Food Combinations For A Healthier Lifestyle

There is a lot of research that educates us on how to be fit and healthy as well as offer information on what to eat and what to avoid. Usually we end up with regurgitated material that inevitably says to eat more fruit and veggies and lay off the high caloric, high fat snacks. By now, this should be common knowledge but the newest rage is food combination tricks which can help with weight loss, improved health and better digestion.Why We Need Better Digestion
How we process and digest our food is very important for weight management but also for overall health. When our body starts the digestion process, it is expending a lot of energy while at the same time it is speeding up our metabolism and burning calories. Poor digestion can also give us that uncomfortable, full feeling and lead to a host of health issues. So, it should be a goal to combine our foods in a way that allows for optimal digestion and maximum energy output.

When food isn’t digested correctly, much of the undigested food will remain in the digestive tract which will then create toxins in the body. Such toxins can lead to health problems and damage your internal ecosystem to varying degrees. The latter can cause a series of other health problems particularly later in life when the aging process happens and our metabolism slows naturally.

By practicing proper food combinations, the digestive system will work easily and at full force so that your body absorbs the necessary nutrients, your energy level is increased and you are less prone to illnesses.

The Basics of Food Combination

Fruit Consumption

Fruits should always be eaten on their own and on an empty stomach. Additionally, everyone should eat only natural fruits rather than those that are processed and canned in syrups as these tend to be loaded with additional sugar and calories.

Fruits such as berries, apples, bananas and pomegranates are great as they have antioxidants, are lower in sugar and easily digested. You can also eat grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple and strawberries in larger quantities but always by themselves and not in conjunction with other foods during that snack time.

Combining Proteins and Vegetables

For proper food combination it is also good practice to eat a lot of protein but to combine such proteins with non-starchy veggies. The stomach uses hydrochloric acids and enzymes such as pepsins to break down proteins such as poultry, eggs and other types of meat which can create an acidic realm.

When we eat heavy starches such as potatoes and pasta the stomach will also create what is known as the enzyme ptyalin which on its own has great digestive powers. However when it is combined with pepsins, both of these enzymes will counter one another and decrease how the digestive system works. In addition, once mixed together, the digestive system becomes stagnant and this creates a highly acidic environment in which toxins will multiply and disease can form.

Instead of combining proteins and starches, eat them separately and instead combine proteins with leafy and non-leafy veggies so that the digestive system can perform at its peak. The best protein and vegetable combinations are those that include lean meats, fish and poultry and then adding in veggies such as leafy and dark greens like spinach, asparagus and green beans but also other vegetables such as turnips, squash, zucchini, beets, broccoli and cauliflower.

It is always best to steam vegetables lightly so that they retain their nutrients and refrain from frying. Instead steam or sauté in a light olive oil or low sodium broth for added flavor.

Separate Grains and Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables such as butternut squash, lima beans, peas, corn and potatoes are difficult to digest and are also higher in carbs than leafy vegetables. Since grains are also heavy and not easy to digest, it is best to eat them separately. Grains composed of white flour are most difficult so it is better to choose brown or wheat based rather than those made with white flour which are high in sugar.

Other Food Combining Tips

The fats you include in your diet should be non-saturated fats and aim to cook with organic or unrefined oils such as olive, pumpkinseed or flax seed oil instead or corn or vegetable oils.

For healthy fats combine a good amount of seeds and grains along with vegetables such as water cress, kale and avocado which have healthy fats that the body needs for fuel and energy. Avoid fats found in mayonnaise and limit the amount of salt intake as this will cause the digestive system to retain water and slow down.

For a quick cheat sheet you can follow these basic rules:

  • Greens and non-starchy vegetables combine well
  • Lean proteins should be eaten with green veggies and non-starchy vegetables.
  • Starches and starchy proteins should be eaten with greens, non-starchy vegetables and fats.
  • Fats and fatty proteins should be eaten with greens, non-starchy vegetables, and starches.
  • Fruits should be eaten alone.
  • Sweeteners are best eaten on their own or not at all as some contain cancer causing chemicals.

