Five Simple Weight Loss Tips

Have you tried to lose weight in the past and failed?

You are not alone!

I have been a personal trainer in San Jose for over 30 years now.  By the time someone reaches out to me and my team at our personal training studio, they’re often desperate and tired of having so many failed attempts at weight loss.

Honestly, the physiology of weight loss is rather simple, but the process of putting the pieces of the puzzle together to make it happen and sustainable over time can be quite difficult for many of us.

A common theme I’ve seen that leads to failure in weight loss is trying to do too much too soon, and/or doing things that are unsustainable over the long term.

As I look back over 3+ decades of coaching people, I’ve come up with a list of 5 things I’ve seen work really well for people when they decide that losing some weight is something they need to do.

They are super simple. 

They are not drastic.

They are things that you can work into gradually over time — so you just try to do a little better with them each week.

If you’re struggling with weight loss, perhaps some of these tips will help you!


Here we go……..


1)  Log your food intake


If you don’t know what you’re eating, you don’t know what needs to be changed!  Do you need more protein?   Less fat?  Or perhaps you’re low on fiber?    Yes, it’s tedious to do, but you don’t have to do it forever.  Simply log for about 5 days in an online food journal like   in order to see not only the average calories you eat in a day, but also how those calories break down  as far as your protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake.  And — don’t forget to see how much added sugar you’re eating ;-).   This, right here, can be a game changer for many people and a great starting point for making healthy changes.


2) Pay attention to the calories you drink


Liquid calories don’t fill us up like solid food calories do.   Liquid calories are often the “forgotten” calories as well in that we don’t really add them into our mental notes on what we eat on a particular day. However,  those forgotten calories may end up on your waistline!  Journaling your food will help you see where and when  you’re getting liquid calories.  Are they adding too much to your daily intake?  Are they adding a bunch of sugar to your diet?  We’ve seen clients drop several pounds in a month simply by taking soda and juice out of their diet!


3) Increase your vegetable intake

Let’s face it — most of us don’t eat enough fresh produce — especially vegetables!  And, how many times have you had someone tell you to eat MORE of something when you’re trying to lose weight?!   Your friendly San Jose personal trainer is telling you to eat MORE — more veggies.  Make them a side dish with every dinner you eat at home.  Consider a big salad with lots of greens, fresh veggies and lean protein for several lunches each week.  Adding veggies to your diet is super easy — you just need to keep reminding yourself to eat veggies with every lunch and dinner.


4) Limit take-out and restaurant meals

I’m all for supporting small businesses and taking nights off from cooking — but if more than 40% of your meals are coming from commercial kitchens — you will likely have a hard time losing weight.  Commercially prepared foods simply have more saturated fats, added sugars and salt.
Cooking at home doesn’t have to be extremely time consuming.  Frozen pre-cooked proteins (sirloin patties, chicken breast, grilled fish fillets) paired with some steamed veggies (yes, even frozen veggies steamed in the bag!) makes a great, healthy, fast meals.  If you have time on day off — make a big pot of soup or chili and package up into individual containers.  Easy!  Bonus:  you’ll also save money on your food bill when you eat at home more.


5) Don’t Diet!

I know — you’re trying to lose weight.  You should “diet”, right?  Nope.  I define “diet” as something that is restrictive and unsustainable.  “Dieting” will eventually stop, and you’ll be back at square one.  But — if you follow one or more of the first 4 tips I’ve listed here, you may not ever have to diet again!

These tips are do-able for the long haul.  They’re not crazy,  wild things that are unsustainable.  Okay, the food journaling will get old done long term — but like I said — you don’t have to do it for very long to see your nutrition habits and make plans for changes.

In a nutshell — aim to make a few of your meals healthier each week.  More veggies.  Less sugar.  Be mindful of the calories you drink. You get the picture!


These tips, practiced over time, can yield great weight loss results!


Committed to your success,


Coach Becky

Healthy Foods That Really Aren’t That Healthy

Try as we might to eat healthy most of the time, we’re often tricked by advertising into thinking what they’re selling is really good for us. What does this mean? Sometimes what we think are healthy foods aren’t healthy at all! Often, the foods that get touted as “healthy” by food manufacturers aren’t the best choices in their class. So to help figure out what’s what, here’s a list of healthy foods that really aren’t that healthy.


Here are a few foods that get touted as “healthy” by food manufacturers. Although, many of them aren’t the best choices in their class.


