The Link Between Weight and Breast Cancer

Obesity and being overweight has been attributed as the cause of many diseases and body disorders in numerous medical studies. Diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer are some of the many dangers of being overweight. Concentrating on the latter, this article looks at how being obese can affect breast cancer in women.

It’s important to remember that weight can affect women differently depending on their age. Pre and post menopause plays a role due to the hormones present in the body.  Before a woman reaches menopause, the female hormone estrogen is produced in the ovaries. Post menopause however, a woman is no longer releasing eggs via the ovaries, and so estrogen levels are lower. The body has to compensate for this change and does so in the form of an enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase can be found in fat cells and can efficiently convert androgens (another hormone) into estrogen. The more fat someone carries, the more aromatase they have, which leads to more androgens being converted into estrogen. This spike in estrogen is thought to be a cause in in some  breast cancers and would explain why post menopausal woman who are obese are more susceptible to breast cancer.

A medical study conducted on weight gain and breast cancer, the largest of its kind, concluded that women who added twenty or more pounds after entering adulthood had in excess of fifteen percent, and in some cases as high as forty-five percent higher risk of breast cancer after their menopause. This is compared to women who gained little  or no weight after entering adulthood.

It’s not all hormones and weight gain however, as body shape can play a huge part when it comes to breast cancer. “Apple” shaped women, typically defined as woman who put weight around their mid section, are at small increased risk of breast cancer, compared to woman who are labelled as “pear shaped”.

As mentioned in our introduction, obesity and being overweight carries numerous risks and dangers to your body, not just breast cancer; and so it is important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. A good diet and regular exercise is key to leading a happy and healthy life.

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Helping teens plan their future and decide what they want to be

It’s the question we all get asked when we are a child- “What do you want to be when you grow up?” While we may have had an immediate answer back then- astronaut, police officer, doctor, pilot- as we start to choose subjects in high school, we find ourselves giving more serious thought to what we want to be in the future. But how do you decide what you want to do? In planning your future career path, you might like to consider the following.

  1. What do you love?
    A job is more than making money. Somebody once said “Choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” The idea behind this is that you will be having so much fun that it won’t feel like work! While every job does have its ups and downs, be guided by what you love to do when planning your career. This doesn’t even have to be very specific. For example, you might love being social and talking to people; you then might be happiest in a job that involves a lot of personal interaction such as sales. Whether you love reading, animals or maths, you can always find a job that fits with what it is that you enjoy doing.

  2. Get some feedback from the front line
    If you have some idea of what career path you would like to choose, it can often be a great help to talk someone who actually works in that job . They can give you a realistic picture of what it is really like to work in this field. Sometimes we have an idealistic view of a particular job. Talking to someone with experience in this job can clear things up and help you to decide whether this career path is really something you would like to pursue.

  3. Talk to your teacher or school counsellor
    The subjects you choose in high school can play a large and important role in the shaping of your career options further down the track. Your home group teacher or school counsellor will be able to provide some guidance as to the career paths that your subject choices open up. You can also find e-guides online about the subjects you choose at school and how they will affect any future applications for a particular job or college course.

  4. What are you good at?
    While this does often fit in with number 1 above, your career can get off to a great start if you choose a job that uses skills that you already excel in. For example if you are really good at making quick and accurate mathematical calculations, a career in accounting or financial services might be something you would consider. Being good at something from the start can be great for your confidence and less frustrating then trying to do something that is really ‘not your thing’.

Remember: Your career is something that will develop and change. Just because you decide to pursue a particular job, it doesn’t mean you have to stick with it forever if you realize that you would like to do something different.

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A Balancing Act – Motherhood and Pro Sports

Unless you are born with miraculous genes, childbirth will inevitably result in vast changes to your body; even top notch athletes and fitness gurus face challenges post baby delivery. A misconception is that athletic people manage to bounce back to their pre-pregnancy weight with little to no effort. The fact is however, that most women will have to put in considerable time and effort to whip their bodies back into shape. Balancing motherhood and pro sport is still challenging, but many athletes know some tricks of the trade that help them get there faster.