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Healthy Eating Habits Start With Atmosphere

Good_eating_habits_start_in_a_clean_kitchenYour surroundings affect your mood, so it makes logical sense that it affects healthy eating habits. What are some things you can do that will support preparing and enjoying foods at home? I’m glad you asked! Here are 3 ideas to change how you approach meal planning and eating nutritious meals at home:

1. De-Clutter The Kitchen

If your kitchen counters are a catch-all for appliances, mail, and other items that are attracted to any flat surface, then your first order of business is to clear the clutter. You need a clean and clear surface for food preparation. If you can’t find a clear or clean surface in the kitchen, of course it’s going to be hard to cook. Cooking doesn’t have to be drudgery — a daily chore that you’ll want to avoid.

Spring is a prime opportunity for cleaning and decluttering. Do you really need 11 different kind of spatulas? Most of us use a small percentage of the utensils and appliances we’ve packed into drawers, cabinets or on counter tops. Take stock of what you really need. Organizing tip: for those items you’re not ready to toss, put them in a box. Store the box in an easily accessible place but that is out of sight (e.g., hall closet) for two months. If you haven’t retrieved anything from the box in two months chances are pretty high you don’t need it. There are a few exceptions — like a turkey baster or cherry-pitter– things that are used seasonally.

Once you’ve cleared your space, the trick is to keep them clutter free. You may find this ZenHabits guide helpful to maintain it.

2. Meal Prep Fun

Make_meal_preparation_funThis is kind of related to #1 but with a twist. Now that you’ve got a spotless kitchen worthy of a mother-in-law’s inspection… let’s talk about creating a fabulous atmosphere while preparing meals. Here are a few ideas on how to spice things up:

  • Put on music. Choose things that help you relax or pick up the pace depending upon what you need and your mood.
  • Involve the kids. This is a great time to chat about each other’s day. Not only does “many hands make light work,” you’re also teaching them good habits in the process.
  • Enjoy a glass of wine or your favorite beverage. The idea is to make meal preparation relaxing and more fun.
  • Set a weekday dinner table with tablecloth, fancy dishes and candles.
  • Add pretty garnish —  like parsley or slice of orange — to your plate to make the meal feel extra special.

3. Meal Planning Supports Healthy Eating Habits

The adage “failing to plan is planning to fail” definitely applies to establishing healthy eating habits. If you haven’t added meal planning to your weekly routine, then I highly recommend doing so. Knowing you’ve got healthy snacks and items ready will make your life so much easier. Short on ideas on what to have on hand? No problem, I wrote a post dedicated to healthy snacks that help you lose weight.

Can you add to my list?  What other things have you done to your environment that support healthy eating habits?  Please post your comments in the comments section!

Image credits:

Orderly Kitchen

Kid on Counter 


Skinny Lunch

Eating healthy isn’t always easy. Especially during the lunch hour when we are often at work or out of the house and have to grab something on the go. However, eating a healthy lunch is a key factor in your diet and weight loss regime. Whether you eat out or pack a lunch from home there are always healthy options available that will allow you to stick to your weight loss or weight maintenance plan.What Not to Eat
When eating out avoid fast food which in most cases is fried, has a high fat content, and is high in calories. Fast food is also overly processed so most of the nutritional value has been removed. Pre-packaged foods should also be avoided because you can’t control what is in the food and it may be overly processed. In many cases it’s not necessarily to food that’s bad but the condiments. Mayonnaise and creamy salad dressings are high in fat so alternative healthier condiments should be chosen.

Choosing Right
If it’s sandwiches you like, whether selecting from a menu or making them yourself, choose whole grain bread or wraps instead of processed white bread. Cut the calories by choosing mustard instead of mayonnaise. Another healthy sandwich dressing , which goes great with chicken, is tzatziki sauce made with Greek Yogurt. Choose lean protein sources for lunch like chicken, eggs, fish, low fat cheeses or chick peas.

A salad made with dark greens, like spinach, is a great choice for lunch. Add your favorite lean protein and top with a light dressing like olive oil and balsamic vinegar or a bit of lemon juice. Soup is another healthy option. If you are buying canned soup check the sodium levels before purchasing and try to go for the low salt versions. Homemade soup is always best as you can control what you put in it. Large batches of soup can be frozen into individual containers to take and reheated when desired.

