Walk of Life

Walking is probably one of the best exercises for human beings. You can walk alone or walk with friends or your children. Walking is one exercise which has benefits galore and can be done by the young and old alike, you don’t need any specialized gym equipment and there isn’t a monthly membership fee. The benefits of walking include improved muscle strength and better balance. Walking will improve bone density and thus decrease your chances of developing osteoporosis. Because walking is easy, most people ignore the very real benefits and affects that walking has on the body and the mind.

To get the most of your walking, start off slowly and walk every second day. Start with about twenty minutes and gradually build up to 45 minutes to an hour five times a week. One of the advantages of walking is that you can do it anywhere, from a treadmill in a gym to out in the park. Remember you are exercising, so don’t dawdle along. Walk at a brisk pace. If you can’t talk with ease, you must slow down, as you are working your heart too hard. Walking will increase the blood flow in the entire body and also regulates the heart beat. This helps to keep heart diseases at bay as the heart is functioning normally due to the daily exercise it is getting.

Concentrate on your posture while you are walking and breathe through each step that you take. Walk tall, but don’t be too stiff. Hold your tummy tight and hold your head erect with your eyeline straight ahead. Your chin should be parallel to the ground. Strides should be long, but not over-stretched. Bend your arms at about 90 degrees and swing at waist level naturally with each step.

Benefits of Walking:

  • Stronger and bigger lungs
  • A stronger heart
  • A lower density of bad cholesterol
  • Better moods
  • Better management of your weight
  • Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

If you want to walk for general health benefits, then you need to walk for at least thirty minutes a day at talking pace. For cardiovascular fitness, you will need to walk three or four days a week at a fast pace. Your breathing should be hard, but you shouldn’t be grasping for air. For weight loss, walk at least five days a week for forty five to sixty minutes at a brisk pace. You should hear yourself breathe, but you should still be able to talk.

By adapting walking as a daily form of exercise you actually are getting your body used to a pattern which helps to increase the body’s metabolism. When you have a higher rate of metabolism then the weight you gain is automatically under check as your body will use up all the calories consumed instead of storing them.

Walking also increases the blood flow to your brain, which helps as a stress buster. When a person is stressed out, the brain goes through dehydration and this leads to fatigue and tiredness. However walking helps in such situations by providing your brain with enough blood supply and this also helps you think clearly when you are going through stressful situations.

Make your walking workout fun. Try including a friend, child in a stroller, or partner they will help you stick to your program and stay committed.

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Beware Gym Equipment

If you want to get fit then a visit to the gym is one of the best things that you can do. However, if you are not careful, then it is very easy to get injured in the gym.As you know, there is a lot of equipment at the gym. All of this equipment needs to be used in a certain way otherwise you can risk serious injury. Perhaps the worst culprits are the machines which involve lifting weight. If the proper technique is not followed there are a number of injuries that can occur, including muscle tears or joint strains. However, it is not just this equipment which can cause problems. You may also be at risk using something as simple as a spinning cycle or even a treadmill if they are not used correctly. In fact, anything in the gym can cause serious problems if you do not know what you are doing.

Before you head to the gym I suggest that you carry out a bit of research with regards to the correct techniques to use for each piece of machinery. This is the only way that you are going to be sure that you will be using them correctly. If you are at the gym then you may want to book an orientation or initial consultation with a fitness trainer. The staff at the gym are there to help so don’t be afraid to ask.

In addition to using the equipment properly (i.e. by following proper technique)it is important that you do not push yourself too hard, and carry out a warm-up beforehand. If you do not do either of these things then the chances of injuring yourself using the equipment are very high. Therefore you want to ensure that you take every possible precaution. This is the only way that you will be able to guarantee your safety.

As you can see, when it comes to safety in the gym it is absolutely vital that you stay on top of things. Don’t worry as the machines are not difficult to learn how to use and if you use them properly then you will cut your risk of injury considerably.

