Take my workout, please

I had a tough cardio workout planned as your homework this week.  But, I did my own workout at the gym this morning and it was a pretty good one, so I decided to share it with you.  If you don’t belong to a gym, I’ll have a non-gym workout for you at the end of this post. 

First, a couple of housekeeping items:  
-Welcome to  campers Patty, Aubree, and Darling. They’re the newest rookies at the Almaden boot camp.  And a big “welcome back” to Sylvie who was a camper at one of my Campbell boot camps and has returned to join the “Fit and Fabulous” group (also known as the Willow Glen bootcamp).
– A big THANK YOU to Aubree for referring Darling to the Almaden boot camp.  Aubree will enjoy a 20% discount off her camp fees in December as well as a one year subscription to an online meal planning program as a bonus for her referral.
-I’ve been trying out some new games and drills on the folks at the Los Gatos bootcamp.  Thanks for being open to new stuff, guys!  That PUMPkin workout was fun, wasn’t it??!!
Now, on to this weekend’s homework.  This is what I did at the gym today.  It took me less than 1 hour.  It’s a great full body workout followed by an interval cardio session.  All exercises are done for 12 reps unless otherwise listed. Choose a weight that fatigues your muscles by the end of the set.
Assisted pull ups (I did 6 reps, as I’m really working on strength gains on this exercise)
Leg press (normally I do squats, but I did leg press today as I’m getting over a back injury)
Dumbbell chest press
Alternating lunges
Dumbbell squat-to-shoulder press
Squat w/biceps curl (using low pulley system)

Repeat this sequence 2-3 times
Cardio interval:  Pick any cardio machine and do 30 seconds of ALL-OUT HARD work, followed by 90 seconds of moderate work.  Complete 8-10 rounds.  

Cool down and stretch!

If you have no gym access, do this:

Push ups  
Walking lunges  (15 out and back)
Squats  (15)

Repeat for 4 rounds and then do the cardio interval workout listed above (walk, run or swim).
Make sure to plan time to get at least one great workout in this weekend.
See you in camp!