It’s important to also consider what you’re drinking during your midday meals. Water should be your first choice but if you are craving something with more flavour opt for 100% fruit juice with no added sugar. Caffeine may give you a boost in the short term but the increased energy is short lived and the crash can make you feel worse than you did before you had the caffeinated beverage. Green tea is an excellent choice for after a meal. Not only will it help you digest but green tea is a potent antioxidant.

Portion Control
There are different schools of thought when it comes to portion control and your lunchtime meal. Some feel that you should have your heaviest meal at lunch so your body has time to metabolise your food before you sleep, while others think that smaller meals throughout the day is the better option. If you decide to have a lighter dinner with lunch being your main meal of the day you still want to choose healthy lean protein and vegetables instead of fast or fried food. When eating smaller meals throughout the day be conscious of the size of the meal you are ordering. If the portions are large ask for a container and put half the meal in the container to eat at another time.

Eating home packed lunches can be difficult and time consuming during busy mornings but packing a lunch from home not only will benefit your waistline, it can also help you save money. One way to save time in the morning is to pack your lunch the night before and just grab it as you’re running out the door.

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Weight Loss After The Holidays

The first time you jump on the scale after the holidays, it might be a particularly traumatizing experience. Weight has a way of creeping up on you at this time of the year. You might even be one of those who is afraid to look at the number on the scale. Yes, I know, it’s time for a killer weight loss strategy!

As you may know from reading my blog, I’m NOT a quick weight loss advocate.  I believe in the slow and steady lifestyle approach.  However, I know those holiday pounds on your hips or in your belly don’t feel good.  So let’s talk about a few quick and easy strategies to get the weight loss effort moving in the right direction.


For a start, consider limiting or cutting out alcohol until you get back down to your desired weight. Alcohol is just empty calories (and a lot of them) and I’d rather have you concentrate on EATING calories instead DRINKING them. If you really can’t do without your beloved alcohol, consider pouring less of it and having it less often.

After the holidays, it’s common to feel incredibly bloated. Often times this is due to a higher refined carbohydrate intake and/or water retention.  The fix for this? Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and cut back on refined and processed grain products (like bread, cookies, cakes, pies, etc). This will help you drop excess water weight, and you can replace the non-nutritious flour-based products with vegetables and fruits.

One of the reasons for weight gain over holidays is many of us over-indulge on rich treats and we eat larger portions. Now that the holiday is over, it’s time to push the rich treats to the back burner as occasional treats, and go back to normal portions.  Truth be told, I believe that most of us who are struggling with weight issues have probably fallen victim to PORTION issues :-).  If you’re looking for weight loss after the holidays—look to put smaller portions on your plate. Plain and simple!!

Aside from portion control, one of my best weight loss solutions for you is to write down your food intake each day.  Yep.  I know.  It’s tedious.  However, IT WORKS!  You’d be amazed at all the little things that go into your mouth that you forget about when you mentally recall your daily food intake.  When you WRITE DOWN your daily intake—it’s easier to keep track of what goes in your mouth!

Finally, in your effort to get on the weight loss wagon after the holidays, I’d suggest  you start making an appointment with yourself for regular exercise.  I like interval training to spur on faster weight loss, but if you’re  new to exercise, just getting out for a brisk walk, a hike, or some time on cardio machine at your health club is certainly a start.

Weight loss after the holidays doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, if you only gained a few pounds over the holidays, and you employ just one of the strategies I’ve told you and return to your  normal, non-holiday eating patterns, you should be back to normal weight within a couple of weeks.

Get out the the “indulgent” calories, be aware of what you’re eating and your portions, and schedule exercise.  That’s it.  There’s your post-holiday weight loss plan!

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Belly Fat Be Gone

If you are among the few who were blessed with phenomenal genes or have found the tricks of the trade for getting the much coveted flat abs, you are fortunate but certainly in the minority. Around the globe, people continue to battle belly fat and science shows that the stomach or abdominal region is among the most challenging areas to lost unwanted fat and keep it off. Fortunately there are some valuable exercises that can help you along, but more importantly, when it comes to getting rid of belly fat, the foods that you eat play a large role in the diameter of your abdominal area. With a few simple adjustments to your diet and the incorporation of some belly fat fighting foods, you will be much closer to your goal of shedding unwanted inches from this area.