Athletes simply have a competitive and healthy mindset that all pregnant women could benefit from. First and foremost, their bodies are trained and conditioned prior to conceiving a child, whereas non-athletic mothers’ bodies may not be. That already gives a woman a leg up since they are starting with a low body mass index.

Athletes also take care in their diet and eating habits, so the likelihood that they will continue to eat well during pregnancy is high. Women who get pregnant often take the phrase ‘eating for two’ too literally. In actuality, a fetus gets its nutrients from the foods the mother eats and therefore there is no need to eat twice as much as you normally would, though many pregnant women do. To their disappointment and the demise of their waistlines, this results in double the amount of daily caloric intake and the expansion of their waistlines.

Pro sport moms or soon to be moms are highly tuned into their bodies and know when enough is enough. Since they constantly train and condition, they are more apt to know when their limits are being tested; on the other hand, they also have a keen and innate awareness of how far they can push their bodies without harming themselves or their fetus.

It used to be that medical professionals advised pregnant mothers to stop exercising altogether for fear that it would impose too much stress on a fetus. However in the recent years studies and research has been published proving the opposite. In fact, exercises when done properly can increase oxygen through the body, which is beneficial to both the mother and unborn child.

Body after Delivery

For pro athletes that maintain a healthy body weight and indexes throughout their pregnancy, the post body recovery and maintenance is far easier since they remained active throughout their pregnancy. During pregnancy pro athletes will typically decrease their exercise regimes in order to remain in a healthy state but not pose threat to their unborn babies.

Traditional stretching exercises are omitted as these can be damaging, and cardiovascular exercise is still maintained, but to a less exhaustive degree. One thing that most athletes have in common after delivering babies is that they take the recommended six weeks off post delivery and then commit to resuming their training schedules right after, which are always rigorous.

They also have to be crafty and creative in order to balance motherhood and the demands of exercise. Finding time for self care can be challenging so it may be that you have to rise before the kids get up to fit in a run, or exercise later in the day when they are in bed.

Maintaining an active fitness level with your kids is also important for pro athletes. Running strollers are a great way to fit in some cardiovascular exercise while at the same time spending time with their children.

Other pro athletes finagle fitness and motherhood by joining gyms that also have a daycare center. That way their fitness regime is not compromised and they still have reputable care for the young ones as they continue to train for post pregnancy athletic events.

Most important for pro athletes who want to balance motherhood and fitness is organization. Since motherhood takes a considerable amount of time and dedication, as does training, many increase the intensity of workouts so that if they have to miss one, they are still exercising at optimal levels.

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Good Fight, Bad Fight

The theory that fighting can actually be a good thing in any relationship is one that is foreign and much debated by many couples. Of course fighting in excess differs from the occasional argument and therein lays the difference between a relationship that is healthy and one that is on the wrong track. Truth be told, there are a myriad of reasons why fighting is good for your relationship as long as the couple is not making it a habit and the fighting is fair.

It Means You Care

The occasional fight, even the knock down, dragged out ones are a sign that there is still passion and fire within a relationship. When thought about logically, arguing with someone shows that you still care about them, and what is going on, on some level. Once we lose interest in something or someone, we rarely have the energy or desire to fight for it and that is where many relationships begin to crumble.

Once a relationship has entered the ‘no talking, no fighting’ zone it is a good signifier that at least one of the parties has given up altogether on communicating or that they are simply resigning to being miserable in the relationship, and this is detrimental to any couple.

It Gets Things Out In the Open

Fights and arguments can happen for all sorts of reasons, but many times couples fight because they have kept things bottled up and then when it reaches the point to where they can’t rationalize the issue, a fight ensues. Not dealing with these issues is a quick way to drive any relationship into the ground. Nothing gets solved when things are not discussed and communicated, and arguing can be a proactive way to get these pesky issues out in the open and dealt with once and for all.

Without the Bad, We Wouldn’t Recognize the Good

That pit that one gets in their stomach after a fight, particularly when one or both parties have stormed off is our internal meter letting us know that we need the other person. In order for anyone to understand and appreciate the good things in life, we must have something to compare it to; enter in the bad times. Once we have seen the worst of our partners, we can also begin to better appreciate all the good in them. These bad times also help us appreciate all the good times that we share with that same person.