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Fun and Exercise

The nice thing about parks and playground is that they are free and accessible for everyone in the community. There are no more excuses for getting fit and you get to have some fun while doing it. And, if you have young kids, it’s a great way to spend some time with your family – you were probably going to take them to the park anyway…Ten Playground Exercises:

  1. Weights: You can work your body using bodyweight or by safely lifting some of the equipment found in the park (if not secured). Pick up a picnic table or bench. Bring along a kettle bell with you and do several arm workouts.
  2. Step Ups: While your kids might be playing at the park, find a step that you can perform step ups on. Alternate between 1 minute of medium paced step ups and 30 seconds of fast paced step ups.
  3. Move Through the Equipment: By actually trying to walk through the playground equipment, the rings, slides, swings and ladders you’ll find it is quite a workout to squeeze in and out of the kid sized equipment set up. Doing this will help to improve your flexibility and mobility.
  4. Chin Ups: This is a more advanced exercise so don’t worry if you can’t perform them just yet. Start with a jumping chin up and get the help from your legs.
  5. Jogging/Walking: Take a jog around the park. Or, if jogging is too much to start, take a fast paced walk with bursts of jogging, slowing extending the length of the jogging portion. Another twist on a walk in the park is adding lunges. Try some walking lunges as you travel through the park – a great leg exercise.
  6. See-Saw: Actually play on the see-saw. This is a great thigh and butt workout.
  7. Kids Games: Hop-scotch and skipping – these are great games that burn calories and get that heart rate up.
  8. Swing: Sit on the swing, hold the chains securely, and lean back. Lift both legs in front of your body to hip height then bring your knees into your chest, sit up to allow your chest and knees to meet. Continue this for several repetitions. You’ll feel this in your abdominal and hip flexor muscles.
  9. Supported Squat: Using the swing for support, place the swing seat on your upper back. Slowly lean back so that you are standing at a 45 degree angle and being supported by the swing. Bend your knees and lower your buttocks towards the ground. Do not bend your knees more than a 90 degree angle. Then straighten your legs back up to the 45 degree angle position. Continue this for a number of repetitions. You should feel this exercise in your hamstrings, quads, and even your buttocks.
  10. Push Ups: Try doing push up with your hands grabbing the swing seat.

Pick a combination of the workouts above. Mix and match them changing the combinations weekly to keep it fresh. Not only are you getting some fresh air and keeping fit with a healthy active lifestyle, you’re also teaching your kids how to stay fit and showing them how important it is to include and make time for regular exercise in our busy lives.

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Step It Up

For a few, working out is fun! For the rest of us, it is a necessary evil as we battle with our scales and feverishly race against the summer clock, praying that this year we will be able to get into that bathing suit and look half decent. While some see working out as a true hobby-one where they actually enjoy feeling the burn, the majority of us just want to hit that target weight.Tweaking your current workout regime is highly recommended in the working if you are aiming to see results sooner rather than later. A few simply alterations can truly make a difference and get you to reach your goals faster. Check out these ho-hum regimes and commit to making modest changes for a fast tracked new program and stellar results.

Current: Dumbbell Work

Bicep curls, shoulder press, tricep extensions, etc. There are many dumbbell exercises that you’ve probably done hundreds of times. You may feel comfortable doing these exercises and have probably increased your weight load many times. The problem is that you’re muscles will get bored and your results will plateau.


Instead of using a dumbbell pick up a kettle bell. By performing the same exercises with a kettle bell you’ll notice two things. One: you won’t be able to use the same amount of weight as you could with the dumbbell. Two: Your muscles will fatigue much more quickly than with the dumbbell. The reason this occurs is because of the change in your grip when holding the kettle bell and the difference in the balance of the weight.

Current: Push- Ups

It may surprise you to know that a large percentage of people doing push-ups, which is a great all over body exercise, are actually doing them incorrectly because they are only utilizing partial range of motion and doing them too quickly. By doing so, the results are nowhere what they could be.


Instead of using the partial range of motion technique, opt for a full range motion and slow down the pace of each push-up. Begin by starting at the floor level and pushing your entire body weight all the way upwards, so that your elbows are able to get into a locked position.

Your elbows should ideally be at a 45 degree angle so that you aren’t overextending. Keep your body flexed and straight in the plank position and as you lower yourself to the floor do so in a count of “three seconds” on the way down and “three seconds” on the way up.

This will target specific muscles and use all of your body weight evenly. Remember to inhale on the way up and exhale as you lower to the floor.

Current: Walking

Walking and running are excellent cardio exercises and they can also help to build muscle. However, leisurely walks offer less results and if you really want to burn calories you need to ensure that your heart rate is elevated or else the walk will accomplish little.


Anyone can turn their walking sessions into a calorie-burning workout by adding these simple tricks:

When walking, be sure to swing your arms constantly. To do this, bend your arms at the elbow at a 90 degree angle and pump your arms as you as you walk. This will burn about 15 percent more calories and will also help elevate your heart rate.

You can also add wrist or ankle weights of two or three pounds which will force you to expend more energy and help with toning the various muscles throughout your body.