Much of the fat within the stomach region comes from the sugars that we eat which causes our blood sugar level to increase drastically. When those levels spike, it sends signals to our bodies that we need to hang on to the sugar we have for survival and thus, all that sugar remains comfortably in your midsection.

One key ingredient that will deter those signals from reaching the brain is called mono-saturated fats. Avocados provide a rich source of these fats which will keep your blood sugar from spiking, allowing your body to digest and dispose of those sugars.


Bananas are healthy for a myriad of reasons, but as far as belly fat and bloating, their essential component is potassium, which helps dilute and regulate the salt we ingest that is found in many foods. Sodium, or salt, causes our bodies to retain much more water than is necessary and causes the stomach area to bloat and swell. By eating bananas which have as much as 400 or more grams of potassium, the sodium is regulated and thus produces less swelling.


Berries are fortified with vitamins and antioxidants which are essential in increasing the flow of blood throughout the body; it also allows oxygen to reach our core muscle groups, many of which are in the abdominal area. The more oxygen our muscles get, the easier it is to perform cardiovascular exercises and in turn, we burn more calories. The result is less bloating and fat being stored in the belly region.

Whole Grain Food

So much has been said about carbohydrates and they really have gotten a bad rap. However, whole grain foods which are in the carbohydrate family are miraculous at maintaining insulin levels and some new studies have shown that eating them in moderation may actually reduce the size and amount of fat cells within our bodies. Additionally, whole grains are a great source of protein and fiber, so these foods will keep you full longer, provide energy and you will be less prone to snacking on other fattening foods.


Particularly black beans that have protein, fiber and flavonoids are amazing at shrinking belly fat. The reasons for this are many; fiber will keep you full for longer periods of time and flavonoids help combat the fat that is stored in the belly.


This is one of the best fruits to incorporate into any diet plan because they have few calories but contain catechins and flavonols, as well as fiber. All three of these ingredients are key elements to keep fat storage from wrecking havoc on the midsection.


Cook up some potatoes and serve them chilled with a dash of vinegar for a delicious treat or light lunch. The starch in potatoes triggers the same hormones that encourages the fat we intake to be used as a fuel source. Therefore, the body will burn some of the fat instead of storing it in unwanted areas.


We have all heard the hype about green teas, but as it turns out any kind of tea will help the cells within the body to burn fat quicker and green tea specifically has been found to increase our metabolisms up to 40 percent more than those who don’t drink a few cups per day. Research shows that when tea is consumed our body’s cells absorb as much as 70-80 percent less fat.

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Shed Pounds by Eating Breakfast

Fat loss is on the top of many people’s lists these days. People will try all sorts of weight loss programs only to be disappointed with the results. Trend diets may give quick results but they are not a long term solution to weight loss. Still the most effective way to successful weight loss is eating a well balanced diet including a healthy breakfast. It’s true when they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and here are the reasons why.

Before delving into the facts, let’s just take a look at the definition of breakfast. Breakfast comes from the words breaking of fast. You might ask, “When did I fast?” The answer is, from the time you went to sleep until the time you woke up. So, how can breakfast actually help to lose weight? When you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to crave food later in the day and make poor food choices. When hunger hits unexpectedly you will be tempted to snack or eat fast food which is high in calories, sodium and fat.

If we think about the way our bodies store and use calories you’ll understand why it’s important to start our day with a proper meal. We burn most of our energy during the day while we’re at work or at play. Our bodies need to use the calories from what we’ve consumed to exert the energy. By eating when we wake up we’re able to use those calories throughout the day. As our day winds down we need fewer calories. In Western cultures we typically eat our largest meal in the evening. However, consuming most of the calories at the end of the day is counterproductive. We don’t burn as many calories during our sleep as we doing being active during the day. The calories we don’t burn off at night stay in our system and eventually turn into fat. Therefore, it makes more sense to eat are largest meal in the morning, a slightly smaller meal at lunch and an even smaller one in the evening.

It’s not just about having breakfast. The foods you choose to eat are also important when trying to lose weight. The best breakfast options include protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Foods high in fibre are also a good choice. An example of a well balanced, healthy breakfast is a hard-boiled egg, whole grain toast with peanut butter and a piece of fruit. Yogurt with almonds or another unsalted nut is also a good choice. In the colder months oatmeal with fruit is a great options as it warms you up and makes you feel full for longer. Although it’s not a great choice to have every day, fried eggs and bacon can be enjoyed every once in a while.