It’s a Release

Life can get complicated and hectic and sometimes we just need to throw a temper tantrum to release the stress and steam that builds within us. One of the reasons we are more apt to take things out on our partners is that we know that they are, for the most part, safe havens where we can unleash and unload our explosive emotions without the normal fear of abandonment that may happen with other people whom we aren’t in a committed relationship with.

Our partners can help us rationalize and compartmentalize these stressors and in the end, we love them even more because they offer support, guidance and advice.

There Are Lessons to Be Learned

In essence, arguments and fights provide an arena for us to know our partners better and come to terms with what they and we are willing to accept and compromise on, and what we and they are not. If done properly, fighting can be a great way to clarify misconceptions and repair hurt feelings or misunderstandings. Arguments and conflicts are sometimes necessary to get through to the other party that you mean business and need a resolution to an ongoing or new problem.

Healthy versus Unhealthy Fighting

There is a fine line between healthy and productive fighting and unhealthy. First, couples should not be fighting more than they are happy. Excessive arguing generally means there are deeper issues going on and they need to be addressed sooner rather than later.

Fighting should never get so bad that it turns physical. Regardless of how irate one becomes, if either of the people within the relationship feels the need to resort to physical abuse, that relationship is not healthy and should be ended immediately.

Fighting should never include berating or insulting the one you love. Although it is difficult to remain respectful, the effort should always be there to communicate what your issues and feelings are without dragging the other person’s dignity and self-worth through the mud. If need be, excuse yourself and take a few moments to calm down and collect your thoughts, and then revisit the argument in a more rational state.

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Self Myofascial Release

Self myofascial release (SMR) is a excellent way to improve flexibility and mobility of tight muscles and restricted joints. It works on two principles: it breaks up fascial adhesions and it manipulates certain neuromuscular receptors to let the muscle release any tightnessSelf myofascial release is the process of applying pressure to muscular knots with implements like balls and rollers to bring about a release of tension. Basically the same release one gets from static stretching. It may be likened to self-massage. With the correct instruction and extreme caution, it can be an incredibly effective skill set to have in your recovery ‘tool box.’ SMR permits an athlete to efficiently deal with some of the knots that develop during the course of their conditioning with out having to wait until their therapist is available for an appointment. When the athlete does eventually make an appointment with a massage therapist, their therapist can go to work on the really deep knots that pretty simply were impossible to get to before because of all the other tension in the muscles.

Fascia is a three-dimensional fibrous matrix interconnected throughout the body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. Fascia encompases muscles, bones, and joints providing the body structural integrity and strength. Dysfunctional fascia is a major cause of chronic pain, reduced flexibility, and reduced athletic performance. Positioned within the muscle and tendon tissue are two sensory receptors called the muscle spindle and the golgi tendon organ. These sensory receptors monitor muscular and tendon tension from the surrounding tissue and relates it to your nervous system. They are extremely sensitive to changes in muscle tension and rate of change. Stimulation of the golgi tendon organ results in a reduce in soft tissue tension.

Putting pressure directly on tight or overly toned muscle tissue using deep tissue massage therapy or self-myofascial release techniques stimulates the golgi tendon organ to relax tension in the soft tissue. Reduces in soft tissue tension will help break down scar tissue adhesions, increase joint mobility, reduce pain, and improve overall function.

You should do SMR before your workout routines or runs. This will help your restricted areas improve their mobility and function allowing you to perform better. You may also do it right after your exercise, run or any time you feel you have excessive tension in an area. Trigger points occur when you use or stress a muscle, and some small parts of the muscle fiber knot up. Fundamentally they stay contracted even when the muscle is relaxed. These trigger points can lead to pain continuously or just after being touched. The impact they can have elsewhere on the body is also problematic. Due to the fact the muscles are all connected in a ‘net’ across the body, trigger points that go unchecked can manifest into issues on other parts of your body. For example, if you have knee pain this may often be stimulated by a lack of mobility in the hips.