Walk different paths occasionally so your body doesn’t hit a boring rut and you will be utilizing different muscle groups. It’s best to choose a path that offers both inclines and declines along the way. This will challenge your muscles groups, elevate your heart and tone the body.

Also listen to music as you walk as the beats will automatically put a little pep in your step.

Current: Sit-ups

We all want flat abs and most of us kill ourselves doing crunches to the point of exhaustion. Recent studies show that crunches are actually less effective than we once thought. The abs consists of many different muscle groups, and crunches only address one.


Ditch the crunches and start doing planks. Not only are they easier on the neck and back, this exercise will target every region in the abdominals at one time and will be more effective.

Another amazing ab exercise is the Pilates Hundred. This also targets all the muscle groups in the abdominal area and will reach the core areas quickly and efficiently. To perform these exercises do the following:

Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and your palms facing down. Gently lift your shoulders off the mat and with your arms still extended out, palms down, pump your arms about six inches up and down in a rhythmic motion, exhaling with each pump. Arms should remain close to your sides and don’t go beyond the six inches with your range of motion.

Continue until you have reached a hundred pumps.

To make this more challenging you can keep your head and shoulders off the mat and at the same time your bent knees can also be elevated off the floor which really targets the core muscles.

Be sure to keep your lower back pressed into the floor and your lower abs should be pulled in tightly for the best results.

By adding these minor tweaks to your regular workouts you’ll break through that plateau and start seeing results faster.

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Do You Need a Workout Makeover?

The responsibility for your workout plan rests squarely on your shoulders. Unless you have hired a personal trainer, there is nobody there to give you advice on whether you need to have a complete workout makeover or not. It is therefore up to you to spot the signs. In this article I am going to run through some of the most common signs that you’re in an exercise slump. If you notice any of these, change your workout, and fast.

Firstly, there is no denying that at the start of your workout plan you are going to be sore. That is the nature of the beast. However, as you continue this pain should start to disappear and you should hopefully end up feeling fantastic. However, if you are waking up sore each and every day, then this is as good indication that the plan is having an adverse effect on your body. Perhaps you are pushing yourself too hard. In this instance you are going to need to change your plan sooner rather than later. The pain can be in the muscles, joints, or pretty much anywhere else. In addition to this, if you have an injury which isn’t healing, despite your workout plan then it is likely you will need to change to something less strenuous.

Another problem is when people stick to the same workout plan. Every single day, they do the same thing time and time again. This is going to get boring, very boring. If you feel that you are bored, perhaps you are skipping workouts then it is time to change to something that is fun. Working out is meant to be a healthy activity but it also has to be enjoyable. If you find it boring, you will give up.

In addition to this, you may get bored quickly if the workout is far too comfortable for you. If you feel as though you don’t really need to put any effort into working out then you will need to push yourself even further. Don’t push yourself too hard though, this will lead to you giving up in your workout because it’s too hard.

Perhaps the biggest indicator that could result in you needing a workout makeover is the fact that you aren’t seeing results. This could mean not achieving the fitness levels that you crave, or simply not losing weight. What you need to realize is that everybody’s body is different. Some may benefit from one thing, another may not. Therefore you will need to be willing to change should you not notice any results. Don’t leave it too long. Especially if you have goals to reach.

Remember, it is important that you give yourself a workout makeover sooner rather than later. After all, if you continue doing something which is causing you pain, or perhaps not allowing you to reach your goals then you will lose motivation. Once the motivation is gone it will be more difficult to get it back to reach your fitness goals.

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Russian Kettlebells Vamp up Your Workouts

By now we all know that in order to lose weight we need to be conscious about what we eat and integrate some exercise into our daily routines. Fewer people however place as much stock into strength training, but the fact is, by adding this to your workout regime, you can increase your fitness results by an absorbent amount.The latest technique, which has its roots in Russia, is known as Kettlebell Training and it is quickly becoming one of the most popular and effective training programs in around the World.

What Are Kettlebells?
Kettlebells are constructed of heavy cast iron and very much resemble a typical cannonball but also include a thick handle for gripping. Because of their weight, some may find it challenging to work with them at first, but their benefits are many.

Utilizing the kettlebell requires a lot of strength and balance and it is within those aspects that the myriad of benefits can be reaped. When exercising, the more we engage our core muscles and focus on stabilization and balance, the more toned those muscles become. When combined with the calories burned, weight loss happens at a much more rapid rate, so you are toning and burning fat simultaneously.