If you’re rushed in the mornings and don’t feel there’s time to start your day with a healthy meal there are some other alternatives. A smoothie made with low fat milk, fruit, yogurt and a little protein powder is great for someone on the run. Another option would be to grab a protein bar on the run. Choose one that has a normal level of protein and not something overloaded with protein. Also, read the labels and avoid the bars that have a lot of added sugar or artificial flavors. If you have the time there are many recipes out there for you to make your own protein bars. That way you know exactly what’s going into them.

Speak with any dietician or nutritionist and they will all say that breakfast is extremely important for weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight. Make a good start and you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you start to lose the weight. You’ll also notice that you’ll be making healthy food choices throughout the day.

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Cutting Out the Sugar

There are many ways that you can cut down sugar from your diet. Eating less sugar can be very difficult and you really have to be dedicated in order to lose weight. Some tips are provided below and you should follow them carefully in order to start cutting down all those calories.

  • Eating less sugar means cutting down on your sugar intake. This does not mean that you have to stop eating everything that has sugar in it. You can start off slowly by taking out sugar from your coffee. The more sugar you eat chances are the more you will want it. You should gradually stop eating cakes, cookies and start eating healthy foods.
  • Start checking nutrition labels on everything so that you can understand how much fat is present in the item that you are about to eat. This will help you easily cut sugar from your diet.
  • If you are eating something with sugar, then you should eat half of it today and then save the rest for another day. This will help you immensely because you did not eat the entire thing in a day.

    Substitute refined sugar with other healthier options like honey, Stevia or other natural sweeteners but remember these types of sweeteners should also be used in moderation.

  • An easy way to cut sugar from your diet is by not buying anything that has sugar in it. You should get rid of those cookies, ice cream boxes, and cakes when you go on a diet.
  • You should also start establishing rules such as if you are having dessert after lunch, and then you will not eat dessert after dinner. You can reward yourself every now and then but do not cheat with your diet because this way you will never lose those pounds.
  • Eating less sugar means that you should stop buying canned vegetables, juices, and fruits. You should start buying fresh things so that you can become a leaner and healthier person.

Eating less sugar is not that hard and you just have to know your limits. You do not have to cut out sugar from your diet completely because you need sugars to survive. You can eat sugar every now and then but just make sure that you do not overeat. You should know when to stop eating so that you do not take in too much sugar. Follow these tips and make your diet a successful one.

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PH for Weight Loss

Human body pH is one of the keys to your survival and wellness. It is also a source of fat and terrible health. The intracellular fluids of the body must be maintained at a 7.365 pH level. Our physique is created to be alkaline by design, but acidic by function. The metabolic functions generate acid, but just like a battery, you want your pH balance to be alkaline simply because an alkaline natural environment provides the greatest level of electrochemical potential. And also just as a battery, our body systems work off of electrochemical potential.

Your body should have the right bio chemical balance – named its pH Level. pH is a scale that measures how acidic or alkaline an ingredient is. One aspect which hardly ever gets mentioned when talking about fat loss strategies is body acidity.

Additionally to serving as a source of ready energy, body fat is also used by the body to manage pH, the measure of how acidic or alkaline your body is. For ideal health and fitness, your body’s pH has to remain between about 6.0 and 7.5, and even minimal shifts in pH may make oxygen delivery to the body’s cells more complicated.

The pH of your blood also has an essential role in controlling insulin, which is a key element to keeping a healthy weight; an insulin imbalance can trigger the onset of diabetes. Furthermore, healthy thyroid function is strongly connected to pH levels, since pH is crucial to maintaining ideal levels of iodine in the entire body, without which the thyroid cannot function.

With the ingestion of fаst foods and junk food that many eat in ouг fast, stressful lifestyle, people take in high calories and toxins in the foгm οf MSG, artifіcial chemical preservatives, flavoгings and colorings. We аlso overwhelmed ouг bοdies with toxic compounds froм skіn caгe products, suntan lotions, environmental pollutants and otһer substances. Tһerefore the body must continuallү flush those toxins out of the systөm tο keep tһe рH levels noгmal through the kidneys, the colon, the sweat glands аnd thө lymрh system.