Self-myfascial techniques are very easy to learn. To do self-myofascial release you will need a foam roller and a small ball (such as a golf ball, lacrosse ball, or softball). Loosen up your body, breathe, and slowly roll through the length of the muscle. Your muscles will effortlessly tense up, especially when you hit a trigger point. Relieve into it and allow yourself to relax.

If you find a uncomfortable spot, stop and visualize the soft tissue as melting butter and the foam roller as a very hot knife. Allow pressure into the tissue and within 30-60 seconds you will notice a considerable reduction in pain. Once the pain reduces drastically, move on to the following painful spot and repeat. Spend between 3-5 minutes on each side. It is really necessary that you spend an equal amount of time on both sides and that you work through each of the areas listed to gain the most out of SMR.

Self myofascial release is a growing principle of self-care that enables the person to not only feel much better by relieving some of the tension in their tight muscles but it also helps to decrease dysfunctional compensations by restoring correct range of motion during movement. It is not a question of ‘if’ the muscles will develop an ischemic condition or an adhesion, but ‘when’ and ‘how much’ of the muscle will be affected.

Self myofascial release will help the athlete to continue to pursue their competitive goals longer and with fewer injuries by the very nature of enhancing blood flow and biomechanical function. Slow work equals fast releases within the soft tissues. We are much better at turning muscles on than switching them off.

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Fire and Ice

If you workout or have played fun sports, you are most likely familiar with icing an injury. While ice is the standard protocol for some injuries, you are probably also common with using heat to ease tense muscles. So when should you be using a cold compress and when must you be using heat? The following article is a basic guide to help you treat your injury effectively.Pain after an injury or overuse of an area of your body is mostly a result of swelling or inflammation of the affected tissue whether it is bone, muscle, ligament or tendon.

This inflammation causes stress on the adjacent sensory nerves which convey information to the brain therefore causing the sensation or feeling of pain. Inflammation also reflexively leads to the soft cells of the affected area to “tighten up” or turn out to be contracted adding to the pressure on these sensory nerves. That is the one of the factors, muscles tend to tighten up and stay tight for an extended period of time after the initial injury or excessive activity. After an injury it is suggested to ice 8-10 minutes per application up to 4-6 times per day until the acute inflammation has subsided and there is no pain with movement of that area. This approach stays in effect as long a there is pain. This is the key element.

The use of ice, just like heat while on a sore muscle mass is reliant upon the stage of the injury. A muscle tissue pain differs and is not created equal. So as to make use of ice you should apply it correctly. Stay away from adding ice directly on your skin layer, rather, wrap the certain ice or ice pack inside a hefty bath towel or even plastic material bag and after that apply.

Chill the injured area for 15 -30 minutes, or right up until the area gets numb (exposing skin to cold for longer than 20 minutes may damage epidermis as well as the sensitivity of the nerves). You could use a timer, and then take it off. As soon as the area gets numb, that is when you know that the healing and therapeutic benefits are taking its impact. The cold ice helps to slow down the blood flow and can also reduce any soreness that happens.

More often than not chronic pain is greatest treated with heat therapy. Chronic injuries have little to no associated inflammation, but rather are characterized by tight, sore muscles. Heat will loosen up stiff muscles and lower spasms. Athletes are encouraged to heat muscles for 15 to 20 minutes before (rather than after) exercising as it can “warm up” the muscle and decrease the likelihood of further injury.

Moist heat therapy is the most beneficial as the moisture penetrates the muscle more deeply. As with cold therapy, never leave a heating device on your body for prolonged periods of time as this may lead to additional injury. Generally 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient, even though longer periods could be suitable.

Be cautious, heat application boosts the blood flow to the affected area and tends to increase existing inflammation. Heat application is one of the most typical errors in treating inflammation and results in prolonged disability and pain. Applying heat to a body part that is still inflamed will enhance the longevity of symptoms arising from the injury specifically pain and stiffness. It is consequently not recommended for acute injuries or injuries that show any signs of pain and inflammation.

