastly different in genetic make-up and thus will respond to products differently. Typically the fitness goals of men will differ from women’s and this too will impact which supplements will work for them as opposed to women.
For Men
Whether male or female, one supplement that should be incorporated into any fitness regime is a multivitamin. The key here is to choose a multivitamin that is tailored for men’s bodies and that means choosing one that has an elevated amount of iron and calcium. Iron and calcium are essential when building muscle mass and bone density and they are also helpful in fighting off heart disease.
Choose a vitamin that has as many vitamins and nutrients as possible but don’t choose one that promises more than 100% nutritional value as these are gimmicky, more expensive and won’t provide any additional benefits.
Rarely do people take in as much protein as they need, even when they think they do. Protein tablets are important in any fitness regime because it not only benefits muscles but it also helps to keep you full longer so you won’t snack in between meals. If possible choose a protein that is in powder form because it will dissolve quicker than a pill or capsule and they also have an abundance of amino acids which helps with muscle injury recovery and will strengthen muscles quicker. Choose a soy or whey based protein power.
Creatine is a dream come true for men who are looking to build muscle mass quickly and research shows that it will assist in muscle building and healing the fibers within muscles caused by long, excessive workouts. Most nutritionists recommend three to six grams per day after each workout and you can increase that amount up to twenty grams within a reasonable amount of time.
Fish Oil
Fish oil supplements are loaded with omega 3’s and has a long history of helping the body fight off heart disease. They also have a ton of anti-inflammatory components which will assist your joints in their flexibility, help to decrease muscle aches and inflammation and help muscles heal faster.
These fatty acids are found in lean fish such as salmon and tuna as well as some nuts. If your diet already has a steady stream of these foods, you may not need an additional supplement, but few people get the recommended dose which is 300 to 1200 mg per day.
For Women
Women also need a multivitamin as it will replace or offer any nutritional deficiencies that you may have and be lacking from your diet. As with men, choose one that has no more 100% nutritional value but make sure that it includes a decent amount of vitamin C and D as well as folic acid and magnesium as these are the vitamins most women are lacking in and can ward off heart disease, osteoporosis and illnesses like dementia.
Flax Seed
This is a great supplement for men as well as women but it is often chosen more by women because of the low cost and because it boasts of improving mental acuity; something that is very attractive to busy women with a lot on their plate. Flax Seed has many properties that earns it a place as a top contender for health and fitness. These include helping to lubricate joints and muscles which improves flexibility and decreases the risk of injuries, as well as metabolism boosting qualities for those looking to shed a few pounds. Flax seed has also been known to thwart heart illness and improve cardiovascular health because it contains fatty acids.
Although most people think about bones when speaking of calcium, many new studies are showing positive results regarding calcium and weight loss, something many women contend with. It is now thought that calcium not only strengthens bones, but it also helps break down some of the fatty foods we eat and assists them in passing through the body easily, thereby increasing weight loss.
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