Eliminate soft drinks and processed foods from your diet to improve your heath

It’s funny how we live in a society that condemns the use of certain illegal drugs, but people seem to glorify the consumption of junk food and soft drinks. Fast food chains are popular and they make billions each year. This is something that is causing obesity and a large number of serious illnesses that lead to death.

There is no question that we are living in a very hectic world now and it can be easier for anyone to purchase fast food than cook a meal. It just seems like we don’t even have the time to prepare a nice healthy dish anymore and this is the reason why the consumption of junk food has become so common.

You need to take the time to analyze your situation and consider how dangerous it can be for you to continue to neglect your dietary habits. Would you rather invest an extra half hour a day preparing a heathy meal, or end up suffering from a serious disease down the line?

A disease that will force you to start taking all kinds of expensive medicine just to survive. Do you really think that the sacrifice of cutting back on junk food is not worth your time? Think again, because your life might depend on it.

If you feel like it will be hard for you to eliminate junk food completely, you should at least come up with a nutritional plan that will allow you to cut back on the processed food significantly. If you have no time to prepare good meals, at least start to look for healthier options to eat in your area. Replace the pizza and hamburgers with some healthier choices, like turkey sandwiches and tuna salads. They might be a bit more expensive, but this is an investment worth making and there are plenty of restaurants that provide that kind of service.

People don’t even realize how much they damage their bodies with products that are very high on sugars. A 20 ounce bottle of soft drink can contain up to 69 grams of sugar and that is terrible for the body. You are always going to exceed the amount of sugar consumption you need, as long as you continue to drink these kind of beverages on a daily basis.

Also remember that all those products that claim to help you with your dieting, are actually going to be doing more harm than good. All the artificial sweeteners are just as damaging and they can lead to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This is the reason why we strongly recommend that you avoid those products completely. They are worthless when it comes to helping you lose weight and they are not a healthy replacement in any way.

There is a collapse happening in the processed food industry. It’s not happening fast, but people are waking up to the truth about the terrible effects that this kind of food has on their health. Maybe twenty to thirty years from now, there will be a law that will consider junk food to be too hazardous for consumption and this is going to change the way in which we eat forever, but until then, it’s up to you to make that change and save your own life.

Some people might think that this is an exaggeration, but processed foods and junk food in general are killing you. It might take one or two decades, but if you consume a lot of processed foods, you will suffer serious health consequences at some point and they will closely related to your diet.

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Sitting disease

SItting DiseaseTim Cook, the CEO at Apple, reportedly said yesterday at a conference that “a lot of doctors believe sitting is the new cancer.” And people still wonder why standing desks were innovated? Here is the reason why; Tim Cook, CEO at Apple, reportedly announced at a conference that several doctors believe sitting is like the new cancer. Not only is sitting the new disease, but is also related to the increased cancer risks.

Sitting disease is on the rise and is associated with myriads of health issues regardless of whether you workout or not. Another ensuing research revealed that the inactive lifestyle can distraught an individual’s mental health, breathing, and also increase risk of cancer. However, are these assumptions about sitting disease true or false?

Marc Hamilton, Ph.D. professor at the Inactivity Physiology Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, who has decades of experience in conducting researches of the effects of inactivity on the body, claims that he has conducted over 1,000 studies on the sitting disease since the year 2004. Mr. Hamilton compares the sitting cancer to smoking habits. He says that people used to smoke without knowing its health risks.

According to Marc’s research, sitting too much does not compare to very minimal exercise. He believes that every hour of the day is very significant to human physiology; therefore you can not only depend on the few hours you exercise. Marc’s most recent research indicates that the most inactive people have two times probability of contracting diseases such as diabetes, compared to the most active people throughout the day. The risk is even higher than people who consume a lot of sugar.

The bottom line is, Tim Cook and the rest are simply trying to make people realize the danger they put themselves in when they spend the better part of their day just seated- be it at home or in the office, and it is high time people start dealing with this issue. Exercise is great, but for some reasons such as enhances blood flow, builds muscle, slows aging and great health in general. Light activity on the other hand is different from exercise, but it too has its benefits, which exercising cannot cater for.

Same case scenario; you can’t miss working out simply because you are eating healthy, or indulge in unhealthy eating simply because you work out. The good thing is that the problem has been discovered, and the next thing after establishing the problem factor is finding a way to solve it or manage it. Just like before when people used to smoke and weren’t aware of the dangers they were exposing themselves to. Now that people know what smoking can do to one’s health, those who still do are fully aware of the health problems they may likely incur as a result of smoking.

With the same mind set, we now know what the sitting cancer can do to oneself. So what do you do about it in order to avoid incurring diabetes or mental issues? The answer is simple; Stay active

For more articles go to http://lifesportfitness.lifestyleezine.com

Shedding Holiday Weight

How to Shed Holiday Weight GainThe holiday season has come and gone. Many San Jose residents have “Shedding Holiday Weight” as a top priority on their to-do lists now.  It’s time to work on losing those extra pounds gained from all the parties, holiday treats and family gatherings. With the abundance of rich foods at holiday time, it is no wonder that so many people suffer from holiday weight gain (yep, even your friendly San Jose boot camp coach can fall victim to holiday treats!).

The extra pounds you may have packed on during the holidays can make the prospect of losing weight seem like an overwhelming task. The good news is that by taking the time to plan out a post-holiday strategy that will work for you, shedding holiday weight won’t be as difficult as you think.

Post Holiday Weight Loss Tips

  1. Set a goal. What would you like to achieve in the next 6 weeks?  Is is attainable?  Measurable?  Get your goals down on paper and post them where you’ll see them every day.
  2. Put together a routine.  Get yourself back into the habit of regular exercise.  Write out a schedule of when you’ll exercise and stick to it.  Grab a workout buddy if you need more accountability.
  3. Eat breakfast!  Having a good breakfast with protein and produce (think scrambled eggs and spinach) is important in order to set yourself up to feel full and energized for your day.  Ditch the sugary cereals and flour-based bread products.  Stick with protein and produce as your first meal of the day.
  4. Eat often.  Make your meals a little smaller, and eat 4-6 times per day.  This will keep you energized and feeling full, and it will also keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day.
  5. Limit alcohol and other calorie filled, non-nutritive beverages.  Now, don’t shoot the messenger, and please note that I didn’t say eliminate.  Simply limit them ;-).
  6. Get outside!  We’re fortunate to live in an area with wonderful weather pretty much year-round.  On the weekends, soak up a little sun and vitamin D with a walk, a hike or sprints around your local high school track.  A little sunshine and fresh air will do your mood good.

If you’d like our professional fitness boot camp coaches to be your accountability partner, please give us a call at 408-265-1540 or click below to request a one-week free trial at a lifeSport Fitness boot camp in San Jose Campbell or Los Gatos:

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