Although heat and ice therapy are important therapies to use during muscle recovery it is essential to understand that there are usually further underlying issues that heat and ice can not heal. Heat and ice should be used in conjunction with other alternative modalities such as massage therapy, electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, chiropractic care, spinal decompression and physical therapy. Nonetheless, heat and ice should be used at the first sign of any pain to minimize your symptoms.

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PH for Weight Loss

Human body pH is one of the keys to your survival and wellness. It is also a source of fat and terrible health. The intracellular fluids of the body must be maintained at a 7.365 pH level. Our physique is created to be alkaline by design, but acidic by function. The metabolic functions generate acid, but just like a battery, you want your pH balance to be alkaline simply because an alkaline natural environment provides the greatest level of electrochemical potential. And also just as a battery, our body systems work off of electrochemical potential.

Your body should have the right bio chemical balance – named its pH Level. pH is a scale that measures how acidic or alkaline an ingredient is. One aspect which hardly ever gets mentioned when talking about fat loss strategies is body acidity.

Additionally to serving as a source of ready energy, body fat is also used by the body to manage pH, the measure of how acidic or alkaline your body is. For ideal health and fitness, your body’s pH has to remain between about 6.0 and 7.5, and even minimal shifts in pH may make oxygen delivery to the body’s cells more complicated.

The pH of your blood also has an essential role in controlling insulin, which is a key element to keeping a healthy weight; an insulin imbalance can trigger the onset of diabetes. Furthermore, healthy thyroid function is strongly connected to pH levels, since pH is crucial to maintaining ideal levels of iodine in the entire body, without which the thyroid cannot function.

With the ingestion of fаst foods and junk food that many eat in ouг fast, stressful lifestyle, people take in high calories and toxins in the foгm οf MSG, artifіcial chemical preservatives, flavoгings and colorings. We аlso overwhelmed ouг bοdies with toxic compounds froм skіn caгe products, suntan lotions, environmental pollutants and otһer substances. Tһerefore the body must continuallү flush those toxins out of the systөm tο keep tһe рH levels noгmal through the kidneys, the colon, the sweat glands аnd thө lymрh system.

If there іs а ѕtage where more toxinѕ acсumulate thаn tһe body can manage then it will stοre thіs exсess іn fat cells as a buffeгing system to protect the most important body organs.
One of the easiest wayѕ to lose fat really faѕt with fat lοss can be tο address the balance of youг body’s pH levels to rіd your body tissues οf the excess build υp οf toxins. To cһeck the pH of yoυr saliva οr urine get а set from youг loсal drugstore. Any гesult beneath 6.0 would indicate high acidity which iѕ cοmmon and any reѕult greater than 7.5 would point out high alkalinity that is uncommon.

A pH well balanced diet plan is an alternative diet that can help people lose fat or even keep their body in control during fat build-up. It is known too as an alkaline dieting system that helps you stay far away from bad digestive function. It also prevents you from low energy, cracks, aches and giving in to certain food urges.

The pH diet system allows you to handle the flow of energy level and also inspires the individual to get in to much more physical activities. The diet will certainly make you feel extremely energised early in the morning hours.

The most fundamental rule in this diet is cutting out as many of the acid forming foods. You ought to aim for a diet that includes about 80% alkalne and 20% acid-forming foods – vegetables, for instance, are all alkalizing. Furthermore, drinking lots of pure water can help flush toxins out of your system faster, preventing excess build-up.

When your body is slightly alkaline (around 7.35) you will be filled with energy, you will have a bullet proof immune system where viruses, bacteria & disease are not able to grow. You will quickly let go of body fat and your skin, bones & cells will regenerate always keeping you youthful. If you want to make sure you remain in the alkaline pH then you must eat more alkaline foods. As pointed out abοve this iѕ rarely discussed about but you will be impressed by the fat lοss benefits achieved juѕt by balancing your рH levels tο be more alkalіne.

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What`s in Our Food

Most of us have eaten processed foods for convenience, whether this is grabbing a sandwich from the supermarket, or a burger from a takeaway joint. However, a lot of chemicals and preservatives have been added to these foods during the ‘processing’ stage as well as a number of other bad things. If you knew exactly what was in them, you would want to steer clear of processed and takeaway food forever.