Tasty and fast, for sure. But, unfortunately, breakfast cereal is often jam-packed with extra sugars that will do more to drag you down than build you up for your day. A lot of breakfast cereals will jack up your blood sugar because they’re made with low fiber, fast acting carbohydrates (which leads to a blood sugar drop later in the morning).

If you like a morning bowl of cereal, opt for whole oats or steel cut oats. Add berries or a little Stevia for sweetness and some chopped nuts for healthy fats. This will give you some filling fiber to get you through the morning and a LOT more nutrition than a bowl of Cap’n Crunch.



Yes, flavored yogurt tastes much better than its plain peers, but going with a pre-flavored yogurt will instantly double the amount of sugar you consume. Fortunately, overcoming the flavorless thing can be done healthily. All you have to do is add chopped, fresh fruit of your choice and enjoy! Consider Greek yogurt for a higher protein count.



Manufacturers woo you in with “zero calories!!!” emblazoned on the label/can. Unfortunately, scientists now think that diet soda messes with your body’s ability to recognize and manage sugar properly. Switch over to sparkling water if you like the carbonation but don’t want to feed your sweet tooth.



No, all popcorn is not to be avoided at all costs. But more than likely, a lot of the unpopped kernels in your kitchen should be ditched. 

Here’s a good way to determine if your popcorn is at war with your good health. Is it in a prepackaged bag that simply has to be tossed in the microwave to be cooked? If so, then stay away! 

Those prepackaged popcorn packages, whether lightly buttered, drowning in butter, or candied offer no benefit. If you’re going to do popcorn, you’ll need to pop it the old-fashioned way, preferably via air popping.



The word “skinny” is alluring, I know. However, these diet desserts are often filled with artificial ingredients and sugars that are keeping you stuck with your fat loss. When you want dessert — go for the real thing: really good ice cream, a freshly baked cookie, a decadent brownie. Eat those yummy desserts once in a while and they won’t mess with your overall nutrition if it’s otherwise on point.

As a bonus, desserts made with real foods won’t add chemicals to your gut! For example, consider baking a small batch of cookies at home. You will get to enjoy a freshly made warm cookie that will not only taste delicious but will also have no harmful chemicals in them! You can even freeze the leftovers for another treat in the future.

Want to try it out? Check out this recipe for homemade peanut butter cookies



Enjoyed by healthy hikers around the world, granola bars are the final unexpected bad choice in your kitchen. This one may have you scratching your head when you consider that your favorite kind is crammed with every fruit and nut you can imagine. But read the ingredient label and you’ll soon see that there is probably more added sugar (make that high-fructose corn syrup!) than goodness your body can use. If you need a snack bar, look for brands with little to no additional sugars and a limited ingredient list.




Yes, generally these foods may be healthy or at least healthier than other foods. But, that doesn’t mean that every version of it sold in stores is healthy too! Thus, the usage of the phrase “healthy foods that really aren’t that healthy.”


Always check the labels when you can to see how much sugar is in the product (or corn syrup). Many times you can even make the food item yourself! Whether that be a bowl of yogurt with fruit, popcorn or even some cookies. Or, you can move towards the more healthier alternative of a product, such as the case of sparkling water in place of soda.


Follow our advice laid out from this article and feel confident in knowing that you are having the best option of that food item possible!

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Holiday Season is upon us and with that comes big meals! Because of this, you may be worried about maintaining your health and/or your weight over the holidays. For that reason, I have written a couple of fit tips for you on how to avoid the holiday weight gain!


Here’s my take on the holidays as they relate to your health (and your waistline):


  • Holidays are to be enjoyed, not stressed over
  • YOU are in control of how much you indulge
  • Holidays shouldn’t be just about food. They should be about enjoying time with those you love.

With that in mind, here’s how to stay fit this holiday season:

Holiday Fitness Tip #1: It’s All About Moderation


Don’t try to deprive yourself of all the foods you love! This is highly unrealistic (and SO not fun!!). Instead, be smart about what you choose to eat. Enjoy your very favorite flavors of the season, but in moderation. Trim calories where you can by only eating those rich foods that you really enjoy.


When eating at home in non-holiday mode — eat really, really well (whole foods, lots of fiber, lean proteins and boatloads of veggies).


Also, be sure to limit the number of alcoholic beverages you drink when at social gatherings. Some typical holiday drinks are filled with tons of sugary calories. Try alternating an alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic drink like sparkling water.

