Want to lose weight? Do interval training!

Yes, my Los Gatos boot campers know the benefits of interval training:  More calories burned per session, an elevated metabolic rate for several hours after the workout, improved “fat burning” potential, and shorter workouts (yeah!).  With this in mind, I give you your weekend  homework.

As always, please make sure to do a good 5 minute (or more) warm up to prepare your body for the workout. You can do this workout at home, at the track or wherever you want. You’ll need a jump rope (although you can  “fake” the jump rope portions by simply doing the ‘Ali shuffle’ in place).
Two minutes of jump rope
Jump squats (40 seconds on, 20 seconds recovery) Rookies:  Do regular squats
Two minutes of jump rope
FAST lateral shuffles  (40 seconds on, 20 seconds recovery)
Two minutes of jump rope
Walking lunges (40 seconds on, 20 seconds of recovery)
-30 second water break-
Repeat this cycle 3 times (2 times for rookies) for a killer 27 minute workout.
Please remember to cool down after this workout by walking around for about 5 minutes, and finishing up with a good stretch.  Don’t forget to stretch your calves!
Leave a comment here to let me know how you did!
Congrats to one of our newest rookies, Dina, who has reported that she’s already lost 3 lbs!  Way to go, Dina!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!
Committed to your success,

Want weight loss? Sprint!

Rev your metabolism into overdrive with sprints and watch fat melt off your body!  It’s a much more effective way to lose weight than dieting or long, slow cardio workouts.  Plus, your workout is over more quickly!

Folks in my Los Gatos bootcamp, please do this workout Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  

Find your nearest friendly track and do the following:
First, warm up by walking for 3-5 minutes
1. Sprint (or walk as fast as you can) for 100 yards
2.  Recover around the curve of the track
3.  Sprint (or walk as fast as you can) for 100 yards
4.  Recover around the curve
 5. Do two sets of 12 dips on the bleachers
6. Repeat steps 1-4
7. Do 2 sets of 12 push ups on the bleachers (hands on a step, feet on the walk way)
8.  Repeat steps 1-4
9,  Do 2 sets of 15 body weight squats 
10. Cool down by walking one full lap around the track
This workout should take you less than 20 minutes, but if you really go “all out” on the sprints, you’ll incinerate a ton of calories, and boost your metabolism for awhile after the workout.
Although I think there’s nothing inherently bad about long cardio workouts, they are,  well….long.  When you’re short on time, interval sprints are ideal. If you’re looking to lose fat, interval sprints need to be part of your program.
Los Gatos boot camp folks—-let me know how your homework goes and leave me a comment here!!!  Maybe there will be a Prograde Craver in  your future!!
Committed to your success,

The Secret to Accelerated Fat Loss

Well, it’s actually not a total secret if you’re in one of my lifeSport Fitness boot camps. We do this all the time in our camps.

Another study has shown once again that high intensity interval training is THE method to incinerate calories, increase fat loss and improve your fitness.  The coolest part?  You do interval training workouts for less time than traditional, steady state exercise.  Very cool for those with busy lives!

Results from a  recent study by Professor Steve Boutcher from the University of New South Wales showed that women who alternated between bike sprints and moderate/slow pedaling for 20 minutes lost more weight than women who cycled for 40 minutes at a steady pace.  The high intensity group also improved their aerobic fitness faster and reduced their insulin sensitivity (great news for Type 2 diabetics!).
So, for this week’s homework, we’ll be doing the exact training protocol of Dr. Boutcher and his test subjects.  You don’t need a stationary bike, though.  You can walk, jog, run, swim or hop on a cardio machine at your health club.  Grab your mp3 player, load in some fast music and let’s get crankin’!
Warm up:  3-5 minutes
All out exercise:  8 seconds (yup, just 8 seconds!)
Recovery pace:  12 seconds
–Do as many rounds as you can, or up to 20 minutes–

Cool down 3-5 minutes
A note to newer exercisers:  Aim for just 5 minutes of intervals, and don’t go “all out”, just go faster.  For the remainder of your twenty minutes, work at a moderately paced effort.  It’s important not to overdo it with high intensity exercise if you’re a new exerciser.  Start with just a few intervals and build up.
We’ve had a week off of bootcamp.  How are your workouts coming along?  What are you doing for workouts?  Share your stuff here and motivate your fellow campers to get moving!
Committed to your success,

Homework for Almaden boot camp and Campbell boot camps

Hey boot campers!

Welcome to my blog. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to scroll down and watch the video in the previous post below. It’ll be your laugh for the day. Then, come back up here and grab your homework.

Your workout is simple (but tough) this weekend. If you have shoulder issues, please substitute crunches or planks for the push ups.

Here it goes:

After a 3-5 minute warm up, do the following exercises for 30 seconds each

-Push ups
-Front lunges in place
-FAST lateral shuffles
-Squats (you can make these “jump squats” if you’re feeling beastly)
-Dips (off a bench, chair, or anything else you can find)

Recover for 30 seconds (walking around, getting a sip of water, etc)

Repeat for 5-10 rounds

Stretch after you’ve finished your last round!

I’d like to give a special shout out to Laura W. from the Almaden boot camp for successfully completing a hike up Half Dome in Yosemite last weekend. No easy feat. Congrats, Laura!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!!

Yours in health,