If there іs а ѕtage where more toxinѕ acсumulate thаn tһe body can manage then it will stοre thіs exсess іn fat cells as a buffeгing system to protect the most important body organs.
One of the easiest wayѕ to lose fat really faѕt with fat lοss can be tο address the balance of youг body’s pH levels to rіd your body tissues οf the excess build υp οf toxins. To cһeck the pH of yoυr saliva οr urine get а set from youг loсal drugstore. Any гesult beneath 6.0 would indicate high acidity which iѕ cοmmon and any reѕult greater than 7.5 would point out high alkalinity that is uncommon.

A pH well balanced diet plan is an alternative diet that can help people lose fat or even keep their body in control during fat build-up. It is known too as an alkaline dieting system that helps you stay far away from bad digestive function. It also prevents you from low energy, cracks, aches and giving in to certain food urges.

The pH diet system allows you to handle the flow of energy level and also inspires the individual to get in to much more physical activities. The diet will certainly make you feel extremely energised early in the morning hours.

The most fundamental rule in this diet is cutting out as many of the acid forming foods. You ought to aim for a diet that includes about 80% alkalne and 20% acid-forming foods – vegetables, for instance, are all alkalizing. Furthermore, drinking lots of pure water can help flush toxins out of your system faster, preventing excess build-up.

When your body is slightly alkaline (around 7.35) you will be filled with energy, you will have a bullet proof immune system where viruses, bacteria & disease are not able to grow. You will quickly let go of body fat and your skin, bones & cells will regenerate always keeping you youthful. If you want to make sure you remain in the alkaline pH then you must eat more alkaline foods. As pointed out abοve this iѕ rarely discussed about but you will be impressed by the fat lοss benefits achieved juѕt by balancing your рH levels tο be more alkalіne.

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10 Reasons Why You May Not See a Weight Loss

  1. Fresh tomatoes are great for a weight loss program!If you’ve been struggling with weight loss, there may be a good reason as to why. In my bootcamps I see all types of clients. Some want to lose baby weight while others just want to tone up and get firmer. Whatever your fitness goal, consider these 10 reasons you may not be seeing the results you seek:

1. Too Many Calories

As with most weight loss eating programs, you’re probably trying to reduce your caloric intake. Even if you’re carefully measuring and planning your main meals, extra calories can sneak in with snacks. It’s all too common to under-estimate the number of calories consumed on a daily basis. Research shows we underestimate our food intake by about 30% on average.  I suggest that you journal what you eat every day whether in a notebook or via an electronic tool like MyFitnessPal.  Portions count, so make sure you REALLY know how much you’re eating.

2. Too Few Calories

What!!??  I know this may sound contradictory to #1, but not eating enough can be another reason why you’re experiencing weight loss.  You need to create a caloric deficit by reducing your intake slightly. If you go too far below your maintenance calories and your body goes into starvation mode. It’ll do the opposite of what you want… shedding muscle and storing calories as fat. Why? Because it wants to protect you, saving energy for future use. So, by not eating enough supportive foods on a daily basis, it lowers the amount of calories your body burns.

Kettlebells are great for strength training3. Not Lifting Weights

Cardiovascular exercise burns calories, but it doesn’t boost your metabolism quite the way strength training does. Doing some kind of resistance training like lifting weights is critical to building and maintaining muscle and tone. If you’re not lifting weights while trying to lose body fat, you may actually lose muscle over time. Plus, your metabolic rate will decrease, causing you to burn fewer calories.

4.  Too Little Exercise

If you’ve cut the calories to a healthy deficit and you’re doing resistance training, then the last alternative is to increase the amount of calories you burn. If you’re still not losing weight with 20 minutes of exercise three times a week, then you need to ramp it up. Very few people are successful at losing weight and keeping it off without exercising almost everyday. Make it a rule to be active at least 30 minutes a day.

5.  Unrealistic Expectations

Slow and steady wins the race in weight loss. Often I see that my clients have unrealistic expectations, wanting to see instant results. Focus on progress, not perfection. If your workout motivation is waning, think back to why you started this journey. Revisit your goals and get back in touch with your “why.”

I’ll be back next week with 5 more reasons your weight loss efforts may be stalling.


Committed to your success,




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Tomato image