Holiday Fitness Tip #2: Fiber is Your Friend


Here’s a simple tip that most people overlook when loading up their plates at holiday gatherings…fill up on fiber first. You see, if your plate is mostly fibrous vegetables and greens there is only a moderate amount of room left on your plate for the dishes full of fats and carbs. Therefore, your net calorie intake for the meal will be dramatically lower than if you had eaten more of the dishes full of carbs and fats.


BONUS TIP! – While this tip is super effective during the holidays, it’s also a technique that you can carry with you throughout the rest of the year to stay lean while still indulging in what you love. The key is to eat less of the rich foods and more of the lower calorie, high fiber foods.

Holiday Fitness Tip #3: Exercise is a MUST


Many people let their workouts go to the wayside during the busy holiday weeks, however I am here to tell you how important it is that you keep your workouts a priority. I know it’s harder to get up early when it’s cold outside, or head to your evening workout when it’s dark outside. However, that act of lacing up your shoes, sweating, and getting the endorphins flowing makes a huge impact on your overall fitness (and mental health!).


Not only are you burning calories and stoking your metabolism by sticking to your normal exercise routine, you are keeping fitness at the forefront of your mind. It may sound like a small thing, but getting your workout in forces you to remember your fitness goals. This small act will help you make better decisions throughout the rest of your day.


So, how do you avoid holiday weight gain? My message to you today is that you DO NOT have to sacrifice the fun and flavors of the season. You just have to keep your exercise schedule as tight as possible and be aware of your eating habits. Make good choices when you can (like at home), and enjoy those indulgences when you’re at an event. 

You can do this!



I am passionate about seeing my clients achieve results—AND maintaining those results throughout the holiday season and beyond.


If you are not currently working with us and want extra accountability during the holiday season, call or email me today to get started on a lifeSport Fitness program.  Who knows?! You might end up on December 31st more fit and leaner than you are now — how’s THAT for a healthy holiday season? 🙂


Sign up below for a FREE 30-minute consultation to see if we’re a good fit for you!


Committed to your success,


Coach Becky

Other helpful blog posts to help navigate the holidays:

How to Navigate the Thanksgiving Feast!

Hello and Happy Friday! Worried that this year’s Thanksgiving Feast is going to ruin all your effort working out? What if I told you, you didn’t have to be?


Today, I’ve got a video for you with some “Thanksgiving Feasting” suggestions in it.


I filmed the video last year as part of a series I did on healthy eating.


Lately, I’ve been starting to hear conversations in our studio centered around people getting worried about gaining weight due to what they eat on Thanksgiving.


I’m here today to tell you NOT to stress about what you eat on Thanksgiving. Last year’s video sums up how I suggest you should think about “Turkey Day”.


We think you might find it helpful!


So, here’s my 3-minute suggestion on how to navigate Thanksgiving feasting this year….


Committed to your success,


Coach Becky

stuck when trying to lose weight

Are You Eating Enough to Lose Weight?

When people are trying to lose excess weight, they usually put a few things into action to make it happen – like ramping up their exercise or changing what they eat. This is a good approach and it will work… but sometimes it backfires when done incorrectly. In this situation, many people think that to get the results they want they need to eat less than they usually do. BUT, are you really eating enough to lose any weight at all?


Here’s the main takeaway: Cutting too many calories may actually have the opposite effect you’re looking for when trying to lose weight!


A minion from the movie Despicable Me saying


You see, your body is very good at monitoring how many calories you’re eating and burning. Eat too many calories, and it stores the excess as fat. Eat too little over an extended period of time… and your body rebels. When this happens, your body may send signals to your brain to stimulate your appetite and can actually encourage you to eat. Or it may down-regulate your metabolism – making it harder to burn stubborn fat and lose weight. 

Why this happens

When your calorie intake is too low for an extended time, your body tends to conserve fat and burn muscle for energy – leading to a slower metabolism and higher body fat levels.


This is why it’s so important to maintain the right amount of calories (eating enough) to continue to fuel your weight loss.


Anything less than 1200-1500 calories for females or around 2000 calories for males may not be enough to fuel your activity and the different metabolic processes going on inside your body.


If you’re looking to lose weight and you think cutting your calories even lower than they already are will work, there’s a good chance you’re going to be frustrated with your results.

What to do

Instead of tracking the amount of calories you eat, always include a lean protein, an easily digestible carb and some healthy fats with each meal. Concentrate on eating good, whole, healthy foods at each meal. Watch your portions, but don’t starve yourself or skip meals. Doing so will help you maintain a healthy calorie level (therefore encouraging more fat loss) and will help keep cravings and hunger feelings away.