One of the most common chemicals found in processed food nowadays are ‘artificial colours’. These are made up from a derivative of tar, and are used to enhance the colour. Artificial colours are known to cause allergic reactions, hyperactivity and headaches.

The artificial flavourings that you find in processed food aren’t any better. These are linked to the same problems that can be found in the colours. They may also end up causing thyroid problems if consumed in excess.

Have you seen all of those artificial sweeteners on the market that are designed to be ‘low calorie’? You think these are healthy? Then think again. They have known to have a negative impact on the metabolism, which can lead to increased weight gain. A few varieties have also been linked to pretty aggressive forms of cancer.

Juices are often claimed to be healthy, but many of the citrus based juices have Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVQ) added as a flavour enhancer. This has been known to raise cholesterol and damage organs, not very pleasant really. It can also be found in a number of soft drinks.

The majority of freshly baked goods and soft drinks out there will contain ‘High Fructose Corn Syrup’. This could end up causing weight gain by turning fructose into fat, as well as increasing the chances of getting type-2 diabetes which could lead to heart disease and some types of cancers.

One of the most dangerous chemicals used in food however is sadly one of the most common. This is MSG and is a flavour enhancer used in the majority of take away foods out there. It has been known to cause heart palpitations, weakness, burning sensation, nausea, breathing difficulties and so much more. If there is one chemical you need to cut out of your diet, it is MSG.

This is just a small smattering of the nasty things that you could be consuming on a daily basis. I haven’t even touched upon half it, including Benzoate Preservatives which can be found in almost every fatty dish out there. It is used to prevent food going rancid, however it can cause a number of ‘diseases’ such as tumours and asthma. It is another one that can also damage the internal organs.

This isn’t all though. A common question that is often asked is whether steroids appear in milk and meat. In the United States, many farmers use steroids in order to get their animals to grow much larger, or produce more milk. Whilst it is illegal to give steroids to yourself, it is not illegal to inject them into animals. This means that when you eat meat or drink milk, you could be putting up to six different steroids into your body, this is going to be particularly dangerous for children. If you wish to avoid these then you need to eat organic meat or drink organic milk.

If you eat processed food, then take a look at a label sometime and check out some unfamiliar ingredients, you will be surprised at just how much there is there which could be doing serious harm to your body. This is going to convince you to eat ‘all natural’ food in the future.

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Training Intensity

One of the most important factors in any type of muscle and weight lifting training is intensity. Beginners to muscle and weight training must always adhere to low levels of intensity and progressively adopt new and higher levels of intensity as they experience the results that they are trying to achieve. Once you have achieved higher levels of intensity in your training you should always focus on keeping a consistent muscular development with this same training intensity, otherwise the results that you have experienced will start to deteriorate over the long run. Keeping an adequate balance of training intensity can be effectively achieved by practicing the following strategies and techniques.

The first step in the process of training intensity is to appropriately understand the exact definition of high intensity training and overtraining. There exists a very important threshold between high intensity training and overtraining. In basic terms, training at high intensity levels simply means to reach for the maximum potential within yourself while lifting weights, accelerating your rest periods and experiencing the fatigue to a healthy yet optimal level. Overtraining on the other hand refers to the process of surpassing the maximum potential of strength to the point where muscle development, toning and other beneficial effects are reversed and the opposite occurs, damaging muscle tissue and feeling restless without the desire to obtain higher levels of intensity and benefits.

Due to these reasons, it is very important for you to have a proper balance by augmenting your training intensity to levels where you feel comfortable and feel that you are doing so in a very healthy manner. Once you have determined this level and balance of intensity and training, the next step is to increase intensity through more repeated sets in a short period of time. Doing more sets is simply engaging yourself to increase the number of repetitions that you do in each weight training exercise. Always remember to increase progressively as you experience more results and feel comfortable in doing so.

Another important factor in training intensity is the proper negative balance and interval sets that provide intensity of effort and intensity load. These involve doing several repeated sets of intense training intensity over a short period for time and then continuing to do low level intensity reps for a prolonged period of time, repeating the cycle for several minutes until the point of muscle fatigue and pain starts to kick in. Emphasizing your level of muscle training by lifting weights and counting for at least six seconds is the best way to augment the greatest amount of effort and an intense workout session where your muscles develop to tremendous levels of prolonged intensity and growth overtime.

