The best way to get results at boot camp

We’re off to a great start with June boot camps.  I see lots of energy and enthusiasm in classes.

A special welcome to Nancy B., Leslie, Nancy S. and Emma at our boot camp in Campbell!

We had a big turn out yesterday at the Campbell boot camp for our free body fat testing service, and I’ve got campers from the Willow Glen “boomer” boot camp reserving spots for testing next week.

Once you’ve gotten your results, what do you do with them?   I suggest you write out a goal you’d like to achieve in 10-12 weeks. Make sure your goal is measurable.  For example, measuring whether you’ve become more “toned” will be hard! But re-measuring your waist or hips, or how many push ups you can do is more concrete. Be specific.  

Once your goal is set, write down what you will do to achieve it.  Again, be specific. Instead of writing “I’ll eat better” or “I’ll exercise more” try defining, very specifically, what that means for you.  What, exactly will you change in your eating habits? What exactly, will you do outside of camp for additional exercise?

It might seem tedious to write all this stuff down, but research shows time and again that what gets measured gets managed.  If your goals are written down and you post them where you can see them, they’re at the top of your mind more often.  You’re more likely to maintain focus.

In fact, our theme for the month at the Willow Glen “boomer” boot camp is “FOCUS”, with the intent being to focus on what you DO want.  Not on what you DON’T want.

What you focus on gets done!

Jackie and I have goal sheets in our boot camp box at all classes.  Please feel free to ask for one if you’d like to use one to help you get the results you want from camp.

Committed to your success,