So, yes, it may seem counterintuitive, but you do need to EAT to lose weight. The trick is finding the right balance for you – eating enough to fuel your body, but not so much that your body stores excess calories.



Today we talked about how cutting too many calories can have the opposite effect you’re looking for when trying to lose weight. Yes! You do need to make sure you eat enough to fuel your body for the day. Next week, we’ll be sticking to this topic, debunking a common myth that many people have about calories.

Want to read more about how you can improve your nutrition?

Check out our other blog posts below –

How to Lose Weight with Seasonal Vegetables

Nutrition Habits – Dr. Mike’s 6 Pillars of Nutrition


Choose Natural and Organic to Fuel up Your Workout

The importance of eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise have been promoted to the general public for some time now. Consumers seem to be getting the message and are hitting the gym in record numbers. But the health benefits of daily exercise may be hampered by the fact that most consumers’ balanced diets don’t actually include very much real food.

As crazy as that sounds, it’s true. Mechanized farming and genetic modification have actually reduced the overall quality and antioxidant value in many of the fresh fruits and vegetables we consumer. But what’s even worse is that many time-strapped consumers turn to prepackaged, processed foods and drive-thru restaurants for a majority of their meals. This is not real food.

What’s the difference?

Conventionally grown fruits, vegetables and grains are typically genetically modified and use dangerous toxins such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and traditionally produced meats and seafood often contain added growth hormones and antibiotics. Consuming such toxins is something everyone should avoid, not just athletes and gym goers.

In addition, processed foods tend to be high in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats, which have been linked to increases in obesity, various diseases and chronic ailments.

However, real foods, such as organic fruits, vegetables and grains, grass-fed meats and wild-caught seafood do not contain any of these toxins, and in some instances may have higher nutritional or antioxidant values.

Why we need real food

Food fuels our bodies, and while the quality of foods we choose is important for everyone, it’s especially important for athletes and exercise enthusiasts who need to replace vital nutrients and energy expended during a workout.

In addition, consuming high levels of antioxidants has been shown to decrease the risk of certain diseases.

What you can do

Increasing your daily intake of real foods isn’t all that difficult. A good place to start is by choosing organic fruits and vegetables. While organic produce can be a little more expensive, it’s easy to mitigate the higher costs by buying what’s in season in your area instead of paying extra for out-of-season produce that had to be transported.

Another good idea is to avoid processed foods whenever possible. While this may mean a bit more meal planning and cooking at home, you’ll likely see an increase in your energy level, which will make it well worth it.

Lastly, try to stay away from foods that are high in unhealthy fats, salt and sugar. This is a tough one for most people, as it usually means avoiding fast food altogether, but you’ll see big improvements on the scale if you’ve been working out in an attempt to lose weight.

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Prepare to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

We hear it all the time. Everyone should eat more fruits and vegetables. In fact, the Center for Disease Control suggests that eating a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables could lower the risk of certain diseases. So why is it that we often reach for a sugary snack or other high-calorie foods when we’re in a hurry and hunger strikes?

More often than not, it comes down to convenience. You try to eat healthy, but when you’re crunched for time it just seems easier to grab a granola bar (which are often high in fat and sugar) or rip open a bag of chips.

Busy shouldn’t mean unhealthy

It doesn’t help that today’s food manufacturers are well-aware of our busy lifestyles. They cash in on our need for eating on the go by selling bite-sized snack foods in individual-serving sized packages. While this sounds great, it makes us far more likely to keep a few packs of high-sodium cheese crackers or miniature sandwich cookies in our gym bags, instead of a banana or an apple.

While there are some companies that offer pre-cut fruits or veggies, they are often much more expensive than buying the whole fruit and may even contain preservatives to keep them fresher longer.

Fortunately, with a little preparation, eating more fruits and vegetables isn’t that difficult, and it can even be less costly than some of those pre-packaged snacks.

A better plan

The key is to plan ahead. Yes, you will need to spend a little time in the kitchen, but it is well worth the effort and will quickly become part of your regular routine.

Start by heading to the produce section of your favorite grocery store or a nearby farmers’ market. Take a look around to see what types of fruits and vegetables they offer, and be sure to look for any special sales they may be having. Buying featured sale items or produce that’s in season is a great way to keep your costs down and will also help you add variety to your diet, as the sale items are likely to change each week.

Another way to keep costs down is to only buy as much as you think you will eat within a few days to a week. Because fresh produce doesn’t contain any preservatives, it doesn’t have as long of a shelf life as most pre-packaged snacks.