Kettlebells come in weights that begin at 8 pounds and are upwards of 105 pounds. Until you get used to working with them, experts recommend beginning with the smaller weights in order to avoid injury.

Incorporating Kettlebells into Your Regime
The added weight of the kettlebell and the techniques that one needs to implement when using them ensures that not only is the exercise more challenging but they also promote proper body alignment. The shape of the equipment forces the user to keep it close to the body when conducting the exercises which means they are using movements that are naturally aligned with how we should be moving and helps them to stay within the natural range of movement.

Although challenging, using this piece of equipment is simplistic especially if one has ever worked with similar equipment like dumbbells or free weights. Many of the exercises are the same, as are the movements. The main difference is that the kettlebell does not provide as much free reign of motion that other equipment does, so the movements are more challenging and restrictive, which promotes better toning and faster weight loss.

Just with any other strength training, professionals recommend incorporating kettlebells into your routine a couple of times per week and in between your cardio days. Below are some of the exercises that beginners can start with.

Kettlebell Swing
This is a basic kettlebell move that all beginners can perform easily. The movements will engage your core muscles in the shoulders, abdomen and thighs. Remaining in proper form is essential so injury doesn’t occur so focus on your stance and movements as you learn.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your back naturally curved and balancing your weight on your back heels. With your knees slightly bent (as if you were performing a squat) take one or two kettlebells in each hand and bring it up to chest level. With your elbows remaining tightly enclosed to your body.

Once your arms are parallel to your chest area, pause with the kettlebells for 5 seconds and then release them back to starting position. Keep your abs tucked in tightly and make sure you are pulling the kettlebells with your shoulders and arms, not your back. Do 10 reps to start with and then gradually increase to 3 sets of 10.

Turkish Get-Ups
Lie on your back while holding one kettlebell straight up in the air with your left hand. Your elbow should remain in a locked position and the kettlebell should rest on your forearm. Using your right hand for balance and to prop your body up, swing your left leg toward the butt area while putting your right knee on the ground.

This will put you in a half-kneeling position and is needed for stabilization as you complete the exercise. Keeping your arm straight, stand up while looking at the kettlebell. This stand up transition should be slow and deliberate as it is meant to work all the muscles in your core areas including the back, abdomen and thighs. That is one complete rep.

Start with 10 reps and then gradually work your way to 3 sets of 10.

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The Best Supplements to Enhance Your Fitness and Health

There are hundreds of supplements available on the market that make promises of being the best supplements for fitness and health. Aside from the fact that many don’t live up to their claims, consumers also have to sort through the flurry of information on each of them in order to conclude which will actually benefit them. Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, this task can be challenging as not all products are created equal and many are tailored to produce specific results. The first thing that should be considered when choosing a supplement is gender. Men and women’s bodies are vastly different in genetic make-up and thus will respond to products differently. Typically the fitness goals of men will differ from women’s and this too will impact which supplements will work for them as opposed to women.

For Men


Whether male or female, one supplement that should be incorporated into any fitness regime is a multivitamin. The key here is to choose a multivitamin that is tailored for men’s bodies and that means choosing one that has an elevated amount of iron and calcium. Iron and calcium are essential when building muscle mass and bone density and they are also helpful in fighting off heart disease.

Choose a vitamin that has as many vitamins and nutrients as possible but don’t choose one that promises more than 100% nutritional value as these are gimmicky, more expensive and won’t provide any additional benefits.


Rarely do people take in as much protein as they need, even when they think they do. Protein tablets are important in any fitness regime because it not only benefits muscles but it also helps to keep you full longer so you won’t snack in between meals. If possible choose a protein that is in powder form because it will dissolve quicker than a pill or capsule and they also have an abundance of amino acids which helps with muscle injury recovery and will strengthen muscles quicker. Choose a soy or whey based protein power.


Creatine is a dream come true for men who are looking to build muscle mass quickly and research shows that it will assist in muscle building and healing the fibers within muscles caused by long, excessive workouts. Most nutritionists recommend three to six grams per day after each workout and you can increase that amount up to twenty grams within a reasonable amount of time.

Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements are loaded with omega 3’s and has a long history of helping the body fight off heart disease. They also have a ton of anti-inflammatory components which will assist your joints in their flexibility, help to decrease muscle aches and inflammation and help muscles heal faster.

These fatty acids are found in lean fish such as salmon and tuna as well as some nuts. If your diet already has a steady stream of these foods, you may not need an additional supplement, but few people get the recommended dose which is 300 to 1200 mg per day.