Moving our discussion now to aerobic exercise, it is highly recommended to adhere to aerobic exercises that emphasize a high intensity training level as cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging, running, swimming or bicycling. A high intensity training period of this kind can be effectively achieved when these types of exercise are done for at least 30 minutes 3 to 5 days per week; especially when you are breathing heavily and you feel fatigued after a session.

High-intensity training involves short but repeated bursts of running or cycling activities, some of the best steps to effectively undergo this process are explained in detail below:

  1. Use a ten minute period to warm up, cycling or doing any kind of aerobic activity at a slow pace where your heart rate begins to slowly increase.
  2. Cycle through the activity at least up to 85% of the overall maximum effort that you can undergo, this will give you the chance to increase each interval that you do in a very effective manner. Try your best to repeat this cycle for at least 5 times.
  3. Once you finish the cycle repetitions, you have to recover yourself at a slower pace as you have effectively done so in step 1. Let your body rest a little bit at a slow pace.
  4. Cycle once again for fifteen to thirty seconds and rest for twenty seconds. Cycle through this step at least 10 times in order to effectively gain results.
  5. Rest once again as in step one and continue the entire steps 1-5 that we have just mentioned.

These strategies are directly focused on helping you achieve your maximum potential in the long term through direct high intensity training levels. Do not underestimate the power that you can have as an individual to achieve these strategies in a very effective manner. Keep in mind that working hard and maintaining the discipline needed in a high-intensity training environment is one of the best ways to obtain your desired level of strength or fitness.

Some of these benefits include but are not limited to changing your body shape, losing weight, losing total body fat and toning muscle tissue. In the long run, you will experience other potential benefits such as the expansion of your muscle tissue, muscle growth and development, a higher self-esteem and a wide variety of health effects that are desired by many people around the world.

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Breaking Through The Wall

We have all been there, you are deep into your workout, and suddenly you hit that wall. Your muscles are tired and you want to do nothing more than quit. This is the very point at which many people give up on their exercise, and yet, it is also at the point that you are going to get the most benefit from exercise if you just persevere. Listening to just a few tips however, will ensure that you break through that wall and continue pushing your body to your limits.

One thing that many athletes have noticed is that playing ‘upbeat’ music helps them break through that fatigue wall. This will benefit you both during indoor workouts and outdoor ones. Just grab a pair of headphones, stick on your music player and listen away through your workout. There is just something about the music that makes our body tick. Don’t listen to ‘slow’ music, this has the opposite effect and could quite easily bring you to that wall much quicker. I guess this works as the ‘upbeat’ music allows your mind to focus on something else.

If you feel that you are about to hit that wall, then look around you, admire the scenery or the other things in the gym (although if you are lifting weights, try not to look around too much). This, like the music will provide distraction from what your body is feeling at the current time. Therefore allowing you to complete your workout that much quicker.

The majority of times that we hit ‘the wall’ is because we see no end in sight to our workout. If that is the case, you are best breaking your workout into mini goals. Keep working towards these ‘mini goals’ before you set the next one, you will have completed your workout before you know it.

You should always provide motivation for yourself. Make a mental note to yourself that if you complete your workout session, you will reward yourself with something highly desirable. You will be surprised at just how much of an effect this has on your entire body, it really will perk up and keep going until the very end.

Sometimes, you have hit the wall quickly because you started a little bit too intense. If that is the case, then cut back just a little until you regain your composure. Then slowly work your way up to the point that you were at before.

If you simply cannot break that mental block and you are in too much pain then stop. This is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. You can always restart again when you feel slightly better. Remember, although we all like to push our bodies to the ‘limit’ at times, often when we do, our body won’t want to go any further. Continuing could end up being very dangerous.

I hope these tips are useful for you when if you reach that wall, or even before you reach it. Remember, you just have to fight against your mind, and persevere, you will get there in the end – I promise.

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