Take stock to avoid waste

Once you get your items home, take a quick inventory of your purchase and make a plan for how/when you’ll be eating each item. If you just throw everything in the fridge, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be throwing it all in the garbage next week. But don’t worry, putting a plan together is simple.

For breakfast, fresh blueberries can be used for your morning cereal without much prep work at all. Just wash and store them in the fridge and grab a handful each morning.

For lunch, instead of having those single-serve bags of chips with your sandwich, cut green peppers into wedges or slice carrots into sticks and pack them in sandwich bags. They’ll stay fresh in the fridge for the work week, so you can just grab a bag or two when you pack your lunch.

For dinner or an evening snack, slice a pineapple into cubes and store it in a container in the fridge. They’ll go great with your favorite rice dish, or put some on a skewer if you’ll be firing up the grill. They also make a great evening snack when you feel like something sweet but want to keep it healthy.

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Easy methods to estimate your servings

There is no question that being able to watch your diet is going to be extremely helpful for your overall health. When you learn to estimate the serving sizes you get with each meal, you will have more control of your diet and you will be able to maintain an ideal weight. We are now going to give you some easy methods to estimate your serving sizes and this is going to prove to be very useful for your life in general. Remember that you need to consult with a nutritionist before you make any changes to your diet.

Here are some ideal guides to help you portion control your food. The foods listed below are to be consumed in moderation. One great way the strategies below could work is if you are going out for dinner. Use this portion control guide and take the rest home for later.

This is one of the most common things that people include in their diets. We put butter in many of the foods that we enjoy eating. One tablespoon contains about 34 calories, with a total of 4 grams of fat. The size of this serving is about the size of the tip of your thumb. That would be a good estimation for the amount of butter to consume per meal.

This is probably the most common and popular pasta in the world because it’s very easy to make. ½ cup of cooked spaghetti equals about 99 calories and 1 gram of fat. You should eat a serving that is about as big as your fist and this would be ideal. Remember to try and choose the whole grain spaghetti option to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Chicken soup with noodles
When you eat chicken soup with noodles, you usually eat much more than you are supposed to, because you don’t really feel like you are getting full. The ideal portion is 1 cup to get 175 calories and about 6 grams of fat. This serving is about the size of a baseball.

This is another very common and nutritious pasta that is served in many tables all over the world. The ideal serving for Lasagna is about the size of two hockey pucks. This is the equivalent of 270 calories and 8 grams of fat. Just like spaghetti, try and opt for the whole grain version.

This is one of the top best meals to eat because it includes a lot of protein and it’s perfect for people who want to get lean muscles while losing fat. The ideal serving of steak is about the size of a deck of cards. This means you would be getting 3 oz. of beef and 219 calories with about 13 grams of fat.

Mashed potatoes
This is a great and healthy option to go with your meals. ½ cup of mashed potatoes equals 112 calories and 5 grams of fat. The best way to measure a good portion of mashed potatoes is to compare it with half a standard American Apple. Remember to always eat potatoes in moderation. And if you can, try out sweet potatoes. They taste great and are friendlier to the waste-line.

Cheese is a very delicious food to have, but you need to come up with an ideal amount of cheese to eat. Four standard dice that are used for gambling are the best way to estimate the perfect serving of Swiss cheese for example. This equals 107 calories and 8 grams of fat.

There is nothing more important than being able to keep your meal sizes under control. This is going to help you keep an ideal weight and it also leads to a much healthier lifestyle. Being able to estimate the size of each one of your servings is going to be a very useful method that can have a very positive impact in your life.

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Nutritious Foods That Will Make You Physically Fit

When it comes to being healthy, we all think about exercise. It helps in reducing weight loss, maintenance and prevents many diseases as well as increases the metabolism.

Healthy eating is often overlooked. To increase the fitness level, eating healthy will improve your fitness. Healthy eating and exercise work hand in hand.

Despite the many foods that have been taken to be physically fit in the recent past, there are certain foods that are indeed “super” and provide more nutrients than others. People who are not getting good results from gym workouts need to shake up their diets and think about the missing ingredients to register an improvement. Research has proved that the foods below makes one strong, revamps the metabolism and burns fat. Stocking up on these ingredients is thus quite essential.

Oatmeal. Research has shown that a daily consumption of a bowl of oatmeal lowers blood cholesterol because of its fibre content. Food and drug administration said that the food with a lot of oat bran reduces the risk of heart disease in combination with a low fat diet. This meal is recommended for athletes and weight trainers due to its high concentration in carbohydrates and water soluble fibre which stabilises blood glucose levels.

