Tips to Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Fruit w:measuring tapeAcute inflammation is your body’s natural and helpful immune response to tissue damage. When you fall off your bike and cut yourself, the cut swells, reddens and feels   inflamed. These are all signs that your immune system is busy at work sending white blood cells to the site of your injury to repair the tissue. In this situation, inflammation is a good thing.

Chronic, out of control internal inflammation  is NOT a good thing, however. Chronic inflammation is thought to increase your risk for heart disease and some cancers.  It is also thought to be a deterrent to fat loss.

Chronic inflammation is thought to be caused by a barrage of environmental, physical and mental invaders. These come in the form of things like poor diet, toxic chemicals, allergens, poor sleep habits, and stress.

Chronic inflammation is hard to detect, but it can cause a host of health problems.  If you think you may be at risk for chronic inflammation, it might be worth getting a check up.  There are blood tests your doctor can do to see if you have underlying hidden inflammation in your body.

There are simply dietary changes you can start doing immediately that may help you if you think you suffer from chronic internal inflammation.

Tips to Reduce Chronic Inflammation

1). Include fresh and dried herbs in your nutrition plan.  Basil, chili peppers, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, turmeric, and ginger, too.

2). Eat berries and tart cherries.  Berries and tart cherries have anti-inflammatory properties, not to mention anti-oxidants and fiber. Lots of good stuff in those berries!

3). Take a fish oil supplement or eat fish 2 times a week.  Fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which are thought to help decrease inflammation.

4). Cook with olive oil. Olive oil is rich in oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that keeps inflammation down.

5). Drink brewed green tea.  Green tea contains a compound called ECGC that is thought to decrease inflammation (I’m drinking green tea as I write this post!!).

6). Eat dark leafy greens as often as you can.

Making these simple changes will not only have you eating healthier—it just may help you reduce internal inflammation.

For more information on an anti-inflammatory diet, check out Dr. Andrew Weil’s website:


The list above gives you ideas of what foods to ADD to your life to reduce chronic inflammation.  We should also discuss a few things we should minimize in our diets to help decrease inflammation.  These include:

1)  Hydrogenated oils

2) Added sugar

3)  Products made with wheat flour

Also, if you know you are allergic to something or just somewhat sensitive to it (soy or gluten, for example), it’s a good idea to minimize it in your diet.  If your allergic or sensitive to it, it’s possible it will create an internal inflammatory response in you.

Always check with your doctor if you think you have a chronic inflammatory condition so that you can be set on the right path for your particular situation.  In the meantime, try some of these dietary suggestions.  Even if you don’t have chronic inflammation, you may find yourself eating just a little bit healthier!

Aside from dietary changes, the two other suggestions I’ll leave you with involve some lifestyle changes.  The two best lifestyle changes to make if you’re not already doing them are:

1)  Get yourself into a pattern of regular, restful sleep.  Lack of sleep causes all sorts of disruptions in your body and can cause you to make poor food choices.  First and foremost—fix your sleep!

2)  Get yourself started on a regular exercise program.  TONS of good things happen when you begin an exercise program!  You’ll sleep better, drop excess body fat, reduce your stress, AND potentially improve a chronic inflammation situation!


If you’re in the San Jose, Campbell or Los Gatos area, I invite you to experience a free one-week trial at a lifeSport Fitness boot camp in San Jose so we can show you how to develop an “anti-inflammatory lifestyle” and have some FUN while you do it!

Committed to your success,




Feeling sad, blue, bad, tired, overwhelmed and fatigued? Your physical well-being is heavily affected by your thoughts and emotions. Try these natural tips to boost our mood:

  1. Take a music break. Listen to some of your favorite music while you lay comfortably on your bed, couch or chair.
  2. Smile. Smiling is contagious, inspiring others to smile back. It makes you feel better and boosts the mood of others around you too.
  3. Get outside and walk.
  4. Watch what you eat. Some types of food can help with your mood. Limit your intake of sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Eat crunchy foods, they make us happy by creating sound waves that trigger pulses in the brain that cause pleasure.
  5. Bask in the sunshine. Getting plenty of natural sunlight will boost your mood and your energy.
  6. Get some rest. Maintain a regular sleep schedule that will improve your energy, focus and creativity while you are awake.
  7. Aromatherapy. Scented candles, oils and fragrance diffusers add an uplifting fragrance to any room.
  8. Spread love. Hug your child, snuggle with a loved one or cuddle your pet, you’ll feel instantly better.
  9. Exercise. Exercising, no matter how light, increases endorphins. It will improve your mood and make your feelings of fatigue disappear.
  10. Clear the clutter. Keeping your home and workspace organized and clutter-free will also increase your energy and productivity.

When you are looking for a little added help through supplements and herbs, you can try these to boost your mood.

Natural Supplements and Herbs

Sage is probably not the first herb that springs to mind for mood disorders. It’s not just a great natural antiseptic in the treatment of sore throats and coughs, but helps change your mood for the better. What really makes sage stand out is its rapid action. Studies have shown reductions in stress and improvements in mood as quickly as one hour after taking the powdered form of the herb.

Passion flower has a long history of use in traditional medicine, and not just in the treatment of mood disorders and anxiety. Studies have shown that passion flower has similar affects as pharmaceutical drugs, but without all the risk of addictions found with drugs. Anxiety, insomnia, and stress symptoms all responded equally well and results can be obtained in as little as two weeks of use.

Guarana is increasingly found in herbal mood and anxiety formulas. Guarana is also a healthy form of an energy drink that is not just an energy booster but will benefit mood.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids will significantly brighten moods. They are safe to take and can be taken alongside prescription and anti-depressant pills.

Bright light therapy can be just as effective in treating depression as antidepressants. Bright light activates circuits in the brain that cause mood-boosting chemical reactions.

St. John’s Wort often works well as an antidepressant. It does so by causing same mood-enhancing chemical changes to the brain as medications prescribed for depression.

SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) is an all-natural compound that increases the brain’s production of two uplifting hormones.

Always make sure you talk to your physician before taking any of these supplements, especially if you are already taking medication for depression.

There are lots of ways to naturally boost your mood if you find yourself waking up on the wrong side of the bed one day. Try some of these suggestions, but if you find it not helping, be sure to talk with your doctor about some other options. Be Happy!

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