For Women


Women also need a multivitamin as it will replace or offer any nutritional deficiencies that you may have and be lacking from your diet. As with men, choose one that has no more 100% nutritional value but make sure that it includes a decent amount of vitamin C and D as well as folic acid and magnesium as these are the vitamins most women are lacking in and can ward off heart disease, osteoporosis and illnesses like dementia.

Flax Seed

This is a great supplement for men as well as women but it is often chosen more by women because of the low cost and because it boasts of improving mental acuity; something that is very attractive to busy women with a lot on their plate. Flax Seed has many properties that earns it a place as a top contender for health and fitness. These include helping to lubricate joints and muscles which improves flexibility and decreases the risk of injuries, as well as metabolism boosting qualities for those looking to shed a few pounds. Flax seed has also been known to thwart heart illness and improve cardiovascular health because it contains fatty acids.


Although most people think about bones when speaking of calcium, many new studies are showing positive results regarding calcium and weight loss, something many women contend with. It is now thought that calcium not only strengthens bones, but it also helps break down some of the fatty foods we eat and assists them in passing through the body easily, thereby increasing weight loss.

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Fitness Destinations

It may seem strange, even for you the reader, to say that Caribbean vacations, specialty spa resorts and skiing in Colorado are all getting old and boring. Perhaps a fitness vacation could be in order to spice up your old vacation habits. If you have thought about this already, you are among many others who feel the same. With all the pressure for us to become and remain fit, thousands are now taking their vacations to a whole new level. Destination fitness vacations are the latest rage, and here you will see why giving them a shot could be the best thing you have ever done. Here are some amazing fitness vacation destination hot spots.

Cinque Terre
Located in northern Italy, Cinque Terre has gained popularity over the last decade and is one place that must be considered if a fitness vacation is what you’re after. There are 5 towns or “lands” as most refer to them that make up the Cinque Terre: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso. Each of these lands or towns has something to offer in the way of nightlife, wineries, museums and lots of historical sites. Enjoy a nice meal in any of the quaint town’s waterside or embark on a scuba or diving expedition. Also there is the infamous walking trail which is 11 Kilometers long in total. Throughout the hiking path there are many challenges to be met for the fitness enthusiast.

Crystal Cruises
If you have your heart set on a cruise but still want a vacation that is active, Crystal Cruises are a great choice. On board guests can enjoy a state of the art gym, many holistic classes like Yoga and Pilates or take a jog on the boat’s top track while viewing the sea and enjoying the breezes. The menu aboard this cruise line is packed with nutritious meals and snacks and the ship makes plenty of pit stops along the way so you can still enjoy shopping, a cocktail or dining when you need a break from getting fit.

Hawaii is a popular tourist spot and SwellWomen combines the luxury of sunbathing in the tropics with the perfect fitness vacation destination. One of the main activities on this vacation is paddling which just happens to be one of the best ways to tighten and tone those hard to reach spots. The packages also include surfing lessons, some snorkeling and Yoga Classes. There is sure to be something for everyone. SwellWomen caters to their female clients, but also has vacation packages for co-ed, couples and single males as well.

New Life Hiking Spa
Killington, Vermont is where this fitness destination is and for a U.S. vacation it has a lot to offer those who want to stay moving and get inspired to be fit. These vacations include hiking in the Appalachian Mountains, swimming, and even wellness workshops where you can learn about nutrition. They also offer cooking classes, spinning and Yoga. With so many activities to do, and being surrounded by beautiful foliage and nature, this fitness destination is somewhere everyone should consider.

The Amansala Resort in Tulum, Mexico
Perhaps the only thing that could make a vacation to Mexico better is a fitness buff embarking on their Amansala vacation. The most popular one here is referred to as a “mini boot camp” and it isn’t for the faint of heart. This vacation will not only teach you how to get your body in tip top shape, it will give you a powerful kick start. Activities include all kinds of body sculpting classes, classics like Pilates and Yoga, kayak sessions and abdominal classes. Once your workouts are done, enjoy sunbathing on the beach and eating one of their many low-fat meals specially designed to not interfere in your weight loss goals.

For the animal in you, taking a one week fitness excursion in Kenya may be just what the doctor ordered. This week long fitness vacation will be like no other that you have ever had. Along with getting into shape, guests can expect to see some cool wild life, eat some local and healthy fare as well as shed pounds. Most of the fitness routines here take place in the beautiful outdoors such as runs along the amazing beaches and swimming obstacle courses. Each day will bring with it a run as well as a couple tailored exercise sessions. For down time you can also attend one of the tour guided safaris or wade in the crystal clear oceans.