Raisins. These are good fruits for gaining weight in a healthy way. They contain glucose, fructose and a lot of potential energy. Athletes and bodybuilders who want to add on weight without accumulating unhealthy amount of cholesterol. They boost the diet further because they also have vitamins, amino acids and minerals. They also facilitates efficient consumption of other proteins and vitamins

Bananas. This fruit is known to reduce cancer tumour growth, prevent diarrhoea and heart health. They also boost the mood of athletes during training sessions.

Ginger. Its powder consists of essential nutrients that treat nausea caused by morning sickness, and chemotherapy. It has been known to reduce muscle pain by 20% and thus bodybuilders and athletes should take it.

Tart cherries. By sipping a juice, the cherries are loaded with vital nutrients. They provide a lot of calories and are good for heart health.

Turmeric. It is the main spice in the curry with a warm and bitter taste. They are known to reduce joint pains during training and workouts.

Eggs. Their yolk is rich in amino acids which restarts muscle repair. They have a lot of vitamins and calories that provide energy.

Whey protein. As a mixture of globular proteins, the liquid is a dietary supplement that improves muscle growth and movements in the body.

Salmon. Its meat is nutritious because it enhances muscle growth and strength

Pistachios. They have wholesome nutrition properties as they are good sources of protein, fats and minerals. They reduce post-workout hunger for athletes.

Beets. They provide fibre, vitamins, minerals and small fat amount that boost the cardiovascular health. For this reason, they reduce fatigue during workouts.

Soya beans. They consist of the highest amount of protein content amongst other plant products. It has 8 different amino acids and provides good fibre content for digestion. The beans have calcium which strengthens bones and joints.

By consuming the above foods in correct amounts, athletes and gym goers have no reason to fail in the achievement of their fitness goals.

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Smoothies that combat stress

Stress is inevitable. Unfortunately we face stressful situations on a daily basis. It can be brought about by a variety of scenarios such as work, relationship issues, the death of a loved one, loss of a job and many others. Some of these factors may be unavoidable however, there are foods that can easily help restrain the consequences of high stress levels.

When a person becomes stressed, the body secretes hormones such as epinephrine and cortisol that can lead to sleeping problems, weight gain, depression and even extreme illnesses such as diabetes and cancer. Once the perceived threat is gone, the hormone levels begin to normalize and these effects die down.
If you are often stressed out, there are foods that contain vital ingredients that will help combat and minimalize stress.

A great way to consume these foods is in the form of a smoothie. They taste incredible, easy to make and take you no time at all.
Here are examples of smoothies that help minimize stress levels

  • Bee pollen, nutmeg, cinnamon, Greek yogurt, avocado, carrot, walnut, and almond milk smoothie.
  • Banana, walnut, spinach, coconut oil, almond milk, and almond smoothie.
  • Fig, banana, walnut and water smoothie. This is ideal for someone who prefers fewer ingredients.
  • Pumpkin purée, coconut water, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, ice, banana, Greek yogurt, and walnut.
  • A great day starter is the banana, flaxseed, walnut, granola, and raspberry drink.
  • Avocado, orange, pineapple, and walnut smoothie; the ideal remedy to minimizing stress.

All these smoothies contain important foods that help you to overcome high stress level for instance walnuts; they have omega-3 essential fatty acids that are reported to boost one’s mood, and are highly related to minimizing depression rates.

Also, fruit containing high levels of vitamin C such as berries, kiwi and oranges are scientifically proven to reduce stress.
Bananas minimize stress in a natural manner. It contains a chemical compound (vitamin B6) that increases serotonin levels, soothes the nervous system, and makes you feel more relaxed and less frustrated. Fresh apple juice is great for the body and should be on the menu daily.

Ginger and vanilla bean are also great stress relievers. Ginger helps to boost your current mood and prevents negative energy. Gingerol, which is the main element in ginger, helps clear out malign chemicals secreted by the body that leads to psychological stress when a person is worried. Vanilla beans help soothe, calm and relax the body. Its very smell activates feel-good sensations in the body.
Life has several stressful situations and we will constantly be exposed to them. Having a fruit smoothie rich in vitamin C on a daily basis will help reduce, or even prevent the effects of stress hormones.

Sometimes these stressful situations are unavoidable. But the good thing is that smoothies provide way in which the stress levels can be minimized or even completely eradicated as well as tasting so good! Something as simple as a glass of smoothie daily is all it takes to make the difference.

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