There are many other options for a fitness vacation; if you want to put aside the usual lazy days and step up to something truly unique, challenging and adventurous, all while bettering your health, a fitness vacation just might be worth a try!

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Take A Hike

Many people spend hours and hours in the gym because they believe that this is best way to get into shape. To a certain extent it is, however, there are a number of reasons why you may want to incorporate hiking or walking into your exercise regime. Let’s take a little look at a few of these reasons.As you can probably guess, hiking and walking are cardiovascular exercises. This means that this exercise gets your heart pumping and your lungs working. As a result, it will have a much greater effect on reducing heart disease and the chance of heart attacks. You will not get this same sort of benefit by weight lifting alone.

Walking is also fantastic for relieving stress. If you choose to walk in a beautiful area, you won’t even know that you are exercising! Walking is well known for releasing some of the ‘feel good’ chemicals such as adrenaline and endorphins. These help to boost your happiness levels, and of course make you feel less stressed. When you’re feeling over worked and stressed out walking can help clear your head while at the same time incorporate exercise into your busy day.

It can also be a social activity. You can go out walking with your friends and use that time exercising to catch up and trade stories. Just like running clubs you can also find walking or hiking clubs in your area. Joining these clubs is a great way to meet new people and improve your health. When you combine exercise with social activities it keeps you motivated to carry on with your exercise program.

I know I have already mentioned some of the benefits that hiking can bring, but let’s take a little look at them in even greater depth:

  • Improved Cardiovascular System, for example, your blood will flow better, heart will work more efficiently and your lungs as well. In short, you will be much fitter.
  • Improved Muscles. Hiking is great for building up the muscles, and is a fantastic break from the gym. You won’t be putting your muscles under too much of a strain either.
  • Combats various problems with the body. For example, the chance of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
    <li.One of the best methods for weight loss. In just an hour you can burn 370 calories, not a lot compared to some activities, but it won't really feel like a 'workout' and is a great starting point for people who haven't exercised before.

  • Great for sleeping better. Studies have shown that those who regularly engage in hiking tend to sleep better at night.

In order to feel the benefits of hiking or walking you don’t really need to devote much time to it. All that is required is around 30 minutes a day for five days of the week. Surely you can manage that amount of time? Trust me, incorporating hiking into your exercise regime could perhaps be one of the best decisions that you have ever made.

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Benefits of Aerobics

There are more benefits from aerobics for your body that you could possibly count. All over the world, people are talking about new and better ways to work out, because all over the world the health of the general population is declining. Therefore, doctors and other health care professionals are trying to create more awareness of the benefits of aerobic activity.There are simply too many benefits of aerobics to mention in a short article. However, there are a few that stick out as very important. For instance, the best way that you can make sure you are living a healthy life is to get your heart rate pumping, and the absolute best way to get your heart rate going is aerobics. Aerobics requires constant movement without any resting for an established period of time. Allowing your heart to keep going a higher rate than resting for a set amount of time is one of the best ways to get healthy, because this delivers blood and oxygen to each part of your body at an even faster rate.

There are also many more benefits to aerobics that you might not have even realized. Besides making your heart and lungs strong, aerobics makes all of your muscles stronger because you have to keep them moving for longer periods of time without stopping. Aerobics not only helps with you cardiovascular endurance but it will also increase your muscle endurance allowing your body to work for longer periods of time. This transfers into many areas of your life and not just fitness.

Aerobics comes in many forms. Most people think of aerobics classes at the gym or step classes when the term aerobics comes up. Yes,  those are two forms of “aerobics”, but there are many other activities that you can partake in to get the full benefits of aerobics. Team sports have an aerobic component to them so if you play soccer or hockey you are getting a form of aerobic activity. You could try a dance class, walking briskly, tennis with your partner, or any activity that elevates the heart rate for a sustained time period.

Not sure how to start an aerobic exercise program, contact your local fitness pros at lifeSport Fitness if you’re interested in learning more ways to increase your aerobic activity. In a few short personal training sessions or boot camp workouts, we can give you ideas on how to start or improve upon your exercise program.

Always consult your physician before starting any new exercise program. You will never feel so healthy as when you are working out and taking care of yourself. Getting into an aerobics routine is one of the best way for you to accomplish this.

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